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My Girlfriend maybe pregnant and I don't know what to do.


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Hey everyone! It's been a while since i've been here. (I couldnt even remember the name of the site lol) Anyway, alot has changed since i was last here. I started year 11, got over that old crush and met the most beautiful young lady who I am happy to say is now my girlfriend, going on 5 months on the 15th.


Anywho, we love eachother very much and have enjoyed our time together so far but last week may have been the start of a big problem for us. We had a pupil free day (which means we didnt have to goto school on that day) and since my mum had her Aged Care course that day, my girlfriend and I decided to enjoy the day together. If you know what i mean . So we had sex (with a condom of course. Well it was more like 4 or 5 condoms lol) for something like 5 hours. We lost our virginity together. It was the most amazing day of my life so far, but unfortunately things took a turn for the worst.


We were in school the other day at first break. We were sitting and chatting and she suddenly said; "We need to talk." I was so afraid she was gonna dump me but luckily it wasn't that. "I'm late." She had started having period pain the week before we had sex and i was quite worried, but now she was saying that she was four days late. And now its Sunday and she still hasn't had her period and we are both very concerned that she is pregnant.


We've discussed it alot and she has said that shes been under alot of stress over the past few weeks (because we have exams coming up). Plus shes been having trouble with her family. She also told me that she had taken some Nurofen (pain killer that contains ibuprofen) the day after we had sex. Shes also been complaining about nausea, cramps and tenderness in her breasts.


I need advice badly. It would ruin both of our lives if she was pregnant. She would have to drop out of school and I would have to somehow support us. We live apart at our parents houses. Shes hesitant to take a home pregnancy test or see the doctor. I said we'll wait a week or until her next cycle to see if it was just stress or whatever. But nonetheless i'm so scared for her and for us. I'm trying very hard to keep her calm. It's not that i don't want to be a father because i really do, i just don't know if we can work it out because my mum would certainly be more angry than supportive and her parents...well im not too sure about them. Her mother may be supportive but her dad will probably gut me. I've suggested we see the school counsellor but shes hesitant to talk to a stranger about it.


Please, if you can, help a 17 year old guy that really needs some advice. Thanks in advance.

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well, you said you used condoms..

did they break? or did any cum touch her at all?

because theres such a slight chances of getting pregnant if you do use one.. i dont understand how she could be pregnant.

she could just be late because of stress. it happens a lot.

id advise her to do a take home pregnancy test.

and, if she is pregnant, you be a good boy and stay around. dads that leave the moms to do everything are rediculous. you both had a part in it, so you both have to share the work.

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Calm down, first of all.

Take a deep breath and think about this logically.


You engaged in safe sex with a girl you love. You said you used condoms correctly. We all know that condoms are effective 98% of the time.


Is there any reason that you think that your contraceptive might have malfuncitioned?



I have seen several times on this site and many times in my real life, teenage virgins that lose it and then panic because not only are they dealing with the stress that comes with losing your virginity (and wonderful as it is, there is stress involved) but for the first time, you are dealing with the worry of possible pregnancy.


I know that you say she is late, but there could be any combination of factors causing this. Is she usually very regular, or irregular? Did she have any pain or swelling directly after intercourse? It sounds like you two went at it for a while.


You did what you could to prevent pregnancy, so now the only thing to do is to take a pregnancy test to see where your fate lies. You are never going to feel any better or worry any less until you do. If she is worried about buying it, then you go buy it.


Keep us updated.

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Thanks for your replies guys. Ok:


HurleyBabe6917: I'm pretty sure the condoms didn't break. And any how she didn't want me to cum in her so she finished me off orally. I would never leave her by herself. Most of me is really worried about her being pregnant but a little part of me wants her to keep it. It is after all the result of our love and passion. I've always wanted to be a dad


vandgsmom: I don't think she was uncomfortable afterwards. There wasn't any swelling to my knowledge. But when i penetrated her the first time i hurt her. After that we were fine. She did play netball that night also.


I really appreciate you guys giving your time to trying to help us. I would repay you somehow if i could, i really would.

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Best way to stop worrying is get a quick pregnance (sp??) test maybe get two diffrent ones and try them both incase one messes up.


they will tell you prety much whether she is pregnant or not, you should be able to pick them up from your local pharmacy quite easily.


Thats the best way to find out if she is pregnant or not!


Then you can stop worrying.



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yeah but you dont want to be a dad at 17. trust me.

if i got pregnant at this age i think id shoot myself... or my parents would do it for me.

you dont understand how much of a responsibility is really is. my brother has a 2 year old and a 6 month old. he and his wife are 26 and 24.. they have a tough time, theres no way itd be fun or easy for a 17 year old. especially if you're still in highschool.

i pry sound like a mother dont i? thats scary..

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That has happened to so many people I know the first time they have sex. If you used condoms and they didn't break or fall off, then I'm pretty sure it's just stress. When I lost my virginity, my period skipped a month and I thought I was pregnant. I think the stress of the idea that you might be pregnant actually causes it to be late. This is my experience anyway.

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