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truth about love.. to my marine girl


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this to my marine girl

she love it when i write her peom

so i just post on her see what you think

i never to write peom really just us elove reading until she said like then just starting them..


this peom dont really all that much.. but i hope u lie anyways


the true about my love


this what i feel



hard tell what real

when i talk to you i have strenght

but as you left i am weak again

what does this mean

is it love

i just dont know

are you what i lack for

do feel the same

can someone love me for me

why are you any different

how i know wont you hurt me

i got nothing to give

what on me can you really love

you willing take that risk

i am just a stranger to you

how can you love me

i guess you can ask me that same question

with all my confusion and delusion

i never lose constration and determination

to be with you

beside all this

i love you

ask me why

please ask me why

if i tell that there one thing that why i love you i wouldnt be true

it every about you i love ..

the way you make me feel.. .

that smile that i never seen..

your voice that heal my soul..

i just know you are the one

the real one

people come and go

love streanghten and weaken

mermories fade away

but our soul never die..

it our soul that in love

not of our flesh

that why we are so in love

i cant endore this feeling

so much to hold in

i just let my guard down

and let my love explode..

i love u i say

i love u in every way...

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