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"pet Names" For Ladies


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That's a cute one, and it really is a matter of context.


So true, Nancy, so true....

LOL ... excellent V!

And I still don't know how Dako got that name. I must have missed that one.


These discussions of pet names reminds me of when I was a senior in high school, and somehow we spontaneously got on a kick where we called any appealing/attractive/desirable boy(man) a "pie." Then there would be a prolonged philosophical discussion among us females about the type of "pie" a certain boy(man) was. The choices: sweetie pie, honey pie, sugar pie, cutie pie, (and any other kind of pie we could come up with). Sometimes a guy could be more than one kind of "pie" at once, or maybe even ALL of them at once. Sometimes we agreed, and sometimes we didn't. Sometimes someone thought he was a cutie pie, while another was absolutely sure he was really more of a sweetie pie. And sometimes there was a concensus. After a while we started looking for any excuse to discuss the types of "pies" we saw around us. When we first started, the guys mostly rolled their eyes, and thought we were just being dumb. But after a while they felt quite proud of themselves to be classified as a "pie." Yeah, once they understood the context, the affection, the adoration, they became converts. Even now, every once in a while I'll suddenly blurt it out, "OMG would you just look at that PIE!!! Of course nowadays nobody ever knows what I'm talking about until I explain it.

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i'm a pet name junkie! all of my friends have at least one or two special terms of endearments. i don't remember who posted their dislike for a guy named john being turned into john john or johnny but i am ever so guilty of that. heck even taxi drivers get called precious and sweetie. my gf that is a redhead but acts blonde became strawberry for her strawberry blonde remarks, another gf became dandannoodles instead of danielle, my best gf is starfish or sunshine and my best guy friend has about 6 of them. forget about listing all of the ones i call my children- yikes- just a few are princess peanut, peanutbutter, sweetpea, fred, ginger, george & opal. hahaha, that will make no sense to anyone. i never intentionaly give someone a pet name it just happens- comes from the heart. when you love others it just over flows in all you do and for me that includes cheesy names. one of my favorites for my hubstud was goober.

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I don't mind if it's someone I know well, but I recently joined an online dating site. These guys that I talk to once over email start calling me sweetie, cutie...etc...it makes me want to gag. They haven't even met me or have even seen a picture yet.


Fair enough. However, to me "sweetie" is not about looks. It's about personality. So a picture is not relevant for that petname, IMO.

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my boyfriend's friend (he's way older) calls his 16yr old son Biscuit and his 13yr old daughter Peanut...


I call my boyfriend Jacknut...not to be mean, just jokingly. We were watching some sitcom on TV and the wife called her husband that and it made us laugh and just kinda stuck

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True, but petnames for people you don't know very long? Seems to me like its an attempt to "force" intimacy too early.


I see your point and I agree.


I was thinking in regard to someone I know well enough to know she has a sweet personality. I wouldn't be saying that to a stranger, nor to a non-sweet woman. Only to someone I know deserves it because I know her well enough to know (or think I know) it's appropriate.


So actually, I think we are in agreement. Sweetie is possibly not appropriate for strangers. However, I know plenty of ladies older than me who call me sweetie and sometimes even call me that when we first meet. I don't mind. Sometimes I like it.

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i just read this artical in my mom's Redbook magazine. This woman said something along the lines of "my husband used to call me 'Small World'. I thought it was because im small. his friend told me one day that the reason he called me this, was not only because i was small, but i'm his whole world."

i thought that was really cute and decided to post it.

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i've kinda liked pet names in the past, but i think i'm growing out of them... my bf once in a great while will call me "honey" but it's usually when he's being sarcastic. otherwise, he's called me sweetie or baby a couple of times.


i've called him sweetie, darling, love... but not often. the funniest one ever was señor gustypants one night when he kept farting.


names i've been called in the past that i liked: chica, chickie, sweetie, lover, darlin', love, baby, babydoll, goof, girlie, sexy.


names i've hated: sweet- * * * * (breasts), woman. (ugh!)

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