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Pretty little Jezebel,

Likes to play with fire.

remembering this old hell,

Brings forth a desire.


He spoke of love and all things nice,

Captured her heart in great delight.

Ah, yes how it felt just to slice...

Screams radiating in the night...


Tied to a chair,

She bared her teeth,

Plucking each hair,

He cried beneath...


The flesh of ex boyfriends burns quick!

She laughed as his skin scorched black,

Aww, and to think he thought she was sick!

...Breaking up made her attack...


Torturing was so much fun,

She was sad when it was done...


Pretty little Jezebel,

Likes to play with needles,

Dressing up this sick hell she-

Disects them like beetles...


They grew up together...best friends,

Said their sisterly bond would always be!

Such a pity it had to end...

Left ruthesly disected on a tree.


Staples are rather weak,

Clamping down into warm meat.

The number is bleak...

But the blood was quite a treat!


Tenderly her torso was slit,

The flesh peeled to the side,

Mmm, punctured with needles sit.

What an amazing ride!


Torturing was so much fun,

She was sad when it was done...


Pretty little Jezebel,

Likes to grow her nails,

Finding one to put through hell,

Blood drips down the rails...


Ah, the parents, how they wronged her.

Never paying her attention.

Too stuck up to even see her!

So... she put them in detention...


Pacing between the chairs,

Screaming obsenities high,

Bother not, no one cares--

To see you horrid beasts die!


These fingernails as sharp as they can be,

Impale so easily through eye sockets,

...My life you never took the time to see...

As my depression and sorrow rockets!


The screams don't bother me as they used to...

And the gore under my nails...

I have become calloused because of you...

Drips over the staircase rails.


Nothing compares to this anguish later,

Sadly I've always been my own hater...


Pretty little Jezebel,

Sitting silently on her bed,

Desparing over this hell,

The one she'll be in when she's dead...


~~This is copywrited~~

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