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"pet Names" For Ladies


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LADIES, this is where you get a chance to vent about names you frequently hear men calling women. This is also something educational for the men to read.


What "pet names" [honeys, shorties, babies, chicks] do you hate or like the most?


Also, I think it'd be good for you to explain why you do or do not like these names.



GUYS, I invite you to join this thread as well.

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If my boyfriend is being difficult and trying to be cool in front of his friends, I start calling him the most outragious stuff (in a baby voice, no less!)


ex. fuzzy dirty bunny bum


He tries getting me back with it, but I pretend I love it and he can't win

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My ex used to call me Peep. This resulted from my going on a mini-rant about how I really dislike the word "chick" used to describe women. After listening to my whole rant, he was quiet and then announced he was going to call me Peep. I thought it was the most adorable pet name.

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For some reason I'm thinking of the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich.


One guy calls her "Cupcake" (so cute!


My ex used to call me "Smoke" I have no idea why. He just randomly started calling me that one day (I don't smoke or anything)


I hate it when a guy refers to me as a "chick", I don't know why I don't like it.


One of my guy friends calls me "m'dear" and "darling" as if I were his wife or something it's so stupid it always cracks me up for some reason.

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smoke? that's a different one. hmm... im curious as to why he called you that... did he ever tell you?


i'm pretty laid back. i really don't mind names at all.. as long as it's not something like shorty [as the gangstas say], because, well, i AM short[5 foot tall, and it sounds retarded anways.

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I detest being called "baby."


My alcoholic ex used to call me "baby"....but only when he was trying to make up for really horrible behavior...as in, "Awww, baby, you know I didn't mean it when I called you a fat, ugly b***h." (Yes, that was his idea of an apology.)


Anyway, I'm not big on cutesy pet names....neither is my husband. If you heard us calling each other by the usual pet names we call each other in public, you'd think we hated each other.


Fortunately we have a very similar sense of humor and both get the joke.

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I'm really surprised no guys have said anyhing on here.


In your original thread starting post, you addressed it to the ladies. So I think the guys are just reading, but not posting, which is what I've been doing (up til now). I suggest going back and editing your original thread start post to invite guys to participate with the ladies. Ladies or lady is the term I most commonly use, sometimes woman, and often her name if an indidvidual lady known to me.


Why does it seem that men invent the pet names most known to the public and then women accept or veto them? Ladies, start inventing some new ones and laying them on the guys without asking us. Something we never heard before. Actually, this thread should also include pet names women call men, shoudn't it? How about "stud" for one. I've been called that a time or two, but it embarrasses me because I know I'm not deserving. After all, I've always been rather shy with women. That's not stud behavior. However, I do appreciate the thought behind it when I occasionally hear it.


One of my Xs called me "babe". It seemed weird at first since she was older than me, but I started liking it because I took it in the spirit that she intended it, which was what CarnelianButterfly said (babe = hot stuff). FYI - years ago "babe" meant "hot stuff" and just as many women as men used the term "babe" in the early 90s. At least that's how I remember it. Later, another GF called me a "babe" and I liked it right off because I was pretrained to like it. I will happily call a woman babe if she calls me that first, or if she's a GF I might test the water and try "babe" once and observe her reaction. When I say "babe", I mean "hot stuff".


I don't think I've ever called anyone "baby" and I don't much like it when women call me that. I had an X who called me "baby" and I learned to like it from her because she meant it affectionately. Intentions count a lot with me. However, my initial gut reaction to "baby" is negative because my mom used to call me or my sister "baby" in a nasty, sneering way when she was berating us.


I like to call close women friends and/or a GF "sweetie". Some of my friends call me that. I'm rather fond of "sweetie" given or received by lady friends or GF. I think "honey" is another good one, but not usually for a friend. Also, "honeys" and "sweeties" as in "Wow. Look at those honeys!" or "Look at that honey" (said when seeing a beautiful woman, but said quietly enough so she doesn't hear me). Also, said to a lady I know well and have some type relationship with: "You're a honey". Also, "you're a sweetie". "You're a sweetie and a honey." "Thanks, sweetie."


FYI - the context of my use of "honey" and "honeys" means "hot stuff" to me. My use of "sweetie" and "sweeties" means a sweet personality. So a lady who is a "sweetie and a honey" is as good as they come.


Generally, I stick to "sweetie", but variety can be nice. However, I only say those that I think are polite, affectionate, respectful, and appropriate according to context. Sometimes it's fun to try to use a different one each and everytime with a GF. A fun game. Whoever repeats first loses the game.


"Shorties" is a new one to me I just heard yesterday. I'm thinking some ladies might not like that, but maybe some might. It does make me laugh a lot and sounds cute to me, but I probably won't be calling anyone a shorty. Not even if she's a sweet shorty, or a short honey, or a honey sweet shorty, or a short'n'sweet honey. But I'll be thinking it thanks to this thread.


What's wrong with "gal"? Miss M told me that's not appreciated by some women. Bless Miss M because she is a sweetie and was being helpful to me. However, I don't understand. Isn't "gal" just the female equivalent to "guy"? What's wrong with that?


I do try to avoid saying "girl" or "girls" whenever I can remember. I don't want to be disrespectful. However, so many women of all ages call themselves "girls" that after talking to a lady (almost said gal) who calls herself a girl, it's really easy for "girl" to start coming out of my mouth. Likewise, a lot of women call themselves "chick" which is contagious because once a guy hears a peep call herself a chick, he tends to think it's OK with her, and maybe OK in general. Whoops.

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i use "Sunshine" a lot. it comes from the heart.


so did "Kitten Face", when i called a friend that the other day, but i have no ideer if she liked it or not.


i often use pet names, if you want to call them that, for my male friends as well. "Bunky", 'Homie" (which is more common than calling a person by name in my circles) and "Big Guy" are at the top of the list.

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I absolutely can't stand the "P" word when describing vagina and would always complain to my boyfriend when he'd use it...he now calls it The Kitty... sort of weird...sort of annoying...but I suppose it's a bit better.


My boyfriend ALWAYS uses pet names with me: mostly baby,and love... the one i really DISLIKE is babydoll... it just makes me think of one of the creepy figurines his grandmother left in her house when she sold it to him.......

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