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will her boyfriend ruin our friendship?


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My friend says that her boyfriend is "infatuated" with me. They've been together about a year and I know she really loves him. A while back he tried talking her into having a threesome with me. Recently he made a joke, saying if I spent that night with her and him at his house, that I could sleep in bed with him and she could sleep on the couch. And I guess he says things to her about my chest. I think it's just a fantasy thing with him, he doesn't even know me, I've only met him twice and haven't really talked to him. My friend and I have only known each other a couple years and haven't hung out that much, but she's great and I don't want him to make her feel insecure about their relationship, or make her not want to be around me anymore because of what he says. Do you think she'll be strong enough to laugh it off, or will this ruin everything?



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Maybe you should avoid hanging out with him, even if it's not very often you do. It might also help your friend if you tell her that what he is saying is making YOU feel insecure, as well as her. What he is saying is completely inappropriate and things may be better off "ruined" between them... Frankly he sounds like a jerk and it might help if you express concern to your friend that perhaps her boyfriend's words may one day really offend someone to the point that they might stop being HER friend because of it (just to avoid him)....

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