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Cat-Calling.. Thoughts?


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What are your thoughts on cat-calling [shouting things at people i.e. "hey sexy!" or "dang girl/boy, you fine!"]




I absolutely hate it. I think it's SO annoying and disrespectful. It only makes you look like a total moron. Get some guts and actually go up to a girl/guy and talk to her/him, not shout random things at her/him.

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I hate this.


Today, I was wearing a normal shirt- nothing too revealing. I also have really small breasts. But this guy was saying really loudly, "I love your shirt, you should wear that everyday. It makes your boobs look SO HOT!!!"


I just told him to screw off. It was embarrassing, he was being SO loud. I knew the guy it still made me mad though.


I've never had stranger "catcall" but I've had a lot of guys just STARE It looks so creepy and makes me uncomfortable!


I agree some people need to actually just APPROACH the person rather than shout at them.

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I love cat calls because I think they are funny or atleast the ones I focus on are funny, one of my favorites is "your booty is on duty" but there are others that I find just as amusing. I think there is a time and a place for them and you definitely have to know a girl in order to say them. I would not be rash and say them to a girl that didnt know i wasnt being serious.

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I really hate it too. Like when you're walking by yourself and someone calls you out, that's so lame. What are you supposed to do, run up to the guy and say "wow, you really impressed me by yelling accross the parking lot that you think I'm hot, give me your number"? Yeah, right.


To add to Daywalker, some can be pretty amusing as long as they're original...here's the best one I've heard...friend of a friend used it on a chick, knowing it wouldn't really get him far...


Him: "Hey baby, wanna go back to my place for some pizza and sex?"

She: *Slaps him*

Him: "What, you don't like pizza?"


He actually did get her number...LOL

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I really hate it too. Like when you're walking by yourself and someone calls you out, that's so lame. What are you supposed to do, run up to the guy and say "wow, you really impressed me by yelling accross the parking lot that you think I'm hot, give me your number"? Yeah, right.


That's just it though, these guys who cat call strange women have absolutely no chance of getting the girl and they know it.

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Like when you're walking by yourself and someone calls you out, that's so lame. What are you supposed to do, run up to the guy and say "wow, you really impressed me by yelling accross the parking lot that you think I'm hot, give me your number"? Yeah, right.



that made me laugh so hard. i love sarcasim.

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Mmm. Interesting thread. You're on a role, threadstarter.


Cat calls to strangers? I'm not comfortable with that. To your GF as a joke when no one else is around? Maybe funny, depending on the cat call and her sense of humor.


I have never made a cat call to a stranger. The idea of it embarrasses me, but then I'm shy with new women and I find it difficult enough to politely talk to them.


Most of my male friends would not make a cat call. However, I have three male friends who do make reasonably polite cat calls, and maybe some that aren't so polite, but aren't to bad compared to others. In each case they've made a cat call, I was standing next to or near the guy who did it and I was so embarrassed that I was blushing and speechless and afraid she'd think it was me who'd done it.


I've made some interesting observations. Some women don't mind, if it's reasonably polite. Some like it. Some hate it.


One of these guy friends always draws a negative reaction, yet he never learns. Another (who is very good looking and reasonably polite) usually gets a positive response. Another who looks like a biker gets mixed reactions from various women.


One time my biker looking friend said loudly, "Nasty!!!" when a really good looking brunette 25 to 30 was facing the other direction. "Nasty" is a new one to me, but I guess that means she's good looking. She was indeed very beautiful and perky from all directions. After he made his cat call, she turned around and walked right up to me. Yipes! I was really embarrassed and half expecting she was going to slap me for his cat call. Nope. She tried to start a conversation with me, but I was in 110% shy mute mode and I stared at my shoes and said nothing. Meanwhile, my friend was 5 feet away and he's like, why don't you come over here and talk to me? She walked off while he stared at her and I stared at my shoes. OK, I blew it. However, it does show that sometimes some women like that stuff, if not overly rude. Possibly she knew it was him and was making a point. I'm not sure. He looks like a narly biker while I look GQ and 2/3 angelic. I'm not sure I entirely understand what happened in the incident, but I'm pretty sure I blew an exellent opportunity. I can see her in detail in my mind right now. Darn me.


So now my friend and I tease each other about that incident - the mmm mmm one that got away. She really was beautiful and she gets better looking everytime I remember her. I tell him that he can yell at them all he likes, but it won't do him any good because if they like it, they'll walk up to me. He then says it was a one time fluke, and that it wouldn't do me any good anway, even if they do walk up to me. Then he also points out that he might yet get me slapped, if he keeps trying.


I also remember a young lady friend who was at a dance. I was there to, but not as her date. This other guy calls to her, "Here kitty, kitty." Now that's a cat call. I thought she'd be really upset. Nope. She was totally into it.


There have been a few times women have made cat calls at me. It really embarrassed and confused me. Were they into me, or just making fun of me? Still not sure.

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Make no mistake, catcalls are made to degrade the receiver and pass judgement on them. I remember one night walking home from work late at night in jeans and runners and was catcalled on four separate occasions (remarkable considering how empty the streets were). They said "Hey baby" but meant "Little girls like you shouldn't be alone at night, and I'm here to remind you." It's a control tactic, plain and simple, and the jerk guys somehow prove their status to their jerk friends by screaming "Show us your * * * *!" out their car window (I hoped he'd hit a light pole or something, but alas). Even the inocuous-seeming ones are telling the receiver they're not worth much as a person beyond their looks. The only catcall I've ever had that didn't make me feel like complete crap was from a senior citizen who said "Pretty lady!" as he was out in the front yard with his friend (because he's old? because he said "lady"? who knows?).


Maybe it's different for guys (or very beautiful girls like the one in charley's post). A friend took a walk through the gay district of a city he was visiting and said, "I've never been catcalled before! Now I know how girls feel!" sounding pleased with himself. No, hon, you have no idea at all. Bottom line: they're probably more hurtful than fun.

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Maybe it's different for guys (or very beautiful girls like the one in charley's post). A friend took a walk through the gay district of a city he was visiting and said, "I've never been catcalled before! Now I know how girls feel!" sounding pleased with himself. No, hon, you have no idea at all. Bottom line: they're probably more hurtful than fun.



haha i agree with this. being cat-called is no fun. it makes me feel like an idiot, and im not even the one hollerin at somebody. it must be a macho thing im thinking. like "hey. watch me hit on this chick" no, you aren't cool. shutup and leave me alone.

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a few weeks ago my friend and I just finished a pretty brutal exam for biz policy. So we were heading back to her place to relax a bit and hang out. She lives really close to University Stadium and there was a football game. There was this group of caucasian guys walking by heading for the game. They saw us and started screaming "I LIKE ASIAN GIRLS! COM'ON TURN AROUND! TALK TO US!" ... I had a feeling if they weren't drunk, at least a little loosen up but I definitely agree with lusitana.. cat-calls, hollering of any sort at people is just plain rude.

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No, hon, you have no idea at all. Bottom line: they're probably more hurtful than fun.


It's not right to yell anything at any stranger at anytime. We all know that. That's Courtesy 101, rudimentary stuff. I'm talking about the language; those are some funny words! It could have many connontations other than sexual. That's comedy gold! C'mon lighten up a little!

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I want someone to cat call me...


"here kitty kitty kitty"


Ahh. As long as its a woman, I'd be fine with it. Even though I'm engaged, I'd still take it as a compliment. Personally it would have probably helped with my self esteem earlier on in life.

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It always puts a smile on my face when i get wolf whistled or cat called, If im on my own i usually just smile back and carry on walking, if im with friends we all blow kisses! Its just a bit of fun, take it as a compliment. If someone shouted MINGER or made barfing noises when you walked past, then THAT is the time to be insulted haha!!


Also im a sucker for horn honking at fit guys haha!!

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I want someone to cat call me...


"here kitty kitty kitty"


Ahh. As long as its a woman, I'd be fine with it. Even though I'm engaged, I'd still take it as a compliment. Personally it would have probably helped with my self esteem earlier on in life.


With all due respect, you don't understand that cat call. It is a reference to her kitty. If you still don't get it, then I'm not going to explain further except to say that you (as a man) do NOT have a kitty.


Please don't get mad at me for saying that. I'm just sincerely trying to give you the idea of what that specific cat call means. Hint: What's another word for kitty?

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To be fair, some women do like cat calls, if it's done under circumstances where they don't have to fear for their safety. Other women hate cat calls anytime, anyplace, no matter the cat call. Some don't seem to care one way or another.


As a somewhat shy guy I'm not going to be making any cat calls to a stranger, though I have said "Hi" and winked more than once. I have whistled at a GF or good friend before, but that's different since we know each other.


I think the worst danger of a cat call to a stranger is that it might seem threatening to a woman's safety. That is my first concern since I don't want to scare anyone. Of secondary concern is that some women might be insulted.


Bottom line is, why do it guys? Cat calls seldom work, but politeness often works. That said, I think a lot of guys do it to show off for their friends, and I know one guy who does it to intentionally scare women (no, not my biker friend).


Some guys might even mean well with their cat calls, but there are much better ways to politely compliment a woman.




Now women making cat calls at a man is a somewhat different thing because I'm not fearing for my safety when they do it, even though they do embarrass me. I do observe that when women have cat called me, they were always with their friends and I was alone; thereforeeee I conclude they were showing off to their friends and they felt safe due to their safety in numbers.


Sometimes I think they were making fun of me. Sometimes I think they really were attracted to me. Like the last time this happened about 3 months ago when a car load of young women in their early to mid 20s were yelling and honking at me and wanting me to pull over. I think in that case, at least one of them wanted to meet and talk to me. However, they were giving me a shyness fit of epidemic proportions and I did not pull over. Other times I don't know how to interpret it: hitting on me or making fun of me?


I'm not saying that women make cat calls at me often, but occasionally it happens. Everytime it happened, they did NOT get anywhere with me. If they had politely approached me, then I would have been much more receptive.


However, I know other guys who'd love a woman cat calling him and would pounce on the opportunity. (pun intended)


When women make cat calls at a man, it is not offensive or frightening in my opinion, but neither is it an effective way to meet a man, unless he's aggressive. But if he's aggressive, then there's no need to cat call him cause he's already after you.




Bottom line IMO is that some people like being cat called. Most don't. A polite, respectful approach is much more effective for meeting someone. However, meeting someone is probably not the goal. Showing off for friends is likely the goal of the cat caller.

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i usually don't like cat-calls, but i do have probably the funniest "cat-call" story ever!


so i was driving down the street, going verrrryyy slowly 'cause i was coming up on a red light, and there was this guy with one of those leaf-blowers with the pack on his back walking up the block blowing leaves. i see him and he sees me seeing him, and he raises the hose to the leaf blower in my direction, smiles and blows it like "vroom, vroom." OMG, i almost DIED laughing!

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i usually don't like cat-calls, but i do have probably the funniest "cat-call" story ever!


so i was driving down the street, going verrrryyy slowly 'cause i was coming up on a red light, and there was this guy with one of those leaf-blowers with the pack on his back walking up the block blowing leaves. i see him and he sees me seeing him, and he raises the hose to the leaf blower in my direction, smiles and blows it like "vroom, vroom." OMG, i almost DIED laughing!


haha. thats hilarious.

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