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PLEASE help me out. could i be pregnant??


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ok first off i am starting to get very worried because i always start my period 1 or 2 days earlier than when i started it the month before. i have never been late in 8 years. for some reason i cannot remember when i started my period last month but i was thinking it was around the 14th...but at least no later than the 17th. well today is the 16th and like i said i am always a few days early at least and theres still no sign of any bleeding. before my period i always get a lot of acne and my breasts get sore. well about a week ago both of those things started happening so i thought i would start. well they are also both signs of pregnancy as well. i took 2 early detection pregnancy tests both which came out negative so i thought i was ok. well today i read the directions and noticed it said to hold the test in the urine for only 5 seconds and no longer. well i held it in my urine for 10 seconds because the pregnancy tests i had bought before were supposed to be in the urine for 10 seconds. so now im wondering if the test results were false because i held it in there for too long. also im wondering how possible it is to get pregnant when your boyfriend always wears a condom AND pulls out before he ejaculates. because that is what we always do when we have sex. any opinions? does it sound like im pregnant? and does it matter if you hold the test in the urine too long?

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From what you described, it sounds unlikely that you are pregnant. But always possible still.


You don't remember the day that your period started last month, so it's likely that it might not have been the day you are thinking.


Give it a week to see if your period comes. Try not to worry about it at this point. The amount of stress this is causing you might cause your period to actually be late.

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Keep in mind also that October has 31 days in it. So lets say you started last month on the 17th......


That means that your period would right now be a few days late.


Get another test just to be sure, if you are stressing out though it could delay it even if you are not pregnant.

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Take a deep breath........ok now I think it is unlikely that you are pregnant(tho not impossible) and I say give it a week at least, then if you still havn't had your period...I would consider taking another test, and or seeing a doctor for proper diagnosis. It can be caused by many things, stress being one of them. And for the record I don't think holding the stick for an extra 5 seconds would matter much. Take care and keep us posted.

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Don't worry about it. You are probably not pregnant. Usually if you stress over it it will delay your period even more because you are stressed. Anything could cause it to be late by a couple of days. You have taken the pregnancy tests, and they came out negative. Give it a week and if nothing happens then go to your doctor.

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From what you've described, it sounds very unlikely that you could be pregnant, particularly because your bf and you use protection every time and he also pulls out before ejaculating.


Other things can cause a period to be late, a cold, virus, infection, stress, and many cycles gradually change over time anyway.


Try not to worry. I bet if you can relax for a day or two and keep your mind off it, your period will show up.

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