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I will swap sex for...


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The IM was one of my best friends asking him about me, I was on the phone with her for some of it and she was telling me everything he was saying.

Yes your are right, I really do feel for him even though he has done some really mean things but i really think he is sorry and I dont think he is just playing around with everyone now. He has left me alone because he knows i dont want him to be hanging round all the time and he even stopped asking all my friends whevever he sees them...

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HUmm I seem to have missed the posts, can some on PM me what was said thanks


It was just him telling my friend that he still wanted me to take him back and that he thought I would.

more too but I cant remember which bits I posted... but i did take out all of the bad language, so im not sure why it was removed...

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Hi Aida2


"he thought I would" That says it all, he dos do he, see this is what the "How to spot a Loser" web page was all about, guys who have this feeling of entitalment are bad really bad, its all Ego and very bad.


You are not "HIS" your not a thing or Object that was put on this earth for him. Hes still not got that, hes all about him.


From all the things this guy has done so far this just abouts tops the lot,

Hes still manipulating you, go see the film "Holday" its out now and theres a guy in there just like this guy, O hes got a girl and another he plays with.


Pulling your hart strings with what is in fact a Toxic Love play, he knows your friends will pass on his words thats his lines now, and thats in root in to POWER OVER YOU!


Thats his soul goul now, your some thing to hunt down and get, and objected to get and congtroll, you can not have you so now he wonts you.


he plays and you pay thats the way this will go, he has shown nothing yet that makes me think he is any thing but a creep. Guys you go out with, guys who care about you, guys who love and respect you, guys you marry and have kids with, guys you live with in love and happyness do not act like this, ever!.


This is me worring you know, this guy is bad bad news, if you let him back in your life he will brake you qst then use you.


Its still all about him, how he feels, what he needs, what he wonts, and what he wonts if you, under his control.


Aida I mean this when I say "I was this guy" I know what he's doing and how hes doing it and he will not treat you well.


For me it tuck 10 years of being like him and haurting so many to change, to wont to change and stay changed.


Actions are the only thing that counts words are miningless


he will keep this up trying to get to you, keep up NC and dont let him back.

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Now its down to you, do you think he's telling the truth?


But befor you ask youself that, think on this, there just words, what has he done to show he's sorry and that he gets it now, that acting this way is sooooo wrong.


I still say time, give it some time, let things settle for a bit and see what he dos. If he truly cares and wonts you in the right way he will wait and see just as you.


Also this is about you larning not to act on impolses, but having self restaurant and self controll. Its hard yes when your body is scraming ffor some one, but acting on that feeling with out thinking leads to problems, unwonted kids, STDs, and gid time life messes like this one. So time to larn stuff for life here, think and know fully what your doing befor jumping back into a place you just climed out of.


If he has half a brain, He will give you time, but if he's pushing and chasing you then he's not thinking of you at all just of himself still.


Its true when thay say if "you love some one set them free"


I would say wait and see, at 16 you have the time.


Good luck Adia2

And don't stay in now go out and have a good xmass with your freands. Meet new faces, keep an I on your self, dont drink your self dumb if you know what I mean.


Also if he comes up to you just say "I'm sorry I don't won't to talk to you"


you can add "yet" but if you do it means he will have hope and you will have to talk to him in the near future.




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He did say he would wait for me and that he realised he had been really awful and that, well that he always liked me but i never acted like i liked him until he had a girlfriend andhe didnt want to pass up the chance if he might not get it again but he couldnt just dump his girlfriend... this was all in the IM...

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lies all lies, lets face it he cheated on his GF with you, not a word about that.


"Yes I feel bad about CHEATING!! on my GF"


would be a good start not


"Well you know I wonted sex so went out with a girl I did not like, then shaged you but could not dump her but cheating was fine"




now do you see, this is his story, his line now, "i did what i did becouse you made me",

not what he should be saying "I should have ended it with my GF and then asked you out, not played games".


Hes still trying to manipulate you, this is what I was trying to get you to see with the wait and see line.

Hes just bull, him's back to Im a saint and your all bad.


Im sorry but he has his head so far up his own *** is unbelivabul.


Im sorry but hes blown it in my book now, Do not go any where this leing manipulating git!

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What kind of guy says he likes a girl, sleeps with her and dates someone else? Sounds like a real prince.


He CHEATED! He's a CHEATER! It doesn't matter if he thought you didn't like him, he still had sex with you when he was in a relationship with someone else. Why are his feelings so important? He messed around with 2 women and all he thinks about is how you never showed you liked him. Why is that so important?

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Because i like him


And at last we get to it,


Under stand as XXX says just what your saying, you like a guy who treats you badly, whos a lier, manipulater and cheat.


Here is the hard eage of Wisdom over Intaligences, your 16 and life has yet to kick you hard and beat you down, and in doing so to make a soul, your all shiny and new in the world and looking to find out whats out there, you need to test the bars to see what this "life" thing is all about. Love, relationships, happyness, fear, hope, pain, joy and loss. There all there waiting for you, all just a destion away.


I call it the path, the way this life, as a Taoist to be on it is the very core of being that which string to gever to make us who and what we are moment by moment.


We with years of wisdom say walk away from the pain we can see you will get from this guy, but you need him, wont him, his very wrongness and badness drives your need. That need is the need to larn the hard way, to do the wrong things so you can get that same wisdom we are so desparetly trying to pass on to you.


Like I said befor, its grown up time now, no more play the kid, there will be no one to plame buy youself after this one, face it with out fear, you know what he has done, we have told you what we feel, and you still wont to go back to him good or bad, right or wrong. This will not be the last time in your life you will have to make a call like this, we all make them all the time, the best we can hope for is that expirance

and wisdom show us the best path to tred, but until you take that 1st step you will not know which is which.


This is life, this is part of the wonder and joy that is life, the wonderfull fear of not knowing and the joy when we get it right and even wrong.


But walk with you eyes open always with your eyes open, know that "you" made this call and that you alone will have to stand by it.


Its time to do what you think is best and larn from the steps you take.


I ask only this take with you 3 words


Truth, Strenght and Honnor


Always be true to your self and then others

Always be strong for yourself and then others

and Honnor yourself for trying to do that which is right and others who try to do the same.


Keep thows words close to your hart at all times and you will stand when others fall.


*opens a door*


"Life is waiting, good luck"

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My heart breaks for you. Please don't think that this guy is the ONLY person you could want..... you deserve someone who respects you as well as loves you and appreciates you. He did none of those things. He took from you all the things you were willing to give and he is not mature enough to know how to truly love you like you deserve. You can do so much better. You deserve better, to be treated properly and decently. Don't waste anymore of your youth pining for him.. Like others have said, concentrate on other things you have your whole life ahead of you. Do something with it.

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One more thing... every choice we make comes with a price or consequence or reward. We don't know the future so our choices have to be made based on past experience, what we know, and experience of others besides our emotions... write down on paper all your past experiences with this person; all the good and the bad and write down where it has led you. Read it out loud to yourself. It will help put things in perspective. Your signature says "Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for." Ask yourself what price you are willing to pay?

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