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Poem: "Cut It Out"


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Here's a satirical poem I wrote almost a year ago that loosely deals with love and emotion. I enjoyed writing it and hopefully you enjoy reading it too!


First of all, when it comes to poetry I'm a rhyme fanatic, because I love the flow, so you'll never see me do any free verse =)


Anyways, here it is:


Cut it Out


Her scalpel-like hands delved into my chest,

And took out my heart but left all the rest.

She created a ghoul. She created a beast.

A heartless construction, not yet deceased.

So pick up your torches and pick up your tools.

Look to your law books and condemn me with rules:

"To live in this world, you must bear in your center

A pulsating heart, and if not we'll render

You a patron of evil, a hideous creature,

A shadow that plagues us, an insatiable leacher

Of human emotion, and love, and feeling.

Something the heartless would gain nothing from stealing.

Now, report to a magistrate within twenty-four hours,

Or another town figure with similar powers.

Your head will be taken and your chest filled with dirt,

To protect us from emptiness: the source of your hurt."

They looked up from their books to see me long gone,

Breaking through fences and tearing up lawns.

I trampled the daisies, carnations, and roses

Of fully bloomed flower beds and cursed at the hoses

That gave them their beauty, so full and so lush.

I damned the untouched from my imminent rush.

My hatred was deep, and pure and unbound.

The meaning of misery became more profound.

And for one split second between all the yearning

For feelings long lost, I saw I was turning

Into something I always have strongly rejected.

I once knew what love meant and I was respected.

Yet now I have realized when push comes to shove,

That the past doesn't matter when one cannot love.

But as I pondered distaste I took a quick corner,

And passed through a gate and fell over a mourner

Of a husband, or wife, or friend, or child.

I can't remember. My conscience was riled.

It was into a graveyard that I had come stumbling,

Stricken by tears and the solemn, soft mumbling

Of caring families, praying and whispering

To their skeletal loved ones, whom I'm sure were listening.

My run turned to walking and finally a stop,

Since I climbed up a hill and was now at the top.

There stood a crowd, who were clothed all in black.

They circled a gravestone and drilled on was a plaque.

Engraved in that plaque was my Christian name,

and below read the words "You're not to blame,

We offer this grave to save us from you,

It's more formal than what those behind you will do."

Everyone parted as I trudged forward slowly.

They had soft expressions and looked at me warmly.

At the foot of the grave was a protruding ladder

To help me climb down to my ending, I gathered.

I lay down uncomfortably on a mattress of dirt.

The moisturized earth had dampened my shirt.

Though none of that mattered, I just stared out.

A glance of a world where the cursed meet devout.

I looked out the hole that I'm forced to endure,

But shielding my view was a shadowy blur.

The sun became clouded and a mystery solved,

It was her, the one, who had devised my last fall.

She shoveled a mountain of dirt on my feet,

And inside her backpack I heard my heart beat.

"You know I was only doing as asked,"

She yelled down to me with a thunderous blast.

"My hands on your chest were caressing your skin,

And you told me to cut out what had rested within."

I closed my eyes slowly, it made perfect sense.

I know she was naive, but not nearly so dense.

I gathered my wits and reopened my eyes,

Her reaction of this might just give me a rise.

"I told you how ticklish I am on my chest,

I said 'cut it out' to get needed rest."

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