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"pet Names" For Ladies


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While I start out shy with women, I do eventually start getting comfortable and then watch out. My fomerly semi-mute tongue starts getting looser. I can actually become rather interesting and affectionate. I think it's fun to have the other person wondering what in heck you're going to say next. That requires variety and spontinaety.


Sometimes it's fun to spontaneously string them together into the longest sentence possible for a GF. To do this spontaneously, it's necessary to just say what comes to mind and rolls off the tongue without to much regard for PC. thereforeeee, I might say baby or other words I don't normally say.


For example:


"Hi honey, baby, sweetie pie, super duper hottie tottie!" That'd be ideal when handing her a hot tottie.


For a shapely GF: "You're my beautiful, boobalicious, bubble butt, baby." or "you're a double delight"


For special occasions like Easter or Valentines Day: "Be my snuggle bunny honey", or just "be my snuggle bunny".


The above I made up, the next is a poem by Spike Lee.


Baby, baby pleeease (slight pause)

Please, please, baby


I like things that roll off the tongue and things that trip the tongue. My favorite is making a tongue tripper roll off the tongue while flattering her. Creativity is it's own reward. If she likes it, that's even better. My personal motto is be creative enough to innovate, humble enough to copy, and generous enough to care.

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"Hi honey, baby, sweetie pie, super duper hottie tottie!" That'd be ideal when handing her a hot tottie.


For a shapely GF: "You're my beautiful, boobalicious, bubble butt, baby." or "you're a double delight"


For special occasions like Easter or Valentines Day: "Be my snuggle bunny honey", or just "be my snuggle bunny".


The above I made up, the next is a poem by Spike Lee.


Baby, baby pleeease (slight pause)

Please, please, baby



just out of curiosity, charley: have you field tested any of these? if so, on whom, how old were they, and what were the results?

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Hi honey, baby, sweetie pie, super duper hottie tottie!" That'd be ideal when handing her a hot tottie.


For a shapely GF: "You're my beautiful, boobalicious, bubble butt, baby." or "you're a double delight"


For special occasions like Easter or Valentines Day: "Be my snuggle bunny honey", or just "be my snuggle bunny".


I'd have to say Charley.......well no I just have to ask anyone I guess, would there really be people who would be comfortable with those sort of (what's the word?) endearments.

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I'd have to say Charley.......well no I just have to ask anyone I guess, would there really be people who would be comfortable with those sort of (what's the word?) endearments.


Try to consider how it was intended. It's a goofy joke, a funny joke, or a dumb joke depending on your opinion. In any case, it's a joke that might flatter someone, if she has a sense of humor geared to it.


Yes, the few times I've said anything like that to a GF, she did enjoy it immensely, but mostly for the humor. My goal was to make them laugh more than flatter. The few GFs I've had had excellent senses of humor and enjoyed joking and playing around. Don't take me to seriously.


And no, I wouldn't be saying those things to strangers or acquaintances or friends. Only to a fun GF who has a wacky fun sense of humor, and even then only occasionally.


Also, if the women here have a problem with it, then please tell me and I'll apologize and shut up.


However, as yet I've only seen objections from 1 man and likely an other. The other is on my ignore list, yet everywhere I go and everywhere I post on any subject, there he is trolling after me and posting something right after me, no matter the subject and almost no matter what I'd said about it. That's how it's been with this guy for several months since the first day I came to E. Pathetic behavior if you ask me. I don't follow him around harassing him. I never have. Rather, I try to ignore him. I don't actually know what he posts these days since he's on my ignore list, but I do observe him seeking me out everywhere I go and that his posts are always right after mine. Is he obsessed with me? Buzz off guy. I'm not into you. And no, that is not directed to Melrich whom I like. The party I'm referring to knows who he is.

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The other is on my ignore list, yet everywhere I go and everywhere I post on any subject, there he is trolling after me and posting something right after me, no matter the subject and almost no matter what I'd said about it. That's how it's been with this guy since the first day I came to E. Rather pathetic behavior if you ask me. I don't follow him around harassing him. Rather, I try to ignore him. I don't actually know what he posts these days since he's on my ignore list, but I do observe him seeking me out everywhere I go and that his posts are alway right after mine. Is he obsessed with me? Buzz off guy.


if charley is referring to me, and i'm fairly sure that he is, let me set the record straight: he's probably the last person i would "follow around" on ENA. i have much better things to do with my time than obsess over the likes of him. if we post in the same threads, it's a coincidence. i have made exactly ONE post in any of his threads in the last several months, and it was a highly complimentary comment. one of us might have a problem with holding grudges and a reputation for harassing other members, but it certainly isn't me.


i'm sorry for going temporarily off topic, but it would not be fair to let such a silly accusation stand unaddressed.

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Oh OK, that's a relief. I'm sorry I really thought you were serious.


I have said similar things to what I posted to a GF or two in the past when I was really comfortable with her and I knew she was cool, enjoyed a good laugh, was easy going, and enjoyed me making a fool out of myself for her entertainment pleasure. I do like a good sense of humor in a woman so they had a good sense of humor.


I think there is a certain charm in a guy who's willing to embarrass himself, or look foolish to make a woman laugh. Of course, certain jokes are for a GF only. One gal thought it hilarious when my tie landed in my soup. Though that was not intentional, it was fun since she liked it. Most women have a great sense of humor and I like to try to make them laugh.


The reason I figured it would be OK to post those things is that I thought many, most, or possibly all the ladies would understand that some women would find it amusing that I will find creative ways to make a fool of myself for her entertainment, especially if it contains some elements of flattery. If the flattery is ridiculous, then all the better for the joking around and playing.


Also, I know that women are capable adults who are just as intelligent as I am, if not more so. thereforeeee, it follows that they are capable of forming opinions, expressing their thoughts, and verbally defending themselves if necessary.


I know that if I offended any ladies in this thread, they can tell me, and probably will tell me. If that happens, then I will apologize for offending each and every lady who says I offended her and I will be totally sincere about it because I respect them, I enjoy their company, their thoughts, and I do care about their feelings. I really do care.


I'm sure you meant well. However, I'd like to point out that jumping in to defend women before they've even had a chance to think for themselves about an issue or a post is actually disrespectful to women. I learned that fact from my own mistakes with local lady friends, my sister, and former GFs. Women are capable. Give them a chance to think, decide, and tell me what they think about my posts in this thread, which were addressed to women.


I know you would never intentionally be disrespectful to women. However, not giving them the chance to decide for themselves what they think and the opportunity to express themselves is mildly disrespectful in a chauvanistic, yet unintended way. See, I did learn some things from the feminists.


I'm not the caveman that I may appear when I joke around. I always keep in mind that women are capable people and if they don't like something I've said, they'll tell me. Then I can apologize, learn from them, and adjust my thinking and behavior.


The few GFs I've ever said flirty, silly jokes to laughed in some cases and smiled a lot in others. I'm very careful who I joke around with and under what circumstances and context. Despite my occasional caveman behavior, it's actually only a joke with myself as the butt of the joke and the best of intentions and respect for her independence to decide if she likes. Then I adjust to her wishes.

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Now I'm going to be silent in this thread for a couple days or more because I want to be considerate to the ladies. They had a great, fun, educational thread going here. I found it educational.


Then the thread starter invites the guys to participate and all heck breaks loose. We men have monopolized this thread for a while now. I apologize to the ladies for my part. I'm sorry and I'll be quiet for a couple days or more after this post.


Ladies, please resume where you left off. Guys, let's cool it, please.


Also ladies, if I did offend any of you, please let me know so that I can apologize to you and learn from it.


Thank you, Charley

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Personally, I am an ultra-sucker for pet names... the siller and more outrageous the better...lol


But then most of you, knowing me, would know that my sense of humor falls more on the odd side of the line anyway...


isn't that right, my little moon-pie-honey-bun-cupcake??

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boys, boys. please, lets not fight on here. this is a thread for talking about "pet names".


no, let him rant, he's harmless. this is the one forum where thread hijacking is allowed. if he goes out of bounds, the mods will haul him in, and if i read anything untrue about me again, i'll just issue another correction. no problem, no fight.


isn't that right, my little moon-pie-honey-bun-cupcake??


whoo, i just got a sugar rush like you wouldn't believe. all my hair stood on end.

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no, let him rant, he's harmless. this is the one forum where thread hijacking is allowed. if he goes out of bounds, the mods will haul him in, and if i read anything untrue about me again, i'll just issue another correction. no problem, no fight.



i was talking about both of ya.

just keep it chill yo.

arguments are no fun and nobody wins.

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i already told you, there is no fight. i was just setting the record straight after being called an obsessive stalker. i felt that i had to rebut the accusation, but i'd just as soon let it die now. and don't worry, if the mods have a problem with my posts, they'll let me know.


cool, fluffywuffykins?

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Understand sugar-bottoms?




I hate the rhyming, baby-talk thing!


It makes my rumbly-tumbly feel puky-ooky.....


And I think most people, especially guys, hate it when their gf/bf rhymes their name or adds an "ee" to the end of their name or repeats their name. (as in, "John" becomes "John-John" or "Johnny" or "Johnny-Wonnie")

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i already told you, there is no fight. i was just setting the record straight after being called an obsessive stalker. i felt that i had to rebut the accusation, but i'd just as soon let it die now. and don't worry, if the mods have a problem with my posts, they'll let me know.


cool, fluffywuffykins?





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Well here are my two cents as a guy. If a woman likes being called nicknames, it's fine. If she doesnt like it but puts up with it because 'everyone' does it (chicks being a common example), then it just shows she has no self esteem. I don't like using nicknames. But I would like it if a girl used one for me.

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I like pet names that are a bit special/unique. Baby, chick, pookie... meh, those are so generic. No imagination. A pet name that is something special between the two of you... now that's charming! My ex always got a smile out of me when he called me his "Maiden" since we met on a fantasy site. He was my "Knight" (or "Knighty" There is this guy who sometimes flirts with me now who calls me "Dragon Lady" because of my dragon drawings and that gives me a smile because it feels special.


I don't make up many special names for guys, but I am terrible with my dog. "Such a cutie-wootie-footie! Aren't ya? Arntcha? Arntcha? Charlie-warly-farly! Yawanna cookie? Yawanna cookie? Yes? Here you go swutie!" (sweetie/cutie)

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Lol.. Aurian. I am the same way with my kids and the puppy...


I just like to play, and my sense of humor shows in the game that I played with my ex husband to top the last ridiculous name I called him.


It all depends on the partners, I guess, but I would hope WHOEVER you are with is well suited to your personality enough that they would appreciate your unique humor in whatever you call them.

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One of my favorites for joking around with a GF is "babalicious". I think I forgot to mention that one earlier. It also goes well in a sentence with other pet names starting with B.




Now for a totally sincere compliment (I might say to a new GF or potential GF):


You're so beautiful, you scare me. What I mean is, I like you, but I'm shy (at first).


That is a true statement when I'm attracted to a woman, but still feeling shy, yet beginning to loosen up just enough to say it.


Later on she is going to be surprised, maybe even shocked, when I turn into a cross between Dr. Suess and Spike Lee. Surprises are fun.

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Funny is good. I think sincere is also nice and I like to change it up between the two so things stay fresh and interesting. Besides, I want her to know that even though I joke around, I do seriously like her.


I've observed that some of the ladies in this thread are talented sweet talkers and/or comedians. I've had fun in this thread and some good laughs reading the ladies posts. Thank you ladies.


In the past, I've had a couple creative GFs who enjoyed this sort of thing and were talented at it. I enjoyed receiving it as much as giving. One of them was better at it than I am. I enjoyed being outdone.

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I just remembered an odd one. I have an 83 year-old best friend (I've known him all my life) and for 20 years he's been calling me "chicken." Yes, he calls me "chicken" and I absolutely lovelovelove it, because it makes me feel special and loved. Now, taken out of context "chicken" might not sound okay, but every time he says it, it's literally dripping with warm affection and deep adoration (he also considers me his best friend in the whole world). Sometimes I've wondered how I know he means it affectionately, and why I'm not offended, but there's a subtle intention that's very clear whenever he says it. It really depends on the intentions of the person calling me the pet name, because the same name said with a hostile intention would get a completely different reaction from me.

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