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theres some really stupid people in this house


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my special male friend thing lives in a house with 8 other people. i get along with all of the pretty well most of the time, and i like them all.. again, most of the time.

but because the girlfriends arent on the lease, we are considered "guests". so we dont have much of a say in the house. i guess i can deal with that, considering i dont pay rent or anything, but this adds a lot of conflict with some of the people here.

specifiically one kid. he is always picking fights with the girls and just now he took the remote from a girl and i and changed the channel to something we dont like. and when i stood up and said, we were here first, and watching something, all he said was, i dont care, im watching this.

what the hell!?!?

someone help me with and give me some brutal witty comments to say back. he is totally stupid, and he treats us unfairly.

thanks everyone!

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Sorry to say but if he pays the rent and bills you don't really have any right to say anything to him. My roomies GF got told several times I get hot showers and they get whats left. If you don't like it you need to have you're BF talk to him or go else where. Don't expect people to tolerate interlopers in their home.

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no, but the other girls pay rent, its just me who doesnt. and he physically damages the house. the other day he through a stool through the main door and completely destroyed it. and hes always busing stuff up everywhere. hes a complete *** to everyone who lives here and always has this holier than thou attitude.

its not jsut me hes being annoying to, but the other kids on the lease.

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its a group lease, and the land lord doesnt care to much because the people who live here fix everything. and like i said, its not just us hes harassing; its everyone in the house, and we are constantly telling him that hes being irritating or offensive. and why is it such a problem if i stand up for my friend? i live here too. its more his house then mine, but the majority thinks hes whiney and extremly selfish.

its a problem with the masses, not just myself.

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Then have a group meeting of everyone in the house. Get every thing in the open. If things don't change start documenting every thing damaged and contact a lawyer to make sure you're protected agaisnt any charges that may come up from the damage. You can't kick them out just because they're a jerk. As long as he pays rent and the owner doesn't care about what happens to the house there really are no legal actions to be taken.

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we've done the group meeting, plenty of times. i mean, *a lot* of times. and im not looking for legal actions, or anything like that. i just want something rational to stick in his head... a reason for him not to do this weird stuff anymore. no ones looking to kick him out or anything remotly drastic. we just want him to stop breaking stuff, and taking his rage out on his roomates.

i like the kid, personally. he can be a * * * * * * *, but he also can be nice. i just want him to understand that he cant be so selfish when he lives in a house with so many other people. escpecially, when four of these other people have lived her twice and three times as long as him. he just needs to realize that what he does, affects our microcosm.

no, he doesnt have a girlfriend, i think if he did, hed probably cool off.

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yeh - that's sort of what I thought.


So, he's probably trying to sort out the fact that all these girls are over and none are coming because of him. PLUS - if he's the newbie, he's trying to find his place in the mix.


Give it time. He'll either work out with the group or he'll move cos he doesn't.

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