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Do girls like fighters..martial arts..etc


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Well, just thought I'd post this out of curiosity.. Im recently out of a 4 year relationship, I'm 23. I currently train Brazillian Jujitsu.. Boxing.. and Kickboxing. And I strength train at the gym.


It puts me into shape, and makes me stronger. If you have ever watched UFC (Ultimate fighting championship) it's what they do. I'm like 5'11 and fit.. 6 pack and all..


Was curious if it was a turn off to girls? I would never initiate a fight.. but I know how to protect myself if trouble comes my way.. Or possibly do you gals find it sexy?


Was just wondering..

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Well, I think I do it for that reason too, It's something that I can relieve stress with, and I LOVE protecting my woman. I'm a very protective person by nature. But again, I wouldn't be in a bar picking a fight.. I guess you would have to know me..


I really enjoy the people I do it with as well, were all like brothers.

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I am attracted to people whom have a passion. Not necessarily martial arts though...it can be passion for creativity, or for athletics, or for raising awareness of a cause, and so forth.


I have my own passions - both in athletic, and in more artistic and theoretical pursuits, and I think it is important part of my identity. I also value physical health and fitness, so for myself am attracted to those whom also do so (and one of the great bonuses when I met my partner was we shared a love of mountain biking, and running and training) but it is not specific. Balance though is important, if you are all about one thing, for me it's not so attractive as someone whom has balance in their life, and has several important things and values.


I will say this though...I can easily distinguish between those whom use "passion" to attract others and those whom do it as they genuinely enjoy it.

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I married a black belt bjjer. When we first met I was a bit spun out about him talking about choking people out, and he also spent time as a bouncer. It's an odd and slightly confronting to us non-martial arts types.


But I soon found out he's the most gentle man, and his friends are as well. The freaky vibe about that hard-core contact wears off quickly if you are not a meat head and you have a life outside the sport.


So assume people will be interested in you irrespective of the fighting, and perhaps just steer clear of stories that are too grisly when you first meet a woman you like. She'll get used to it.

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smiles - I'm sorry for your pain and the blow to your self esteem.


If you're looking for a boost by posting those pictures, ......you got it dude. You're a buf, good looking guy.


I understand how a break up can make you feel bad, but don't do this to yourself, man. You have no reason to feel bad about yourself, seriously....

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Wasn't trying to pick anyone up, I was recently dumped from a 4 year relationship that the ending was pure hell. Not to mention I think I was cheated on. I feel unattractive now, and my self esteem took a heavy dive.


Okay sorry, but it's not exactly usual practice around here as far as I can tell.


You'll be fine, you're a handsome guy. Nothing to worry about there. (But surely you knew that on some level? Your post re the 6-pack at the start seems a bit disingenuous.)


Anyway I am not trying to be rude. Just stick to the 'don't talk about pounding heads/choking' rule for first and second dates, and try to give yourself a break.

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Holy Canole's.... You've been blessed by the gorgeous angel.

You are a great looking guy!!!


And the answer to your orginal question is.... it depends. I don't like the chest beating guys. Walk softlly but carry a big stick is a better motto to hang on too. Chest beating and all that neaderathral positioning..posturing.... . is a huge turn off.


But... its been my personal experience that most martial artists are very humble in that regard.


I think I'll always be in love and awe of a certain black belt sparing partner of mine and the delight I felt as he threw me accross the mat and I smacked out. YUM. I'd find it a turn on... as long as I got to spar with you.

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I definitely like guys who are in shape as opposed to being out of shape, not to say they need to be some super-athelete or something. And I wouldn't want to date some 'hothead' that was always going around fighting, but it's more of a personality thing that I think of when I say I respect men more who will stick up for me. And that means even just verbally sticking up for me, doesn't just mean if someone's giving me a hard time, I'd expect him to launch into a ninja sequence and kick the offender's butt

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Cheers Smiles!!! Martial arts is awesome and mixed martial arts is where its at. I'm a martial arts instructor out here in Florida and we hit the mats every monday. From my experience, some of the nicest people in the world are the some of the toughest. I guess when you know you can beat the crap out of anyone you dont have anything to prove.


Just keep training and working out but dont get burned out. Your self esteem will come back. Plus, you'll be fit and healthy. Have you thought about expanding into different martial arts? Like Kung Fu, Aikido or Maui Tai? The toughest guys Ive seen are in the Aikido class I take.




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Yes. ALL girls do.


I mean NO girls do.


Oh wait, I mean, some girls do and some girls don't.


I personally don't find a man who is violent sexy. To me, strong is sexy, violence is not. Someone who is able to protect ME is sexy.....


LOL!!! I totally agree. I do capoeira, by the way (also brazilian but not as 'fightish' as what you do )


My ex was national champion in fencing, I always found that very sexy... but that was mainly because fencing is a rare sport here, and I like it when people like less common things (well, not always, but you know... )



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Hey Smiles

I also train in BJJ and Thai kickboxing. From my experience MOST of the really good BJJ'ers are the nicest guys I know. You'd never know from just looking/talking to them that they's be able to take care of most people in a fight. Having said that, like someone said, as long as you don't act like a jerk I think your personality will be more of a factor.


When I do need some confidence it comes after a good day of training whether it's during lifting and seeing the gains, or when I'm doing kickboxing and my cardio is better than my training partner; or when you're kneeing from a clinch and your partner tells you how brutal they are. Just use things like that.


BTW who do you take BJJ under?

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Cheers Smiles!!! Martial arts is awesome and mixed martial arts is where its at. I'm a martial arts instructor out here in Florida and we hit the mats every monday. From my experience, some of the nicest people in the world are the some of the toughest. I guess when you know you can beat the crap out of anyone you dont have anything to prove.


Just keep training and working out but dont get burned out. Your self esteem will come back. Plus, you'll be fit and healthy. Have you thought about expanding into different martial arts? Like Kung Fu, Aikido or Maui Tai? The toughest guys Ive seen are in the Aikido class I take.





Hey nice to see some BJJers here. I train at a private gym, we meet like 3 times a week for BJJ, theres only like 5 of us that do it. ( I do kickboxing tuesday night, and boxing wednesday night)

Train under a couple brown belts. I have never been so in shape since I started mixed martial arts. I really like boxing as well, my kickboxing is pretty weak and needs work. But the stamina I've gained is incredible. Not to mention Im more cut now. I've thought about Maui Tai but there isnt anywhere around here that trains that I dont think. I cant stress enough how I would never initiate a fight. And if you met me and I didn't say anything about it.. you would have no clue I was into MMA.


I really like BJJ, but it takes many years to become good, and I'm glad I started fairly young. I really like being the smaller guy and taking on these guys that weigh 220 and being able to grapple with them.


I gain a ton of confidence from doing the activities, not to mention it has been keeping my mind off me ex. And its a killer stress reliever. Theres a couple cute girls at the gym too, I'm debating striking up a conversation with them.

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Well, just thought I'd post this out of curiosity.. Im recently out of a 4 year relationship, I'm 23. I currently train Brazillian Jujitsu.. Boxing.. and Kickboxing. And I strength train at the gym.


It puts me into shape, and makes me stronger. If you have ever watched UFC (Ultimate fighting championship) it's what they do. I'm like 5'11 and fit.. 6 pack and all..


Was curious if it was a turn off to girls? I would never initiate a fight.. but I know how to protect myself if trouble comes my way.. Or possibly do you gals find it sexy?


Was just wondering..


I was involved with BJJ too, and still am with wrestling. I don't see why you think most girls would be turned off about this if you aren't going around and starting crap. In fact, it's good that you are passionate about something and are a hard worker. Plus, a girl is likely to feel more safe in your presense which can't be a bad thing.

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I was involved with BJJ too, and still am with wrestling. I don't see why you think most girls would be turned off about this if you aren't going around and starting crap. In fact, it's good that you are passionate about something and are a hard worker. Plus, a girl is likely to feel more safe in your presense which can't be a bad thing.



Yea, I just wanted to make sure. It's not something I would brag about, but I was wondering if it would turn girls off. Because noone thinks going to a bar and fighting is any way attractive. I'm not sure if its the fitness aspect of it, or when I get in the ring Its just something that turns be loose.

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Do girls like fighters..martial arts..etc


lol, are you kidding? What girl wouldn't want to date a ninja they're dead sexy.


Yeah, a fit guy is really hot especially if he has a nice personality too. You were digging for compliments weren't you? haha....

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