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Cat-Calling.. Thoughts?


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Ugh. Saturday, I was driving in town because me and my cousin were Christmas shopping, and I pulled up to a red light. I looked to my left, and the 4 (ugly) guys in the next car were staring at me. The kid in the back seat rolled his window down and was like "What's up?" My cousin and I started laughing. I looked over again and he motioned for me to roll my window down to, and wouldn't stop bugging me. So, I drove the opposite way I was planning on going, just to get away from these anoyying freakin guys.

You see boys, this is what you do not do. It's really annoying and only makes you look like a complete idiot. Also, good chances are, like those kids, you get nothing, because most girls will probably laugh at you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd personally never do it.

And you were talking before about guys should just approach and talk not cat call, do you really want those kinda of guys approaching you?

Hahah, but a funny one that happened to me (Not so much a cat call) was when I was riding my bike home from the station there was a small group of guys that I passed and they all were looking at me from the side walk and then they all waved and said "Yooo hooooooo"

I just winked a rode off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As for sarcastic retorts to cat calls, here is the meanest retort I ever heard (many years ago when I was young(er)):


She said, "Go masturbate alone!. Maybe she said, "Go whack off!" I don't remember which. Then of course she included her fist bobbing up and down to complete the effect.


I hadn't even made a cat call. I hadn't even said anything, though I had apparently looked to much or to long. Actually, I don't even think I'd looked at her much. I don't think it was my fault. Whatever.

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Ugh. Saturday, I was driving in town because me and my cousin were Christmas shopping, and I pulled up to a red light. I looked to my left, and the 4 (ugly) guys in the next car were staring at me. The kid in the back seat rolled his window down and was like "What's up?" My cousin and I started laughing. I looked over again and he motioned for me to roll my window down to, and wouldn't stop bugging me. So, I drove the opposite way I was planning on going, just to get away from these anoyying freakin guys.

You see boys, this is what you do not do. It's really annoying and only makes you look like a complete idiot. Also, good chances are, like those kids, you get nothing, because most girls will probably laugh at you.


That sounded pretty innocent to be honest with you, they just seemed like they wanted to talk to you; maybe not the fact that they kept doing it even when you ignored them was smooth. But if the guys in that car were attractive, would you have felt different? I just wondered because you called them ugly....


I've never yelled cat calls before, and I've never witnessed other guys using them. Though as long as girls react to them guys will keep trying them. I think the reason guys say them is because most often it is in passing, and there is a slim chance they'd see the girl again; There is also the chance the girl will think it was just funny and that way it acts as an ice-breaker.


But like some already said before, it is primarily used by guys who don't have a clue how to talk to women.

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When I worked as a stable hand on the backstretch of the racetrack (very male-dominated environment), I got cat called every day as soon as the sun rose until I drove out the back stable gate. I'd be all 'decked' out in a flannel, my Levi Jeans, my pony tail under a baseball cap and my muck boots all covered in manure and I still got cat calls---I'd look around and be like, "who are they doing that to?" Then I realized it was directed at me yeah, under THAT circumstance after the intimidation factor wore off, I actually found the cat calling quite hilarious...

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this conversation has kind of taken a different direction but this is my two cents. i think it's kind of funny and light-hearted when the guy is alone. but i've had so many intimidating experiences with groups of guys! once i was stuck in a two lane traffic jam and a car full of guys next to me were honking their horns and all had their windows down just cat calling me and actually held up traffic to stay next to me in the traffic jam. then once the cars were moving again they actually followed me off my exit and into my campus' parking lot. i shuffled off to class while they remained in the car yelling for my number. then also i was just hanging out in central park once on a bench waiting for my next class when two guys sat down on either side of me. putting their hands on my legs and everything. telling me how i was the best looking girl they've seen and how they want to take me out. uhhhh!!!! it really can be intimidating when it gets so up close. but i think it's funny when i'm on my break getting lunch and a guy is like "damn..." under his breath. you can't help but smile.

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What are your thoughts on cat-calling [shouting things at people i.e. "hey sexy!" or "dang girl/boy, you fine!"]




I absolutely hate it. I think it's SO annoying and disrespectful. It only makes you look like a total moron. Get some guts and actually go up to a girl/guy and talk to her/him, not shout random things at her/him.


Would only do that if it is someone that I knew, and I also knew that she had the sense of humor to get a kick out of it. Never to someone that I don't know, or someone that wouldnt like it. No need to embarrass anyone, because you are right, it is rude and disrespectful.

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Would only do that if it is someone that I knew, and I also knew that she had the sense of humor to get a kick out of it. Never to someone that I don't know, or someone that wouldnt like it. No need to embarrass anyone, because you are right, it is rude and disrespectful.


That's good.

I deffinatly understand the part about only doing it to someone you know especially one that has a sense of humor.

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Sorry, I couldn't resist


Hey we're on topic. We're literally cat calling.


If I really put myself into it and try hard, maybe I can get warned or banned for making inappropriate cat sounds aka cat calls.


Reowwwwww! Roooaaarrrr! REOOOOOWWWW! RRRRrrrrrrRRRRRrrrrrr. Pant, pant, pant, pant. Puuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Puuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Puuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Meeeoooowwww! Meow.


Meow, meow? Mew? Purrrrrr.

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