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"pet Names" For Ladies


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I just realized something about my use of "sweetie".


I would only call a woman sweetie if I know her well. Like a close friend or a GF. For example, "Hi sweetie. How are you?"


However, saying, "You're a sweetie" or "You're sweet" is different. I sometimes say that to women who are being sweet and friendly, regardles of how well I know them.


See the difference? To me it's a notable difference. In the first example, I'm calling her sweetie as a petname. In the second example I'm using it as an adjective to describe her behavior and/or personality, which seems to me to be OK for any nice, kind, friendly woman, regardless of how well I know her.


Does anyone else see the distinction? It may be subtle, but I think it's important. This might partially explain why most women at least tolerate me, and many like me (and I'm often using the word sweet or sweetie often). I have the intention of a compliment in a respectful way. I think that many women like that combination, and those who don't at least tolerate me (usually).


The above is in regard to my sincere compliments, such as sweet or sweetie. My humorous compliments (poems, rhymes, and various goofy stuff) are for GFs and are aimed at humor. If my humorous ones sometimes come of making me look a little dumb, well that can be funny too and add to the joking around.

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My s.o. used to call me babe. I loved it at first, but after awhile I was like, "STOP SAYING IT ALREADY! GOD!"


He also calls me darlin', hunnay (yes with the 'ay' ), hun, etc..


I don't mind when men refer to women as chicks. It's just a word. No big deal. I don't mind babe either, it just gets annoying after too much repitition, lol.

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I don't mind being called "babe," "honey," "love," "darling," by people who know me well. My best friend calls me babe, my Mum calls me it too. I call my husband, "my love," etc but I cannot stand it when, for example a taxi driver calls me "babe!" It is way too familiar. It's like a time when someone introduced me to someone and they shortened by name... too familiar.

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I always use Darlin' when trying to be nice to girls I don't know, and usually use Sweetheart with girls I know pretty well. None of the girls I've ever called Darlin' have ever minded (actually gets smiles sometimes) and my girl-friends know me well enough to know that if I call them Sweetheart, I don't mean it in any offensive manner.

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StudlyMcMuffin! That's what I call my manfellow (i also call him manfellow and boytoy).


He generally sticks to the hun, sweetie, doll (I like them) and the sarcastic "princess" and "muffin" - you know... "awwww muffin"


I like the terms suits and skirts... they don't get used often enough. That's it! Time to revive them!!!!

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my boyfriend comes up with new nick names for me every day. whatever comes out of his mouth while he is baby talking me usually sticks. he used to call me moosetracks (b/c he'd always leave me hickies), then it kind of snowballed from there. he calles me mama, bubba seep seep (long story, but "seep" is baby talk for "sleep"), he calls me baby bubba, lil' biddie (not sure about that one), baby doll, baby girl, babycakes, caaaaaaakeeeessss if i'm mad at him, and there are a few more dirty ones that would probably get my post deleted, but his daily one is babe, which i'm not really a fan of, but i don't mind when he calls me it. he calls me by my name when he's mad at me i call him cupcake, he's saved in my cell as "the terrorist", but mostly just curse words.

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