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Pregnancy Tummy


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It is normal, and in some cultural backgrounds it is almost a necessity to touch the belly (or the new baby) to ward off the evil eye... Don't laugh, I live in San Antonio, and you just get used to being touched and having your babys forehead rubbed.



Realize that no one is doing this to harm or make you uncomfortable on purpose. They want to share in your joy. And us mothers like to touch tummys cause we want to remember how neat that felt back when we were the one getting to form a new life.... Everyone loves a pregnany woman.


If it makes you that uncomfortable, you need to get used to reaching out to stop their hand and saying "I'm sorry, I just don't like it when people do that"


Other than that, relax and enjoy your time being pregnant, it may seem like it is taking forever, but soon enough all of these worrys will be gone and all you want to be able to remember is how wonderful it all was.... you know?

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Well yeah, I know they mean no harm. But it just feels awkward at points.

I mean I'm not going ot stop them, I have a hard time doing that, escpecially if what you're saying about the mothers wanting a connection to back when they had their kids in their tummys. I couldn't take that away from them, because I might do it at somepoint.

Yeah hopefully this baby will just pop-out and I won't have a hard time during the pregnancy.


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When my daughter was pregnant, a man came up to her at the supermarket and started singing to her belly! I think it was "Love and Marriage"


How are you feeling?



Awww thats so sweet.

I think it's nice to do that, to an extent. I mean obviously the man loved pregant women. Who could blame him. Pregnancy tummys are cute. I think so at least.


I think I'm feeling okay. But I think I'll feel a lot better once I get the official results, whether posative or negative.

And telling my parents is going to be the hardest part.

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I agree that it can become a bit awkward depending on who the people are that are touching your pregnant belly.


It seems that for some reason people are just fascinated with a pregnant tummy and that there is a baby in there and some how they are just drawn to touching.


As far as strangers ever having done that to me before, it never happened. However there were some extended family members that did do that.


I am sure people mean well when they do that, but I was never comfortable with it. Of course my husband could touch and rub my belly anytime he wanted , which was fine. My daughter used to rub my belly when I was pregnant with my son. All of that was acceptable but I didnt want any others touching me.

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I don't like people touching me. Yes, I'm pregnant and that's a beautiful thing. But my body is not public property. Rub their bellies and see how they like it.



I've felt like that at some points.

Escpecially because I'm not showing yet. And it's not official.

My boyfriend and the two of my friend who I've told have started rubbing my stomach and talking to it.

Which with my boyfriend is alright that he,ya know, says hi and such. He's the father.

And my best friends it's okay, because they'll be around for the birth and such.

But the random people who see them rubbing my stomach and want to too. It's a little awkward.

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Haha, no I think you'd be okay to rub my stomach. You're not a complete stranger (though I think it would be funny for you to try and find me.)


Yeah it should be a wonderful time, minus the pains and such.

But the thing I'm most worried about is my parents and my extended familf finding out. I mean I'm young. They DO NOT expect this from me at all.

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Mind me asking how old you are??


My family dosen't take much of anything well, and everytime I do something that they don't approve of it takes time for them to accept my decision and then more time for them to take me back into the fold. I just go on with my life and wait for them to come around.... It always happens, as it should, becasue we love each other, and I am sure your family is no different.

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This is the most wonderful time in your life...


When does that part start? JK, I'm just getting sick of this already...


Anyways YES it bothers me when people rub my belly. I understand the whole "pregnancy is beautiful" thing, but I need more space from strangers than I ever have before it seems. Even in checkout lanes...it's like now I take up more room, so stay farther away.


It's okay if I know the person enough, but just anyone? Nope, I've swatted a few hands away. Maybe I'm grumpy, but I'm allowed to be I think.


The fuse is short on this one, so watch out.

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ROTLFMAO, BornToResist...


Unfortunatley, one usually dosen't realize the wonderfullness of pregnancy until AFTER is is over with... lol


I loved every sick miserable horrible swollen aching stretch-marked minute of it, and then double-loved it after it was over and done with...


But in your defense, YES it is well within your right to swat hands away, and most people are usually understanding of a pregnant womans need for space sometimes.

I can just see you getting all hot and flustered in the checkout line biting some grannys hand off as she reaches out to rub you... lol

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Well, 15 is a bit young, and a big thing for any mother to swallow just because it is never what we planned for our child.


It is, however, not the end of the world, as your family will soon find out.


Take a lesson in how wonderful it can all turn out from IansMommy. Dani went from bad to worse to better to best. And she is estatic right now, and with a better support system than I had when I was married and pregnant.


It will be fine. It will be great in fact. Just remember that all of their emotional disapproval will pass, and that in the end, it all boils down to the fact that their love for you trumps all.

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I'm 15 years old.

My boyfriend and I had started having sex October 17th(I lost it to him,) and just started using condoms...

I've been having pregnancy scares since then. I try to convince myself that they're just stress symptoms because some of them are (headaches, backaches, fatigue.) But some aren't from stress (discharge, darker colored areas on my breast, bloated feeling) and my period isn't supposed to come until the end of the month.

I've researched it and all the symptoms with my boyfriend, and I think we may be just psyked out.

Im only 15, i really can't hold that responsibility.

And if I am pregnant, how do i break it to my family, they don't know anything of what I've done.

I Love him to death, and plan on having children with him someday, but not now.

I don't know what to do, I'm so confused.


Please help.



This is your post from a few days ago. Has anything happened since then? Why do you think you are pregnant?


From the information you gave in this post, it's way too early for you to be worrying about pregnancy, especially if you haven't missed a period yet.


A lot of "pregnancy symptoms" are just the result of worrying, and are more psychological than real. You're obviously quite scared over this. If I were you, I would ask my mother to drive me to take a pregnancy test. Yes, she might be angry, it will be awkward, but ultimately she (I assume!) loves you and wants the best for you, and that includes helping you out on this issue.


If you are close to any other adults, you can ask them as well. The fact is, you sound like, and at 15 you probably are, in way over your head. Now is the time to ask for help.

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Take a lesson in how wonderful it can all turn out from IansMommy. Dani went from bad to worse to better to best. And she is estatic right now, and with a better support system than I had when I was married and pregnant.



HEY! Talking behind my back now? haha just kidding. Thank you.




As for the issue of having your belly rubbed, I HATED it unless it was my husband doing it. I would recoil anytime anyone even brushed my stomach, even if it was my mom. I didn't mean to and sometimes I think it actually made her feel bad but I just couldn't help it. It's normal for people to touch bellies but each mother-to-be will have a different reaction to that.

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I am curious as why people are rubbing your tummy if you are not even sure you are pregnant yet, and if you are not showing?


Why would random people come up to rub your tummy when you are not even showing? Heck yes I would tell them to get away!


And why it's not still something between your boyfriend and you right now until you do know?


Anyway, I would wait until you are certain before you let the world know, and if you ARE, then no it will not be easy telling your parents, and they may very well be upset because they will know how hard it is to have kids, never mind at a young age and they will be concerned. They will still love you, and hopefully be supportive, but of course they will also have disappointment in knowing that it will a tough road too.

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