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Brunettes Vs. Blondes


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There are hot brunettes, hot blondes, hot red heads, and hot girls who rock pink and purple hair.


I think most men and women would agree that if a girl is hot, it has little to do with her hair color specifially, but rather more to do with the entire package of who she is.




..she's got a good point..

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Hmmm...I've been both and like both. I think it depends on how the woman looks with that particular hair color. I've seen some natural blonds go dark and it looks awful. Some natural brunettes go blond and that can look awful. I really think it depends on the person's coloring and facial features. It doesn't have to do with the actual color, but the overall appearance.

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I'm naturally a dark brunette with very pale green eyes. I tend to get no more guys hitting on me than the average girl. About 2 years ago I did the bleach blonde thing. I was hit on CONSTANTLY. I couldn't leave my house without stares, comments or phone number asking.


I'm fairly shy and I found this to be way too overwhelming. People started to refer to me as "the blonde one with the big boobs". No guys would remember my name. It was horrible.


A couple of months later I went back to dark. I paid the price from the bleach. My hair was in terrible condition. It took 18 months to get back to normal.


It's funny because my personality didn't change at all but people's perception of me did. I think much of the time, blondes are still seen as sex objects (as I was) and brunettes get taken more seriously. I haven't tried out being a red head yet, but I don't think it would suit me.


Funnily enough, all the men I've had one-night stands/friends w/benefits with have been blonde. The 3 I've had relationships with have been brunettes...I wonder if that's a reflection of them...or me?

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As pointed out by a previous poster, there are beautiful women of all hair colors and no guy is likely to turn down a beautiful woman who is interested in him, regardless of her hair color. That is true. However, who is he more likely to approach?


I've felt for a long time that beautiful brunettes are much easier to approach and start a conversation with than a blonde of equal looks.


By contrast, a beautiful blonde probably (almost certainly) gets so much attention from aggressive guys that she could not care less if I approached her. In fact, she might rather not be bothered.


Actually, that is not always the case because over the years I have met a few beautiful blondes who liked me and showed interest. My first GF was a natural dark and gold blonde. We had the same hair and eye color. However, in general, I think my feeling is correct based on years of observation.


A local platonic lady friend of mine told me about some study that was done in our area about whether attractive brunettes or blondes were more open and friendly to being approached by a man. She said the study found brunettes are generally more friendly and appreciate some attention, while blondes by contrast are getting to much attention and don't need or want more. That agrees with my personal experiences.


So I (and probably other shy types) am much more likely to approach an attractive brunette, than an equally attractive blonde. There are exceptions when a blonde is outgoing and friendly to me and then I will engage in conversation, but that's when she initiates it. If it's up to me to initiate, then I'm going for the brunette.


However, I do think blondes attract a lot of aggressive men who like a challenge and the competition of many other guys swarming after her.


For less aggressive guys (like me) the brunettes offer the attraction of likely being friendlier and not having to compete with a swarm of aggressive guys. Of course, if the woman approaches me, then all bets are off and hair color does not matter.


That said, I really do find brown and/or black hair with or without red or blonde highlights extra attactive. Yet an attractive blonde also looks good to me, even though I probably won't approach her.


I think that a change in a woman's hair color not only has a likely effect on how many guys approach her, but also which types of guys approach her.

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I have not been able to locate the specific experiment my lady friend told me about that showed brunette women are typically more friendly, approachable, and open to men. The study exists somewhere, but I can't find it.


The rest of the experiments-studies below are based on men's perceptions, not women's actual behavior. An important distinction, IMO.


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Let's be fair. If you do meet a dumb blonde, she's probably a brunette dyed blonde, not a natural blonde. That is statistically likely since most blondes are artificial.


Then there's this journal-study that in it's abstract observes that over the years more blondes have appeared in Playboy magazine than any other hair color. Whay does that suggest? Obviously that blondes are sexually popular with men. link removed




Based on my interpretation of the above studies: if you want max respect, be a brunette. If you want to be wanted for a longer term relationship, be a brunette. If you want max attractiveness for a quick fling, be a blonde. At least that's how I interpret the various studies above. That does not mean I agree with those studies. Those studies reflect the men in those studies, not my personal tastes, opinions, or preferences.


Personally, I prefer brunettes for attraction reasons and because I perceive them to typically be more friendly and approachable (with some exceptions). I do NOT think hair color has anything to do with brains, talent, or capability, but many other men apparently think so based on those studies above.


In the end, none of that matters anyway to me, if we like each other. However, it might matter to ladies with regard to your chance of promotion, pay rate, and how many and which guys approach you. Read the studies above and draw your own conclusions.

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Oh, and for your information, the typical blue eyed natural blonde is actually a mutation caused by excessive marrying between cousins, typical in scandinavia... not that it was dangerous but..


Baloney. Excuse me, but I'm a natural blonde with light skin and I'm not inbred. The marrying cousins stuff did used to happen all over the world in the past with all races of people. That was something that used to be common and normal everywhere, but it does not account for blue eyes or blonde hair anymore than it accounts for dark eyes and dark skin.


These things are climate adaptations.


I read all about dark eyes vs blue eyes in the past. Brown and black eyes are adapted to see best in bright light because they have more cones. So people with darker eyes tend to have better vision in bright light. i.e. - sunny climates. Darker eyes also have more resistance to sun damage. Dark eyes are ideally adapted to sunny climates.


Blue eyes have less cones and more rods than brown eyes. Blue eyes are adapted to seeing better in dim light. So blue eyes tend to see better in dim light and at night than brown eyes do. i.e. - overcast, cloudy climates. Blue eyes are ideally adapted to overcast, dim, low light climates.


If you don't believe me, then go look it up. You can read this at many sources. Some sources just say that brown eyes have more cones and blue eyes have more rods. Other sources will explain the implications to eyesight and adaption to climate.


Dark skin is adapted to sunnier climates because it resists sun burn and skin cancer better. Light skin is better adapted to dimmer, cloudier climates, and also climates near the poles where sun is weak (angle with earth). This because lighter skin absorbs sunlight faster, which is an advantage in dim light because it helps the person absorb more vitamin D from the sun faster. That is an important advantage in dim light, especially before the days when people could buy vitamins. I just recently learned this on educational T.V.


So darker eyes and skin are adaptations to sunnier, hotter climates. Blue eyes and light skin are adaptations to climates with less sun. i.e. - colder and/or rainier climates. No one is better than anyone else, but we are different due to climate adpaptations reasons.

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Most of my male friends and my boyfriend prefer blonde girl with light skin and coloured eyes. The interesting part it that most of them have dark brown or black hair and kinda tanned skin. So could it be that opposite attract or something?

I'm a natural blonde myself and I wouldn't say I get more attention from guys then my brunette or redhaired friends in general. However, I noticed that a lots of guys are actually after the bleached blondes, Paris Hilton kinda hair.. So basically most of guys are after brunettes that bleach their hair. Did anyone else noticed that or it only my experience?

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Yeah, yeah, we've all heard about how blondes are sooo freakin hot. But what makes them hot? Why go for a hot blonde, when you can have a gorgeous brunette? Or why not a fiery redhead?


Boys, please let me know, because I don't understand the male fascination with blondes.


I like all girls.


Variety is the spice of life.

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I'm a natural blonde myself and I wouldn't say I get more attention from guys then my brunette or redhaired friends in general. However, I noticed that a lots of guys are actually after the bleached blondes, Paris Hilton kinda hair.. So basically most of guys are after brunettes that bleach their hair. Did anyone else noticed that or it only my experience?


That was mentioned as a possiblity in one of the studies I quoted and put a link to.


I think that's because the artificial blondes have darker skin, which does contrast nicely with blonde hair. I do like fake blondes for many of the same reasons that I like brunettes. However, I don't think there's any shortage of people who like natural blondes too. That's why natural blondes are becoming less common and will become extinct. It's because they typically marry someone darker than themselves. That's the opposites attracting thing.


You can clearly see that when you see most couples together. How often do you see two blondes together? How often do you see a blonde with someone darker than themself? I'm a natural blonde and I typically go for women darker than myself. So yes, I do think opposites attract, which will eventually result in no more natural blondes since that's not a dominent gene.

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Actually, I think it's clear to everyone that opposites attract for many people. There's no question that this is common.


The better question is why do opposites attract for many people?


I think it's because opposites are the extreme opposite of inbreeding. So I think it's natural and instinctive to be attracted to people with substantially different looks. I think it's a natural instinct that promotes genetic diversity, which is a healthy thing.

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personally, i love red hair and wish i had that deep kind of burnt orange color hair... but i love dark hair and have never desired to be blonde. and if guys want girls who spend $150 every two months to over-process the life out of their hair so when they run their fingers through it, they get a handfull, let them. i'm keeping my dark hair.

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Now I don't really care about hair color...


When I was younger blondes were my least favorite color, don't know why...


Then I had a run of four blonde gf's in a row, guess I overlooked what my favorite color was...lol... Oh and 2 were natural and 2 were not...


Although I will say I have a weak spot for very long, curly hair...


Don't know why, just do...

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personally, i love red hair and wish i had that deep kind of burnt orange color hair... but i love dark hair and have never desired to be blonde. and if guys want girls who spend $150 every two months to over-process the life out of their hair so when they run their fingers through it, they get a handfull, let them. i'm keeping my dark hair.


Ahahaha. That sounds like my former hair. As a young adult in my early and mid twenties, I was golden strawberry blonde on top and very light auburn brown on sides and back.


Everytime I combed my hair, there'd be a comb full of strawberry blonde hair. I soon learned to get a short hair cut (had been long) and NOT comb it anymore. I wasn't over processed, or processed at all. This was natural blonde hair naturally turning into male pattern baldness in my 20s.


In my 30s, I no longer loose my hair. The blondest hair on top is mostly gone, but the light auburn to dark strawberry blonde on the sides and back is a permanent fixture.


Your post about running fingers through blonde hair and getting a handful reminded me of me in my 20s. Ha ha.

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