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How can I become the best archaeologist out there?


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I want to be a paleoanthropologist and study human prehistory. My interest is in Europe with the Neandertal, Homo erectus, and Cromagnon. How do I go about doing this?


Right now I'm taking my 2nd year of Anthropology classes. I'm thinking I should be multidisciplined, and so I should pursue Business management, Biology, Geology, and Education.


I'm still looking for a good paleoanthropology grad school to attend.


And I don't know if I should get my PhD.


I would talk to an advisor about this but I don't want to look stupid.



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go for the looking stupid thing. It shows your willingness to learn and that you're humble enough to admit there's still much you don't know.....


Oh and ALWAYS go for the PhD if you can.


But NEVER be afraid to look stupid.


And by the way, asking makes you look smart, not stupid.

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Your adviser is there for this purpose, they are there to advise you on what your options are. I'm sure they would have a much better idea of what's available to your field than most of the general population.


Also, if you do stay in the Anthropology/History area it is going to be very competitive. Money will be hard and you are most likely going to be spending a lot of time writing.

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As an undergrad I'm working towards a bachelors right?

In grad school I work for my MA?

Where do I go to get my PhD?


I'm a sophomore right now.

Definitely going for paleoanthropology.

Prehistory, cavemen, neandertals interest me.


I just considered getting 2 degrees.


The other in business. I think it would be useful in management and administration.


I searched google for paleoanthropology grad schools, and I didnt really find anything.


I know of one in South Africa, University of Witswaterand, one of my professors attended that one.


It would be cool If I could go out of state. I'd imagine I'd need lots of financial aid.

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