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Intro to Dating - Dating 101


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Let's make a Dating 101 Thread, to record Dating vitals. Let's learn from our experiences! I'll start: (you can either add on or comment on what's already on the list)


1. There so are other people out there. If you're not completely happy, keep looking. REALLY.

2. Beware of people with baggage! Just take it slow.

3. If you "need space to think about things", it might mean it's just not working out and it might be less painful/complicated to just end it there.

4. Don't take it personally if your date doesn't dig you; it could be for any reason and won't change anything.

5. Don't be needy. Have your own interests and make sure you are happy in your life. Don't expect someone else to be responsible for your happiness or interests.

6. If you're not interested in someone, let them know that in a nice but firm, simple manner.

7. Don't worry about if someone will like you or not. YOU are worth it for the right person. Only the wrong people will not like you. Be CONFIDENT.

8. But try to learn from your experiences (dating and otherwise); self-improvement and awareness is sexy.

9. Don't take anything for granted. Do not assume you are exclusive with someone, or they are as interested in you as you are in them, until this has been explicitly discussed.

10. Do not ever let yourself be treated with anything less than respect. If you are being put on hold, not getting the attention you desire, or not having your effort matched, find a better date. No one is worth chasing after. (See #1.)

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