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really worried

Spugly Fuglet

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Ok here gos.


Me and my lovely wife have been trying for a child for some time, she had nonmilingent cancer of the liver last year and had 1/8 of her liver taken out. Which has mean she feels a lot better and after 9 mouths happy once more to try for a Child. Part of her cheack ups are MRI scans where they inject some thing into your blood, well 8 days ago she had one just befor what she felt would be her Pireade. Befor we did the MRI scan she did a pregnance test and it was necative. Well she was late and tonight was good becouse we had some good news until she told me she had had another pregnance test and this time Positive.


Which means my wife had the scan and she must have been pregnant

Now im worred i have been looking things up on the web and its all bad.


Any one have any help or info for me and my wife.



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Spugly, Congratulations!


I don't think an MRI is very harmful, but I hope someone comes up with some real information. I once had an MRI and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I looked around, and most sites cite little actual know risk from MRI for patients or ftuses, and I found this:


In general, there is no known risk of using MRI in pregnant patients. However, MRI is reserved for use in pregnant patients only to address very important problems or suspected abnormalities. In any case, MRI is very likely safer for the fetus than imaging with x-rays.

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Congratulations Spugly that is great news (both Emmy and baby).


Mate you'll be in and out of doctors rooms constantly for the next 9 months so may as well start by asking about the MRI issue. I agree with Dako, from what I have read no real problem.



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The two most common MRI contrasts used to image soft tissues like the liver are gadopentetate and gadoversetamide. Now no human studies have been done on pregnant females, but in animals the only time defect or miscarry occurred was when the dose in a small animal was MANY MANY times that of a human dose, and not even every time then.


There is no reason to worry at all at this point... as excited as you are I am sure that Proud Papa will be right on top of the doctors as soon as the offices open tomorrow anyway...


*so happy for you!!!*

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Such good news. I've read many places over and again that the baby is most in jeopardy of exposure to foreign substances between days 9 and 56 post-conception. If she just found out she's pregnant, she's prolly still fine even if it was harmful, but you might take into consideration the timeframe and do a l'ill counting back just to assess thing a bit. It's just something else to think about... and hey, here's a BIG OBNOXIOUS AMERICAN HIGH FIVE to you!

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Congrats on the baby, that is awesome news!


It does sound like from the reading I did that there seems to be little risk to the fetus for MRI, though of course no one can ever guarantee there won't be any risk as fetuses are very susceptible to any substance you are putting in your body. I would talk with your OB/GYN about it if you are concerned. I imagine though if it was that risky, and they knew you were trying, they may have waited to ensure she was not first and/or done a test right before to ensure it.

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If it makes you feel any better i was exposed to x-rays and high doses of steroids while a feotus (and I still turned out ok... though some may beg to differ). I am sure your little spugly fuglet will be just fine! Best wishes to you and your family!

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