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Dating a transsexual?

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I've known four women who were born men, and just today I wondered if men would consider dating them?

Yes, I realize few are into men but some are.


I'm not in touch wth these gals now, but I'm planning to email one friend to see how she's doing. She helped me cope when my wife left me. No I'm not looking to date her, just wondering.

It is funny you would wonder this. I never thought I was gay until I saw my first Olivia Love movie. NOW I am almost solely attracted to Transgender women. maybe I was made to be this way, who knows. I am in love with Olivia Love obviously we will never meet, but I am going to frequent transgender bars and hopefully meet a woman like this. I want to date them.


And BTW Dako I like your courage, and I think you have a pretty face. I wonder if any of the TG folks want to remain TG? I don't see any problems with this as since the time of Herodotus, men have always been known to do things like this. Same with women. anywho.

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Xpaul, sorry, but I don't resemble Cecilia Bartoli at all, but if I did, I'd drop this straight man act in a second.

I actually look more like Freddy Kruger.

Check my profile.


You're the brave one.

Welcome to the forum.

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  • 3 months later...

When I first met Michelle, she was completely stealth. After about 3 weeks into our relationship, she revealed that she was trans. I didn't care that she had been born a bio male, nor did I care that she didn't tell me up front. I had fallen in love with her as a person. I love who she is, and that is herself. Gender doesn't matter when you're in love.

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there is no way on Gods green earth i would date a transexual........point is she is a man.......she was born male, and no amount of logic or reasoning can say that shes a women........no way i'd do it....its not happnin


Well, what if you were dating someone who has had Sexual Reassignment Surgery? I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between a post-op transsexual and a bio woman.

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I understand what you mean. Until you meet someone like that with an attractive personality, the concept is hard to understand. I've known a few transgendered women who were such fine people, I couldn't imagine them without a partner.

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Well, what if you were dating someone who has had Sexual Reassignment Surgery? I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between a post-op transsexual and a bio woman.


wait........y would i be dating a transexual? if your saying if i thought she was a woman but shes a transexual, then i would leave on the spot and never call her back.....something like that is the equivalent of what god feels about blasphemy


point is shes a dood.....she was born with a weiner........im not into transsexuals...thats not whats going down in my world.....2 me its the same thing as waking up to a man, bcuz i am waking up next to a man


my god the horror.....


but thats just me

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We get it, Jay.

You are grossed out by the idea.

Got it.


One question, though. How many have you known personally?


yes i am grossed out by the idea of dating a transexual i think i have reason to be.........


i dont know any personally....and if your sayin what im insinuating your saying


then i have no problem with transexuals as a whole, their people jsut like everyone else who should be treated as such.....yes i'll talk to one.....and have the utmost respect for them......but no i will not date one......

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I look at a tranny as someone who was just born into the wrong body, just like some kids are born without limbs, some are born requiring a heart transplant, and some are born with hormones and propensities that more closely match the opposite sex, but in vitro the wrong sexual organ became attached (or not attached).


It is nothing to be sickened over in my opinion and nothing more than any other in vitro issue....my heart goes out to the confusion these people must feel their whole lives and instead of being grossed out by it I feel like "wow, life is hard enough I cannot even imagine the pain and longing of growing up KNOWING i was in the wrong body.


I'm just sain, man life is hard enough wihtout having to go thru that. GOd bless 'em for being strong enough to make the choice to do something about it, i.e. the surgery.

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People change genders for themselves and their self-image.

Most female transexuals are lesbians, and many are much happier as women. When someone goes through the change, it's really amazing how it affects them. One fellow I know was miserable, but the day she returned from vaction in a skirt, I was surprised how even the crustiest old guys at work admired her strength.


Jay, I'm not insinating anything at all. Simply wondered if you knew any of these people.

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Whether or not it's the product of in utero genetic malfunction, some folks get it in their heads -- sometimes even starting in early childhood -- that they would be happier living as a member of the opposite sex. What's the big deal? Who does it hurt?

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wait........y would i be dating a transexual? if your saying if i thought she was a woman but shes a transexual, then i would leave on the spot and never call her back.....something like that is the equivalent of what god feels about blasphemy


point is shes a dood.....she was born with a weiner........im not into transsexuals...thats not whats going down in my world.....2 me its the same thing as waking up to a man, bcuz i am waking up next to a man


my god the horror.....


but thats just me


Well, what if you met a woman who has transitioned completely and looks no different than any other woman? Would you still date her if you really liked her? Post-Op transsexuals live their lives as the people they were meant to be, and they just don't go around and tell people "hey, I used to be a guy!"

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Well, what if you met a woman who has transitioned completely and looks no different than any other woman? Would you still date her if you really liked her? Post-Op transsexuals live their lives as the people they were meant to be, and they just don't go around and tell people "hey, I used to be a guy!"



That IMO tho would be dishonest. You should be upfront with someone you seriously date to let them know your history, reason being is at some point when you are that serious they WILL find out and feel betrayed.

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Well, what if you met a woman who has transitioned completely and looks no different than any other woman? Would you still date her if you really liked her? Post-Op transsexuals live their lives as the people they were meant to be, and they just don't go around and tell people "hey, I used to be a guy!"


well the situation you defined is coming to me as


"if i didnt know she was a man but she actually is....but never told me and looks like a real women"


well yes i would date bcuz im thinkin this is a woman.....but when i find out shes a man, im leavin on the spot....no bones about it......i would be depressed for the fact that i dated a dood...thats horrible to me..

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well the situation you defined is coming to me as


"if i didnt know she was a man but she actually is....but never told me and looks like a real women"


well yes i would date bcuz im thinkin this is a woman.....but when i find out shes a man, im leavin on the spot....no bones about it......i would be depressed for the fact that i dated a dood...thats horrible to me..



People like this are exactly why transsexuals don't tell people our history.



Being a transsexual is stressful enough without having to worry about people judging you and calling you a "dood".

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I knew a guy that became a woman, then a lesbian - what a waste of money! (true story)



Transsexuality is about ones own identity and how one feels about themselves. It's a completely separate issue then ones sexual preference. Transitioning is not about being able to attract partners easier. It's about looking in the mirror and being happy about who you are.

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