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Uncontrollably horny!


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Okay so I am offically done my first trimester tomorrow. WOOT WOOT! The sickness is subsiding, but not completley gone. New problem...


Seriously...I am uncontrollably horny. My husband doesnt mind but he is at work all the time too! I seriously can't focus on school because all I want is SEX! The nice thing is I only want sex with him, probably because he is perfect. AHHH! Is anyone else having sexual frusterations? I used to get annoyed because he would last so long in sex but now its like keep going I could do this all day!

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No, I think we all have those days, it's just most don't express it.


I am not pregnant, and I feel that way often, it's just hormonal fluctuations.


And I always hear about how people say men are horny and women just aren't as much.


I could not disagree more, I just find many of my friends won't admit to it.


It's a beautiful thing, and there's nothing the matter with it.


And remember, the word horny, comes from the word hormonal.


And in the Spanish language, they say caliente, which means in heat.


So it's all part of the bodies hormonal cycling.

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Yah... Its not as big as his penis...but it might have to do. Am I a freak you guys?


nope, not at all! that's part of the reason guys like a pregnant wife!


congrats on the baby and making it thru that first trimester! isn't it amazing how good you feel after the sickness ends!!??


just enjoy this time while you're feeling good!

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I am with you girl. I am hypersexual and my fantasies more wild than ever. I mean, I never realized I could get more into it. I always thought I was pretty reved already. One thing I've noticed, too, is that while I used to get a little dry, I NEVER EVER have that problem now. Anyway, it's certainly interesting and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I wonder if men think their wives lose interest after kids are born because they really just return to normal. Ha! How about that?!

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When my best friend was pregnant she said she was hornier than she'd ever been and it was like nature played a cruel joke on her because she was so big she could hardly move but all she thought about was sex!


Seriously, though, with the fluctuation in hormones and the increased blood flow to your nether regions, you are way more sensitive down there and hyperarousal is not at all uncommon during a pregnancy.


Now, all you have to do is convince your boyfriend to stay home all weekend and meet your needs!

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It was like I was in heat my whole first trimester, but it completely died during the second one. Now I'm entering the third and final stage and I swear I'm in heat again.


I honestly cannot get enough. I had a high sex drive to begin with but I think I'm breaking world records here.


Enjoy it!!! It's hard to tell with these hormones when it's going to go down again.

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cant having sex later on in pregancy hurt the baby? just what i herd


No. The act of having sex won't in pretty much all cases (although there might be exceptions to this but your doctor will undoubtedly let you know if you have to abstain).


In advanced pregnancy though you do have to make sure that mom-to-be is in a position that isn't causing a problem.


One way to encourage labour is actually to have sex.


Also, some unborn babies seem to like the rocking motions. Certainly a happy mom makes for a happy baby.

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Out of curiosity, IM, can you engage in oral or uno?


I don't know what you mean by uno but oral I'm pretty much sure we can. I didn't actually ask because I've never gotten or given oral and I'm not too sure I even want to. It's getting to the point where I want to though haha.

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WOW!!! Uno = self-gratification = masterbation. Just my little way of communicating a way to bring yourself to climax.


I've definitely thought about it but haven't acted on that impulse. I guess I probably could but I just haven't. Masterbation really has never gotten me anywhere. Ian is half afraid to even touch me yet because he knows I won't be fully healed for another few weeks.

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Main reason you cant have it after having the baby is because your cervix is still opened up in there and prone to infection. Thats why the doctor will advice you to wait a certain amount of weeks.


Last time, In my case he said 6 weeks, but then again I had a CSection... 34 more days to go till I have my little one!

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IM, it's just nice that you're better and giving yourself time to heal. Anything else would be too much unless you feel totally comfortable with it. The whole uno thing works for some, not for others. I once went years without it, not sure I remember why exactly, but I did. I think the more I engage in sex, the more I probably practice uno. Strange, huh?



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My brother told me his thoughts on sex after his wife gave birth to their baby. He said that once he saw what happens to "it," he's afraid to touch "it." I thought that was so funny, but probably true.


I know I wouldn't want to interrupt the healing process. And I was also wondering, does the appearance change a whole lot after giving birth? I can imagine it would...but I really like my girl parts, they're pretty. I don't want them to look like some sort of rotten tropical fruit, lol.


I'm getting so excited for Southerngirl!! A little over a month...and the holidays are coming so time is going to FLY!!

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Unfortunately, your girl parts will change. That can not be avoided because when you deliver a baby through there its going to stretch, and while it does go back to 'normal' its a new normal.


I guess thats one benifit of having a CSection, for me, my girl parts wont change. I have to have a CSection because with my first child there were problems during the delivery.... 2nd was planned, this my 3rd and final is planned too. So while I will be in pain afterwords and have to heal from surgery, I will have very good pain pills...

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