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I will swap sex for...


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You know Aida - if you still have the video, perhaps you could tag it as being him and his g/f and email it to his girlfriend, parents and/or his clergy if his family is the religious type - just to show them what a scumbag he is.


Granted, that is just what I would do with it.....

Also YouTube and Google video might be a good place for it as well >

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I'm sorry TxRedheadGuy I have to disagree becouse there is a 3ed party his gf, if she was unaware of his filming then it would be wrong to place this in the public domain.


As for him calling you, again its all about him getting back incontrol. He's testing your defense like some criminal rataling the bars of his cage to is if theres a way out.


It may be time to tell your mum and dad that you don't won't to see ot talk to this guy again ever!. Its up to you if you tell them why if you won't to. If they ask you can tell them "he has a GF and you don't like this kind of atenaton from him will he is with her.

its not right and he's acting like a creep trying it on and you don't won't any thing to do with him"


Its only part of the truth, but it is still true. The rest you can tell later if ever.


Keep strong and let your family know you don't like this kind of pestaring and you would like it to stop.


That way if he caris on its horasment and then his in a world of trubel.


Just remember he's doing all this and he still has a GF, so what is he after?


control, power, sex, domination, all of which is about him and his greed.


call bt and block his phone number, change your cell phone and tell every one not to give him the number, on most net works you cando number baring.


well all the best and keep NC going.

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Hi TxRedheadGuy,

I feel that the pary about placing it in the public domain say on youtube was the main point I was getting at, yes it would be good for the GF to find out what kind of man she is with, but I ask is it really the right time for Adie2 to be giving this guy feed back in his actions. If she dos contact the GF now it will have prevocted a responce and so gotten power over her once more, she's in NC so I would say what a bit, I do feel hes actions will in time end with his GF walking out on him. Lets face it hes sleeping around behind her back. I would worry that he has other girls and even real huckers who hes been having sex with some one here did bring up STDs and this guy dos not seem to have others best intarests at hart so if he did cach some thing I wonder if he would even got to the STD clinic.


Which I would add Adie2 you had best think about, clumidea and other such SDTs can go in felt for years. I sorry to worry you with this but the clinicks are anonumus and one bleed test and your away.


Befor I marred I did this befor having sex with each of my GFs and asked them to do the same.

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I’m seriously doubting myself… I sent him back all the jewellery a few days ago, but today when I was walking into town he was there and he just followed me round. He didn’t try and hide or anything, he just followed me. I know I was supposed to do the whole NC thing but I couldn’t help it, I kept looking to see if he was still there and he always was and he didn’t come to try and talk to me or anything so I stuck my finger up at him, he mimed heartbreak then walked off smirking… What does he want?! I really hate this. He doesn’t call anymore he does worth thing…

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hi Aida2

I think you are doing the right things, in the right way, this guy is all about power over woman, him storking you like that was a means of provocking a response, the moment you gave him the finger he got it and so was got a reward for his actions, NC some time can be like traing a dog, that's what your doing with this guy, when ever his around don't give him a reward of a response from your self, that's all, also with NC you mess up at the start every one dos, don't swet it.


Now this guy can go one of three ways, he could drop it and let you be, live his life with his GF. He could go starker on you and make a fool of himself, as I have a feeling you not the type to be intimedated by some one playing freak boy like that. Or he could dump his gf and begforgiveness for being such a **** and change.


the likely hud is in the same order as I have writen them. The last one is remote but you never know, but my advice is never take this guy back, not after the stuff he's pulled so for, life with a guy like this would not be a happy ever after one, guys who get into the habbit of paying for sex don't tend to lose it, and always run the risk of STDs like HIV.


One day when your ready you will won't kids, this guy I feel is not good "daddy material" spoleld rich kids can go bad like this, and make no mistake he has gone very very bad.


not in a cute bad lad, way now he's heading for kid and wife beating bad man. Home poen vids on the net bad. Sick woman hating bad.


You ask yourself if erey one here has read what you have said about this creap and every one thinks he would make a bad chouce of partner

to say the last why I'm a ever remotely things of this guy.


The best news is he has his coin back (the stuff he's given you) I will tell you here and now the moment you did that the slate was wiped clean on you selling sex, from that moment, he became just a boy freand, one you dumped becouse he was cheating with you on his girl freand who you know and like.


Never say again you sold sex, that is no longer true you are clean of that.


If and when you talk to your mum and dad yoj can say in all hoesty that you where dateing him behind his gf back but you did not like it so you dumped him, and now his acting up. All that is true, no more needs to be said, that is up to you.


What I'm saying here is that you can make your self feel bad about selling sex for the rest of your life, but what I'm saying is buy giving him back his payments that is and never will be true. Is all about how you feel about yourself nkt just now but in years to come.


Me I think you have done grate, and I'm proud of you, one day soon you will meet a much better guy than this ratbag and you can holc your head up high knowing you did what was right here and now. That will be worth more than gold trust me.


well done Aida2

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Aida - anyway you could change up your routine a bit? Like go where you usually go but at a time you wouldn't normally? Or just stop entirely for a little while?


He may not be the guy you thought he was. This sounds like infatuation, not love. On BOTH of your parts....


On both parts? what do you mean? I understand that I am infatuated with him, but i dont think he can feel the same way about me...

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I think I will hand over to Ta_ree_saw now T's way better than me on love and infaruation, All I'm going to say over and more is this guys bad news, it will be much better if you get over him and move on, there are much better guys out there as has been said. You have dumped him, and he's still with his GF so there is no future that I can see.


Ta_ree_saw and CarnelianButterfly can help a lot


but for me you have show strength and a matureity that makes me think your going to beball right in the long run.

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Thanks Spugly -


I'm not an expert by any means but what I meant Aida by saying he's infatuated as well, is that if he's following you round but not talking to you, that's like stalker behaviour and displayed by those who have an un-healthy or an abnormal infatuation with someone.


I want to stress to you that this is not normal when someone likes someone. You are correct in thinking that he does not feel the same way about you that you do for him.


You like him and want to see more come of a relationship. He wants to stalk you and creep you out and make you feel fear and discomfort. Most likely the level in which he displays that will increase. I suugest you make yourself unavaible to him in ANY capacity.


And like Spugly said, you're already on the right track. Let rational thought guide you now, not your emotions. And seriously, keep in touch!

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I think he must have told some of his friends because I saw a few of them today and they smirked at me and were just generally smug and they were saying that he was really missing my little visits... I didn’t think he had told anyone that we were sleeping together and I’m sure they know about his GF… I know them because I used to go round with them but we told them we were just friends, but I think he has been telling people now… I don’t know why though because surely this will somehow get back to his GF…?

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Oh boy. I like how you said that you werent supposed to get attached to him, but all of a sudden he becomes quite the prize doesn't he. I've been there before and I remember that the girl that was in your position got hurt pretty bad, but I used her pretty good so she had her right to hate me.


As for the friends thing, I'm sure he told his guy friends all about it and could easily deny everything to his gf should things ever come between them about this. Ever heard of the expression "bros before hos" well that's why they wouldn't say anything. Although I do remember feeling something for that girl, I also know that I was more in love with the other (the one I wasn't getting any from).


At this point its your right to make yourself heard that you no longer want to be his FB and that you're beginning to feel used. Give him the chance to be honest and sincere because you never know how he's actually feeling, but judging from experiences myself and have heard of, I wouldn't expect much.


That's just my two cents, don't take it to heart though. Know what you plan on doing and do your best not to allow emotions to cloud your reaction or else he can take control and make you feel worse. GL.

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At this point its your right to make yourself heard that you no longer want to be his FB and that you're beginning to feel used. Give him the chance to be honest and sincere because you never know how he's actually feeling, but judging from experiences myself and have heard of, I wouldn't expect much.

I totally disagree, giving him that sort of chance will only open you up to more hurt. If he's told people then he's only making himself more of a sleaze. He thought he had a good thing, but you are no longer his toy and like any self centered 2 year old, when his toy is taken away he's going to throw a tantrum.


Look at how he's acted. These are not the actions of an adult or even a young adult. He's a selfish, worthless scoundrel, you don't need to do anything for him. You need to care for your own emotions and how you feel. In all the time did you ever feel like you were the real love of his life? Did he ever give you respect and honesty? He's trying to bate you, he's harassing you, he's intimidating you, he's telling private things to others, these are not the actions of a lover, these are the actions of a stalker or an abuser.

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In all the time did you ever feel like you were the real love of his life?


Well no, but it wasnt as if there was nothing there either... we spent time together like a normal couple might (I know we werent a normal couple, but still...) so it wasnt just the sex, and it wasnt as if he was cold with me or anything either, he was always lovely until now...

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