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My ex just trying to state "Im free"?

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So I've heard through the grapevine (because people always enjoy some gossip) that my ex gf of 2 years (1 month ago we broke) just got a tattoo. I don't know what it is of, but I wonder if she is trying to state "I'm free". She has 1 other tattoo of a lion running... she never told me the true meaning of it because she felt like it was her own personal message... but one could infer that she got it a point of her life to explore freedom. So now she has a second one (during our relationship I basically said no more tattooes if you wish to keep dating me).


Think she wanted me to hear about it?


Or did she just do it for her own sake?


From her personality she really enjoys learning about the public's eye on her. Meaning she dresses good each day to impress others, not necessarily because that is what she would wear otherwise.


I shouldn't read too much into it... I cried today because I saw her walking... just walking. First time I've seen her since we broke up, and its the first time I've cried about the relationship since day 2 of the break-up.


I really hope she didn't do it to spite me.... because then I feel kind of bad for what I did, and I feel bad for her at the same time.... obviously I broke the relationship for myself... but is she angry? is she marking this as a point in her life perhaps? She told me should wouldn't get another tattoo while we were dating, but probably just a cover up to stay with me. I just hope she really thought about getting the tattoo before doing it.


Hah, as you can see this has run its course through my head... I've let it go somewhat, but I want to know what its of... just so I can put a handle on the situation.



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I think focusing on things like this is holding you back from your healing FA. I know it's tough, but try not to keep up on what she is doing.


We could speculate all day and all night about things like this, dissect them to cellular levels, and she'll still be gone. Just let go dude...

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I think I have been healing quite well. In fact this is the first "set back" but in essense I think its strengthening me a bit.


I'm learning to cope with her actions now in the public eye. Before she was just vanished, now I am seeing her humanity.


Ultimately what I asked was, do you think that could be 50% smiting me and 50% her own desire?


I wonder but I do know that once people get 1 tattoo, it becomes an obsession or something to get another.



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If you put a restriction like that on her, then its most likely that she is doing it because she no longer has some one trying to police her body. You may have nothing to do with it, she could have always planned on getting it.


Yeah makes sense. Heh



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I know if I loved someone I would not be telling them or even thinking that I could tell them no tattoo...


She is just living her life now and I really don't think she is spiting you...


Just her being her...Don't flatter yourself and move on....

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