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Cat-Calling.. Thoughts?


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LOL, yes, it was really sweet...


I was right in the middle of town, in the square, brightly lit and things, so I didnt feel threatened at all.


I might be weirded out if I was walking down a dark street, but then maybe not, it depends.


this city is different to the last one I was in, if you didnt respond enough people could get mean. Here I just smile and its fine


Then again, I get leered at my gross men alot here too... I was on the train the other day and this disgusting old guy was sitting there sucking his teeth at me... it was revolting.


and random guys were brushing their hand over my butt as I was talking to my bf in the pub where he works... that was fine as I was drunk, so I pretended nothing happened, but I think it upset my bf a bit, he appreciates people looking, but not touching

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and ur bf didnt punch somebody in the nose...!!


i would total somebody who does that to a girl who is my company.... even if i am not strong enuf, i ll fight.. however i never got a chance is another matter lol


I can look after myself, he knows not to fight for me unless I ask him too.

I find it kinda embarrassing if guys fly off the handlein my honor.


But then, he makes it obvious hes protective over me, but respectful, which is perfect

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  • 2 months later...

I hate it..its horribly pathetic.


tho my one guy-friends does it constantly and I yell at him and make fun of him all the time for it but he gets plenty of booty from it... lol blows my mind! but then again its NYC....


hes a special case tho.


The most memorable time a guy cat-called at me was when I was walking from the gym and he & his idiot buddy were hangin out of their car windows hollering some nonsense and they werent paying attention and they drove straight into a fence! that was a good time lol




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I think at times it is an ego boost, but i honestly think the type of man who does this is so immature.


It is a certain mindset and not all men do it. I could never date a man who thought cat calling was cool. My husband who is not a prude by any means always said that the men who cat call seem to have only evolved a notch or two from the cave man. LOL

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I think it's incredibly rude. There might be certain very rare occasions when it's even a little bit ok (maybe at a wild party or if you shout it at one of your friends), but even so its tricky.


Now that this has been brought up it's reminding me of one time when I was around 7 at a mall with my mom and some creepy loser made a cat-call at her from the second floor. What kind of low-life cat-calls a woman in front of her little children?

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What are your thoughts on cat-calling [shouting things at people i.e. "hey sexy!" or "dang girl/boy, you fine!"]




I absolutely hate it. I think it's SO annoying and disrespectful. It only makes you look like a total moron. Get some guts and actually go up to a girl/guy and talk to her/him, not shout random things at her/him.


Some stupid drunk chicks did this to me last night. I kept walking.

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I always have a good time when I'm around a girl who is being cat-called. I've never done it and never would because it's lame. But a couple of weeks ago a girl was coming out of a hair salon by a strip mall so she was looking pretty good... Some joker yelled out of his car at her as I was walking a little behind her. She seemed to ignore it but I had to chime in. "The sun must have been in that dude's eyes..... he needed a closer view before he opened his mouth." She got this 'I can't believe he just said that' look -- those looks are the best. I kept a straight face as long as I could. She was a good sport and we walked and talked for a couple of minutes.

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hmmmmm well in the area i live which is filled with ghetto minorities i see this often.....and girls seem to have no problem with it, they usually smile and say that dood got game hes like that.....but when someone comes up to them and shakes their hand and intorduces himself they automatically throw him to the waste beacuse he dosent have that thug demoneor....


now if someone said it 2 my girlfrind...odds are im not going to do anything....why cz i have confidence in myself...i dont have to go punch a dood just cz he says something, thats why i always wanted a laid back girl, cz for one im not going to go confornt every dood that tries to come on to her, she should be able to reject him....and if hes steady coming on to her and shes uncomfortable thats when i'll step in.....im not a thug by no means, but if they are consistantly harassing her i would alleviate the situation, as far as something like hey girl u cute.....hey thanks dood, u just made me look like a balla cz i got a cute girl o my arm what about u?

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