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Anal Sex

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My girlfriend is obssessed with anal sex and I dont know what to do... I hate it but she always insists on it! Our relationship is great with the exception of that one aspect... I mean i swear its not normal for girls to be so obssed with anal sex is it. And on top of that shes into all kinds of weird fantasys...


I really hate the feeling and thought of it.. She just won't take no for an answer! Please can i have some adivce??

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LOL man you GF is a vampe, there on here we have some from time to time. The hard core ones drink blood and get off on being bitten.

Its Kink that can get bad only when taken to far, but if its not your thing then think long and hard about staying with her, fi you wont a family and kids she my be a very intaresting mum.


Not being into Kink (I do like dress up like a PilloBox but that more for fun than sex. Freacks the nambers as ai move around the house)

I dont know what the acration is.

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My girlfriend is obssessed with anal sex and I dont know what to do... I hate it but she always insists on it! Our relationship is great with the exception of that one aspect... I mean i swear its not normal for girls to be so obssed with anal sex is it. And on top of that shes into all kinds of weird fantasys...


I really hate the feeling and thought of it.. She just won't take no for an answer! Please can i have some adivce??


Yo u wanna switch? my gf doesn't wanna do anal and i like it. lol

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Well if you don't want to do it, you don't have to, no one has the right to pressure you to do things you don't want to. And since she keeps insisting so much on it, might was well buy her an anal toy. As for her being a vampire, LOL, coool. The only bad thing about vampires is they can't wonder during daytime else they'll melt to death, LOL.

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Do you realise how many guys out there would kill to have a girlfriend who LOVES anal sex? I get so sick of guys trying it with me. I hate it.


I say either give her what she wants, or give her to someone who does.


DING DING DING DING! Exactly what I was gonna say.

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Hang on a wee moment here!! If a girl posted saying "my boyfriend always wants anal and i don't like it" we would all be ranting like we normally do about how "not to doanything you don't want to" and "if he keeps on dump him" type thing.


So just becoz this bloke says it - most of the men are "swap her - i'll have her" NOT GOOD ENOTALONERS!!


Simple fact is no one should be forced into doing anything they don't wanna do.


Talk to her and express your feelings. You can always try comprimising like previously said with a vibrator up her anus?




Sparkle xx

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Just because I'm nosey... why don't you like anal? Is it a physical thing or are you opposed to it morally? I've always been about experimenting when it comes to sex. I'm not saying you HAVE to give into her, but if it's not a moral issue, why not try a few different positions see if something works better for you.

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make sure you wear a condom.. having a stinky member can be quite nasty hehe... but i have to agree with the OP.. anal sex is pretty gross if you think about it. don't do anything you don't like... and if she really cares about you, then she'll have to accept that...


or maybe she'll try and bite you and suck your blood.

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If you don't like it, you don't like it. Have you told her that you don't enjoy it and would rather not do it? How does she respond?


You don't have to do something that you are uncomfortable with. Part of being compatible is not necessarily WANTING the same things, but appreciating and respecting that you won't both want the same things. It's not about it being all one persons way all the time.


Neither partner should "pressure" the other into doing what they really are not into, though of course part of a relationship is also exploration and experimentation there is a fine line I guess that you need to decide for yourself. Look at some other alternatives (such as toys) if you are uncomfortable for example.

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Exactly who's bottom is getting the shaft here? I mean everyone is just assuming it's hers. Is it that she's pulling a prison fantasy on you and your just not into being her beyotch?


Regardless, if you’re not into it, you’re not into it. Tell her. If she’s not OK with that she, and her strap-on, need to be moving on.

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When it comes to YOUR body, you need to stand up for yourself and make it clear that your penis belongs to you and you don't have to do anything with it that you don't want to do. She needs to understand that pressuring you into doing something sexual that you don't want to do is no better than a guy pressuring a girl to do something she doesn't want to do.


The thing about relationships is that if they're working, then talking to her should solve the problem - you guys can come to a compromise or she can simply understand that you don't want to do it at all. If she doesn't want to consider your feelings, then you need to consider whether or not you want to be in a relationship where you're treated like your feelings don't matter.

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Wow, most men would feel over joyed to have a women so into her fantasies. I guess its because most cases men are the sex freaks, perhaps that's due to the extreme amounts of testoterone.


My husband would feel like a kid in a toy store.....lol...he wouldn't know which toy toy play with first...


Maybe you should spice things up a bit...who know you may enjoy it and if not just tell her. Ask if there's other ways you can please her that maybe you would enjoy too.

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Anal is fun and, IMO, should be a regular part of the sexual act with a woman. I wouldn't want to have it all the time but once in a while, it's nice.


At the same time, it has to be done very slowly and gently to ensure she is not uncomfortable. The ironic thing is, depending on how it's done and with what woman, some really actually love it.

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Hang on a wee moment here!! If a girl posted saying "my boyfriend always wants anal and i don't like it" we would all be ranting like we normally do about how "not to doanything you don't want to" and "if he keeps on dump him" type thing.


So just becoz this bloke says it - most of the men are "swap her - i'll have her" NOT GOOD ENOTALONERS!!


Simple fact is no one should be forced into doing anything they don't wanna do.


Talk to her and express your feelings. You can always try comprimising like previously said with a vibrator up her anus?




Sparkle xx


I, at least, would have said the same thing if the genders had been reversed.


I agree, NO ONE should be forced into doing something they dont want to do, but neither should a partner be told to curtail their eroticism. If compromising doenst work, its time to leave.

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I, at least, would have said the same thing if the genders had been reversed.


I agree, NO ONE should be forced into doing something they dont want to do, but neither should a partner be told to curtail their eroticism. If compromising doenst work, its time to leave.



Day walker you should know me better then that! It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular...i was simpuly saying that when the roles are reversed i think the advise most people would give would be different.


Would you really leave someone for wanting anal sex? if the rest of the relationship was good?

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