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I will swap sex for...


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No, he says he wont, I asked him.


Then you hand back evry thing he has ever given you, if you see it as some kind of payment then you are acting in the way a Prostitute would act, selling your body for coin.


My I ask have you sold sex befor?

What I mean by this is, is that why this situation dos not seem odd to you.


SB is right here, its about truth and Honor, Look long and hard at your self and ask, Do I really wont to be a Hucker, is that the life I seek. This man will not stay with you, he loves his GF and dos not love you. No man would act this way to some one he truly loves.


He is disrespecting hes GF for paying you for sex, and he is disreapecting you for staying with his GF.


For him to have the cash to pay like this he is an older man, which makes him some one wiser and with the power to Manipulate, I would queation his motives here, Your 16 hes old (if he is) he picked you up in school.

Hes paying you for sex, next he will pay for you to have sex with others and then maybe some Photos. You can see where this is going, What his actions scream to me is PIMP!


Hes a PIMP lets face it, hes not a nice guy, hes not one of the good guys,

Hes manipulating a 2 young girls for sex. One when hes marred her the other when he needs sex.


Fall for this guy and your heading into a world of pain.


So give him back every thing he has ever given you, all of it.

Then walk away and never see him again, 100% NC.


This man is very bad news.

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FIRST of all. STOP all sexual activity. STOP taking his expensive gifts or cheap gifts. and especially STOP letting him have his way with you.


Other than his words, does his actions say he respects you or that he wants to dump his current GF to be with you? He sounds like a spoiled rich kid to me.


You need to take control of this relationship (if there even is one). Find out if he really wants to continue a REAL relationship with you. See what happens when you tell him you no longer want to sleep with him until things are settled between his current GF and yourself.


I'm sorry, but he doesn't sound like he has any respect for you... let alone any woman. Any guy who pays for sex or buys stuff for sex usually means they don't respect you.

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He sounds like a spoiled rich kid to me.


That's about it… I guess we both are.

I didn't see him today, I was supposed to but I didn't go. Two phone calls, and three messages…


My parents don't ask about the jewellery because I don't wear it, how could I? They would of course be suspicious.

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Eh, Aida, I'm proud of you for putting the effort in to disengage from this boy.


Spug had some powerful points there, and it is all very relevent.


Figured you were hiding the jewelry. Usually we hide stuff that we are ashamed of - or, we hide it and then we become ashamed. Either way, you need to get rid of that jewelry and bring this out into the open somehow. At least, I believe so.


You're not destined to be a spoilt little rich girl. It's your choice what you do with your life - rich or no.


I like Carnelian's idea a lot. Turn this experience into something valuable and good for your heart by putting that jewelry to good use for others.


Take care. Hope to hear from you again.

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Sleep with his girlfriend? that solves all your problems in one go.


There you go. Problem solved.


Seriously, this guy sounds like a weiner. Keep the jewellery, dump him, and tell his gf that she is dating a penis wrinkle. And I am sure you wont make the same mistake again...

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Five phone calls, two voice messages and a note delivered to me by his little sister at school.

How I am I suposed to ignore him?



Be strong, dont brake NC, he has a GF, the one hes been keeping on the back barner, just see if its his hart or his paints that run this boys mind.


If his a spouled as you say then once he can not get his own way, he may spit the Dummy of you know what I mean so keep and eye out for that.


All hes doing now is trying to get it all his own way again. remember why you are doing this, hes a user and a real bad one at that, Its time he larnt that growing up means taking on board respoabiltys for what you do to others. Dont let him come on all sweet and try and manipulat you back into being a payed sex toy and his GF a prinssess on a pedisatal you are bouth worth more than that. Me I would send every pit of jewelry back to him, dont let him think he has any kind of hold over you once that stuff is back with him you can say truly, you did not have sex for jewelry, you had it becouse you wonted it. What im saying its it may or may not be true but when you send every bit back you are saying to him "See I have and never will have a price" its about taking back your self worth and removing some of the shame and giult.

It must go back to him, do not throw it away, sell it, or use it in any way. He has to take back the shame and sending him back all of the jewelry will do that, it will give you back some pride and integraty.


Once the jewelry is back with him , the sex becomes just that sex, no more no less. Adults the world over have sex for no more resan than it makes the feel good.

Not for love, not for need, but just for fun. Once that jewelry gos back to him, you can hold your head up hight and say, that was sex and thats all it was.


remember you have the power so long as you dont give in, one he finds a root throw NC he will do it again and again until he gets what he wonts again.

Stop him now and in his tacks, I think for one that your doing the right thing here as do many others, of it gets bad post here every day if need be, we are going now where and we are here to help if we can.


Good luck and well done im proud of you to, your doing what is right and that counts for more than you know in years to come you can look back and say, there that was the moment I could have fallen but I was strong and I made a stand.


Thows that are good in this world, do nothing more than what you are doing now, to many it is to hard and they fall, but trust me stand now and you will never belone.

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Good for you, Aida. Starting to see this guy for what he is.


How you feeling about it all? Starting to feel a bit stronger? You should. You're doing great.


No, I cant even look at my phone, I cant listen to voice messages, I had to throw so much stuff away like letters and photos and other random things that I associated with him and its awful. I cant go to the football club with dad because he might be there, I cant tell the guys not to let him through the gates because they will know because they are the only people who ever saw us together, so if he comes to the house they will just let him in.

He was outside school and I only knew because one of my friends told me and we all went out back

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Stay clear of him, he's just going to try to manipulate you into being his sex toy again. He needs to realize people are not to be bought. You are a human, not a vagina to be used and ignored when he wants to be with his virgin girlfriend. Think about how sleazy this guy really is! He's cheating on his girlfriend because she's not letting him use her the way he's using you. You can do this, just stay strong!

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There is only so long that I can keep away, not because I want to see him but because I have to. What do I do when I cant ignore him? There is a social event at the club next week and he wont just be staying on the other side of the room, he will be pulling me into a cupboard or something.

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back up, that's what you get, have a mate with you at all times and do not let this creep pull you around. remember you have the power now, you said NO! that's some thing he has to deal with all on his own. Yes he's going to try it on but don't let I'm place you in a bind, have some one with you all the time, he's going to be like a dog sniffing around, keep away, get him into the habbit of not getting what he wonts. If you see him face to face, Judst blank him, if this dos not work Be farm say " look I have nothing to say to you, I don't won't you round my home and I do not won't any contact with you, this is all I'm going to say on this matter, " he will try every thing to get some reaction from you but just keep telling him, "No! I have said all I'm going to its over and I don't won't any more contact with You!"


Sling you hook in other words.


Right now, he's harting becouse you have pulled the plug on his greepy game, and he's not a happy bunny. Well that's just to bad, it has been said, you are not a hucker and he's is a bad lot, all he has done so fare is make you feel shame, and he's just trying to make you more. Dont let him have any in roads, NC all the way.


you can do this and soon you will star to feel better as you see what you are doing is giving you back a good feeling about your self.

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Great Idea! Never go any where alone, even the bathroom. If its gets to the point he won't stop, leave, pretend you're ill, whatever, you don't have to put up with him. If need be make a scene, yell "NO! Take your hands off me", he has no right to force you into anything. You just have to keep saying no.


I can do that... he still hasnt got it though, he was outside today again.

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