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I will swap sex for...


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Hmmm - well, you sound unhappy with this arrangement. I don't think it will work out with him for you, because I can't really see a good scenario for you guys. If he dumps his girlfriend for you, you will never trust him, because, well - he's cheating on someone with you, he would do it in turn.


Also, it sounds pretty strange to me on every level. I think you're hurting yourself with this, his girlfriend would be hurt, and basically he's having his cake and eating it, so to speak.


Why not treat this as a live and learn experience? That you should be with someone you care about and who cares about you, and doesn't have to buy your presense in his bed.


I would end it with him, to be honest. Either he realises that he has feelings for you (or more likely finds someone else and carries on this weird relationship with his girlfriend).


You deserve more than this. You also shouldn't treat sex as something you sell for jewellry - it may affect your future relationships.


Good luck.

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The feelings you have for him are what is hurting you, his actions too....Hes older and probably thinks differently to you....It'll only get worse the longer you leave it, so think is it worth putting your self through this? Especially so early on in your life.

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WOW, so prostitusion happens in early adult hood in England? Is it legale over there?


i'm from England, sex is legal at 16 but there have been known for prostitutes to be younger.


Give the girl a break shes obviously having a hard time.



How can he afford to buy you this very expensive jewellery at 18 Aida2?

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I feel sorry for you, apparently you dont think too highly of yourself to put your needs first. I can understand that now you have feelings for this guy, as some times we women give sex for love in return. However, I dont think this guy values you or he wouldn't be using you like this.


Can you give him an ultimatum, either leave her and be with you and only you or you will leave and find someone who wont use you.

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Do your parents ask where you're getting the money from for the jewellry?


If your Dad's a famous english footballer then I hope the 'press' don't discover what you've done because they'll make it front page news to discredit him. Had you thought about that? Plus, there's always the chance that the guy will sell the story to the newspapers to get cash. It might not happen now, but it could in the future.


Please put a stop to it now before everyone in the United Kingdom finds out.

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Why does this post get 45 relies already - most of them lambasting this poor mixed up teenager. Is this Jerry Springer or something? Jeez, how judgemental of posters. Do you all live in a bubble or something - look around, this happens all the time....This person wants help, not accusations!!!!


OK Aida2, listen to me. I will not judge you. Keep the jewelry. Sell it even if you want. Cut ties with this guy. Find a nice boy. Own yourself only. Don't dwell on this mistake and don't label it as anything. Just move on.

You have no future with him and deep down inside you know it. Walk away.

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Wow Aida2.


Honestly, think about what's happening here:

He's using you. He is giving you material items in exchange for your body. Do you really think so low of yourself to put up with that?


Okay, so your feelings have developed for him. Maybe his have for you, too. But think carefully. He is still using you to protect his girlfriend. Is she aware of this? Chances are, if she values herself, she wouldn't stick with him while knowing he does this kind of thing.


So he says, even after his girlfriend loses her virginity, he will still be with you? Do you actually believe that?

This guy is a mega creep. You, and that other girl, can do much better. Just tell him you don't want to be his hooker anymore, and say goodbye. Do it for your own self worth, and your own good. There are guys out there that will treat you right.


Honestly, think about this. It's very wrong, and you should not be involved in it. The sooner you get out, the better. You might be upset for "losing" him, but you will heal! He's a creep. You will be much better off in the long run.


Tell his girlfriend too; make sure she knows what kind of person she's going out with.

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His girlfriend knows


And she is okay with that? Are you sure about this, or is he just telling you that his girlfriend knows? Do you know the girl yourself?

In any case, that is her choice.


But honestly, you can do a lot better. This relationship is a dead end, and if it continues, you will only end up tremendously hurt and regretful. End it as soon as possible. You might hurt for now, but one day you will look back and be glad you got out.


There are nice guys out there, that will treat you right. You can find a guy who treats you well, and loves you, and only you. You don't deserve to be some guy's hooker, it's as simple as that.

Be strong, and tell him where he can stick it


Do what you want with the jewelry; give it back, keep it, sell it. Personally I'd recommend getting rid of it... you don't need the memories it is tied to.


Just walk away. If it hurts, and you need someone to talk to, that's what we're all here for. But you should be old enough and wise enough to realise that this "relationship" is not something you want to be a part of.

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