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He just dropped the "L" bomb?


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This is the most weirdest thing. How can someone possible fell in love in just 3 months, while it's not happening to me???. Today b/f just say the three letter word when we were talking on the phone (I love you).


Now I'm feeling like an idiot for not knowing what to say. I just say it was weird and that I don't really feel the same way yet. To me, off course there is feeling, emotions and chemistry but I'm not in love yet, so I can't say it yet.

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Awwww, Ailec.


How sweet and impetuous is young love.... *vomit*


Good for you for not just saying it because it seemed like the proper thing to do. You are a strong and compassionate person, and I am sure you will think of the right thing to say....


Just be careful... if there is a chance you will fall in love with him, then keep his feelings in mind. Mens egos are just as fragile as womens.



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Hi Ailec -


Most of us don't know what to say in lots of situations, especially one as emotionally charged as someone tell you they love you. Just handle it as best you can but if your feelings for him don't come around and he's still professing his love for you a month or two from now, don't string him along too long.


Good luck

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I would be careful and keep in mind.He might want to rush he relationship so the both of you can have sex.


I think if Ailec knew her own mind and feelings well enough to not do the automatic "I love you too", then it would be unlikely for her to give of her body either without the necessary emotional commitment .


I find myself jealous of your sense of self and judgment, Ailec...

I hope the guy is deserving of a smart cookie like you.

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Ailec, if you will never be there, end the relationship as soon as you know that. Otherwise, give him some encouragement that you are on the same road.


And three months is plenty of time. I don't think it has ever really taken me longer.

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My bf said it within a month. But we were friends for 2 years prior to getting together. We are deeply in love now, I think I told him I loved him quite soon after he did, but I waited until it just came out naturally. I felt that he did the same, you know? It was just out of the blue, as if he just realized it and wanted to tell me directly

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3 months thats alot of time to fall in love with someone.

Do you think you will ever love him?


Well what some people might feel right away, others like me don't. See, he's a romantist person, he told me that from that start, maybe that must be why he feels that way too soon.

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Ailec, if you will never be there, end the relationship as soon as you know that.

And three months is plenty of time. I don't think it has ever really taken me longer.

Not everyone is the same and if I'm not force to say what I don't feel yet. As for dumping, no I don't, I'm not changing him for anyone else.


Otherwise, give him some encouragement that you are on the same road.


Why would I be force to say something I don't mean at all nor feel. That would be the same as giving my virginity away without really wanting to do it.

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I would be careful and keep in mind.He might want to rush he relationship so the both of you can have sex.


No, it's my choice whether I want to say something or do something. I'm not force nor pressure to do nor say want I don't feel like. I'll never do something I don't mean it nor that I'm not comfortable with. If he were one of the jerks insisting on something I say "no" many times, he would be out the door in seconds.

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Love is not always returned. You can love a lemon lollipop, a dog or a person and they might not love you back (and certainly not in the first case). Some people have feelings of love at first sight, some never, some after three months - it doesn't mean you will be in the same place as that person with your emotions. It also does not mean that what they believe is "love" is the same definition of what you believe love is.

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I was in that same boat a few months back. My bf said he loved me after 2-3 weeks of dating. He said it very quietly...so I pretended not to hear him. He knew I heard, but wasn't ready to say it back yet, and wanted to actually feel it before I said it. I told him as much. About four months down the line, he said it again and I realized that I felt the same way, and now I tell him constantly lol. There is no real timeframe, it's all about you, and how you feel I told someone I loved them when I didn't know for sure, and I still regret that to this day. Congrats on being so strong about it

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Everyone has their own idea of love. It could be a different view than your own. Their experience of love could be very different. It may mean he has strong feelings for you, just as you do... and yet because you equate love differently, even though you feel the same, your idea of love is not.


I hope that makes sense. lol.

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