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how to find sumones alcohol limit


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Everyone's tolerance to alcohol is likely to be different. It will depend many things. There is no universal measurement when it comes to determining at what level of alcohol someone will pass out. Let's just say they have had too much way before they get to the point of passing out.

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Everyone's tolerance to alcohol is likely to be different. It will depend many things. There is no universal measurement when it comes to determining at what level of alcohol someone will pass out. Let's just say they have had too much way before they get to the point of passing out.




I know I can have a BAC of .08 and not feel intoxicated at all, but that doesn't mean that someone who hasn't drank nearly as much as I have could blow a .08 and be even conscious. I've had as high of a BAC as .32 and still been in as good, if not better than, of shape as a friend who was at .12 the same night. I have friends my size (~190 pounds) who will drink a mickey of vodka (13oz) and be absolutely hammered, while I can usually drink a 2-6/fifth (26oz) in one night before I get quite drunk, and have drank as much as a 40oz bottle of rum in one night. So it really depends on weight, experience, and lots of other natural factors Judging from how you're typing on here though, I think it's safe to assume you're no older than about 16 and at that age 6 beers for a guy will get you drunk enough to make a total * * * of yourself.


And before anybody asks, no, I've never been stopped for drunk driving. When I had a BAC of .08 it was when I was walking home from a friends house one night and got stopped by a cop because apparently teenagers had a curfew then, and made me do a breathalizer and a field sobriety test. When I was at .32 it was at a bar when it was coin drinks and I got bottled by a guy and had to go to the hospital for stiches and they tested my blood.

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Yeah, tolerance is going to vary from person to person based on size and "drinking experience" and other factors (medications being one of them). I know my boyfriend can drink 30-40oz in a night and hardly feel it, whereas if I have one drink I am toast.


Like Annie mentioned legal limit is still 0.08.... so it doesn't matter how drunk you "feel", it is still illegal to be driving above that limit.

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I used to carry around a card that was specific to weight that would tell me and my drunk friends just how many drinks we could have per hour without going over the legal limit....but for the life of me, I can't remember where we got that stupid thing.....



....guess I've fried to many brain cells....

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