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Cat-Calling.. Thoughts?


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(he used the L, its just lowecase, silly)


So he's laughing his A off, or is he's licking it off? Those intials work for either. He did mention licking after all.


Note to Aurian: Do you observe how smoothly I set you up in my prior post to answer a question I already knew the answer to, so I could then deliver the next one liner. Ha ha ha, he he hehaw! Thanks for the fun. Also, thanks CPC.

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Glad I could be of assistance!


But... can you guys can go lick your asses somewhere else please?


I've got some comments in mind for you right now. Funny but naughty ones, and they don't involve CPC's bottom, or mine either. Your bottom, maybe. However, I'm going to stop right here before I get banned or warned. OK, Aurian, you win. I take my hat off to you. You beat me at this game of naughty, comedic, brinkmanship-chicken.


You are the champion. You are the champion, of the woooorld! Sing it!

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Actually, I think the problem with cat calling is that sometimes it's used disrespectully, or to intimidate. Sometimes this is intentional, other times accidental.


If I was with another guy, no way would I cat call a woman then because she'd be embarrassed and maybe intimidated.


If it was dark, no way would I cat call a woman because it'd scare her.


However, if it's broad daylight, and I'm by myself, and she's by herself or with one or more of her lady friends so she can feel safe, then I'd consider a polite cat call because I know she won't be frightened. For example, "You're beautiful!" or maybe one wolf whistle and then, "You're beautiful!"


Under the right circumstances, and with an polite cat call, I think a woman can have fun with it and either enjoy the compliment, or humor, or both.


Under the wrong circumstances, or with a rude or inappropriate cat call, it can frighten, offend, or anger her.


It also depends on the guy's tone of voice and how he looks. Some guys look scary and others look kind and friendly. Only a few women at E have seen my pics, but those who have would agree that I look kind and friendly, not scary. So I could get away with a polite cat call during daylight hours under appropriate circumstances without frightening anyone.


Not that I ever have actually cat called a stranger, but I know I could do it without frightening or offending. I do occasionally politely cat call certain of my women friends and they get a kick out of it.


If I did cat call a woman locally, I'd want to make sure that she can feel safe and have fun with it, and enjoy herself, just like a couple women had fun with me right here in this thread cat and dog calling back and forth with me. If it's done in such a way that the woman can feel safe and have a good time, then I think it's OK. However, many men don't know how to do that, and some don't care. So that brings us back to why cat calling can be a problem.

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I walk through town at night a lot, as long as they arent intimidating I dont mind at all.


Last week a guy just walked up to me, told me I was beautifull and walked off... it made my night!!!

The same night I dropped my bus money in the square, I heard a guy go "whoa... look at THAT man!!" I turn around and a guy is looking, appreciativly, at my bum, pointing it out to his friend.... which was funny and flattering....


But being harassed by people who are way older than you can be scary... or gangs of guys following you...

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Eva-Gina: So you're OK with it as long as it isn't harassing, or scaring you, and as long as you perceive it to be respectful. That's what I was saying a couple posts before. Sounds like we're in agreement.


However, I think most women scare rather easily at night. Apparently you're a bit braver than most. I wouldn't do it at night cause I don't want to scare any ladies.

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