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REALLY bad PMS...please read!


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I usually experience some form of PMS before my period comes, and it varies. Sometimes it won't be too bad, and others I am out of control. Now is one of those times. For the past 5 days, I have been a wreck. I can't stop crying, I'm overly emotional, I feel fat, I switch from being nauseous to eating non-stop, I get jealous and angry at the slightest thing, I keep lashing out at people, and I'm feeling very depressed. I'm stressed out as it is because it's my senior year and I have college to worry about, and this PMS is really pushing me over the edge. I keep having stupid thoughts about not getting into college, my friends being better/smarter than me, and a situation with a guy is also making me really upset. I can tell I'm bothering my friends and family by talking about these petty problems, but I honestly don't know what to do. I know this is just the hormones talking, but this is one of the worst cases of PMS I've ever experienced. Can someone please help me maintain my sanity before I really jump off the deep end?

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You're like me. You need to realize that when PMSing you need rest and quiet as much as possible. Its probably better to avoid people even if you feel compelled to be with people...since you know you'll only end up lashing out.


that's true. i think i'm gonna go get some sleep because i'm stressing myself out over nothing. thanks

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