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THE most romantic thing someone has done for you?


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We were watching "Amelie" I feel asleep at the end, And he left me on the sofa, but he put lots of cushions and blankets and teddies all over me to make me super comfortable. He slept on the hard floor next to me, which made me realise how much he meant to me, because he went through all that just to watch me sleep.


That was my ex, he cheated on me about three months after that.

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There have been so many! It was the first time my boyfriend ever came to my house. We were laying underneath my blanket. Its kind of thin pink orange. When the light comes through the blanket it looks the colour of when you place your hand over a flashlight. Very warming.


We were holding eachother's hands and he looks me in the eye and said "This is the happiest moment of my life". It was so simple, beautiful and romantic!



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I'm reminded of first times.


The first time we saw each other in person, we crashed into each other and started making out in the airport. Not particularly romantic for everyone else, but it was for us.


But a memory that will always stand out in my mind was the first time we slept together... I mean ACTUAL sleeping. She stroked my hair, leaned in close and sang softly to me. I never felt so loved and comforted in my entire life. Heh, I'm tearing up just typing it out.

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I just thought this would be fun. It doesn't have to be sex related.

Here's mine:


On my first date with my now lover, we were sitting in a bar/resturant talking. The movie "A Walk to Remember" came on one of the TVs behind the bar. When this one song came on, I melted. I told him, "I love this song. It's so sweet." Without a word, he pushed away from the bar and pulled me to my feet and proceded to slow dance with me in the middle of the resturant. (Mind you there is no dancefloor there.) He held me close and danced with me until the end of the song. When he went to the restroom, the bartender commented, "So I guess this isn't your first date." "As a matter of fact it is", was my reply.


The other night (on Easter) my love drew me a bath in candlelight and rose petals. He got in with me and poured champagne all over my body and drank it off of me. We made love and he told me for the first time that he loved me.

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I'd known her for a few years before we started going out, but a long time before we got together, we were having a conversation about coffee (which I happen to like quite a bit). Soon after we started going out, she turned up on my doorstep with a gift of a selection of different kinds of coffee!


She was embarrassed at the time and still dismisses when I tell her what a great gift it was, but when it comes to presents, I am definitely one of those "thought that counts" kind of people...

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The boy I loved was halfway accross the world, and he had traveled to a beach. He drank water all day, and when he had enough, he peed my name in the sand. Then he took a picture and mailed it to me.

Couldn't have asked for a more romantic letter.



There have been so many! It was the first time my boyfriend ever came to my house. We were laying underneath my blanket. Its kind of thin pink orange. When the light comes through the blanket it looks the colour of when you place your hand over a flashlight. Very warming.


We were holding each other's hands and he looks me in the eye and said "This is the happiest moment of my life". It was so simple, beautiful and romantic!


Whoa. That's frikkin' beautiful!

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I think one of the most romantic moments with my boyfriend was when we went to a beach near sun set. The waves were rather lazy, so there was only a only a little surf and foam. It was a dog beach, so there were 5-6 happy canines soaking wet and lolled tongued galloping free. The sky was on fire, red, orange bleeding into the darker blues of the night approaching. We embraced and watched the colors grow more muted as the sun slid behind the cliff to the south west.

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One time, in between our one year anniversary and my birthday, he put little post-it notes ALL over my room that said, "Jan loves you" and many other very sweet things. There are literally hundreds, and I'm still finding them now, 4 months later.


Also, there have been a couple of times when I was having a HORRIBLE day/week/situation, he would bring me my favorite flowers, Gerber Daisies and make me dinner. He just listens to me, makes me laugh and gives me a lot of kisses. Aww...I definitely have to call him this moment.


OH! And this wasn't actually with my boyfriend, but it was very nice. I was talking to a friend, and he said, "My goal is to be able to have a relationship like you and your boyfriend have." It made me realize how very lucky I am.

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my best friend of 6 years was im-ing me... I was complaining about men and said I wanted someone to crave my name into a tree


he said

I wrote your name in a sand trap once (when we spent every day together, he lived down the road from a gold course)


becuase I love you

I asked him why he had never told me and he said

I didnt want to fall at your feet like all the others


Pity it didnt last...


My bf now climbed into bed with his guitar, and played (with difficulty) "green eyes" while I fell asleep on his chest...

Hes not a classically romantic guy... he does heart-jerking things for me tho...

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On my 18th birthday (which wasn't too long ago), my boyfriend and his friends bought me an ice cream cake (he got me one for my 17th birthday too... we weren't going out at the time, we were merely "talking") and presented it to me in the middle of class. It was embarrassing but cute. Then later that afternoon he randomly called me and told me to get ready and said, "NO JEANS!" then hung up. Then he picked me up and drove me to this BEAUTIFUL restaurant that was sitting on top of a building... about 20 stories high.


It was romantic, seeing as he hardly ever does things like that, it was quite nice... but it's more of the "little things" he does for me each day that I find most romantic + sweet.


Now that I read everyone else's story though, mine seems kind of... blah.

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it's the little things.


when he thinks I'm sleeping, i'm really not. and i'm awake and fully aware when he covers me all the way up in the morning with the blankets when he leaves for work. and how he carries me to bed and softly kisses my shoulder in the morning. he thinks i'm sleeping... but he continues to do it anyway.


him getting pleasure simply because i'm in his company is the romantic thing he does for me. it is selfish and yet selfless. because he thinks i'm sleeping, he doesn't do it at all to show me something (be that he is a romantic man or whatever). he's kissing me in my sleep because he's happy i'm there. and he's not trying to prove it... it just is what it is. but it's everything.


mmm i do miss him. living 350 miles apart sucks. but hopefully i will be seeing him in 11 days! i have not seen his wonderful face in over 3 weeks.

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him getting pleasure simply because i'm in his company is the romantic thing he does for me. it is selfish and yet selfless. because he thinks i'm sleeping, he doesn't do it at all to show me something (be that he is a romantic man or whatever). he's kissing me in my sleep because he's happy i'm there. and he's not trying to prove it... it just is what it is. but it's everything.


I so know that feeling

I have slept on guys chests before, but when I do it with my bf, he doesnt just let my lie there, he holds me... all night normally...

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Wow, it actually has taken some time for me to think of something that my ex did for me that was romantic. I was the one usually trying to impress her, especially in long letters and imaginative dates, but I couldn't remember something she had done.


Now that its come to me, it kind of funny because it happened a month after we broke up. We wound up giving in to our loneliness and spent one last night together. The next morning she woke me up with kisses! I had ALWAYS wanted this!!! IT was so beautiful and sexy and everything was perfecto! We then had great sex....mmmmmm. She rocked for that one.

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Wow, it actually has taken some time for me to think of something that my ex did for me that was romantic. I was the one usually trying to impress her, especially in long letters and imaginative dates, but I couldn't remember something she had done.


Now that its come to me, it kind of funny because it happened a month after we broke up. We wound up giving in to our loneliness and spent one last night together. The next morning she woke me up with kisses! I had ALWAYS wanted this!!! IT was so beautiful and sexy and everything was perfecto! We then had great sex....mmmmmm. She rocked for that one.


it sucks that you had to wait that long!!

She obviously wasnt hte one for you!!

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I'm really jealous of you guys!


My ex ex (the one I still get along with really well) did something very simple, but it made me cry cause I was so happy. He wrote out the chorus to our song, stuck it to a bit of card and hid it under my pillow one day when he was over. We went out straight after that, so it wasn't until I went to bed and put my hand under the pillow that I found it. It was so lovely.

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For me it was on Valentine's day. My boyfriend came to my school and took over the p.a. system. (they let him) He plays a guitar, and had wrote a love song for me and sang it. And he sent in 4 dozen roses, a big teddy bear, and my favourite chocolates...Icy Squares! I left school with him that day, (he took the day off of work to spend with me) And we went to a park and made snow angels in the falling snow. He told me he was completely in love with me. This is when I had finally fallen hard for him. We went ice skating, and he fell on his but. We had dinner in the skylon tower. And, when the day was over, he did all of my chores at home. That was nice!

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Last night was romantic

he turned up at my place at about 11.30pm... we were laughing about something stupid and he just grabbed me and told me how lucky he is to have me


The whole night just had the most amazing vibe

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i just want to quick paint the first kiss picture for you between me and me lover


we started dating 3 days before i went on a 2 week trip to alaska

we hit it off so well i wished she were there the whole time

when i got back on a friday i hooked up with her and we went cruising in my truck, its kinda a hot rod and she loves it as much as i do. we ended up talking on the top of a hill holding eachother until 4 am the next day we hung out again and went four wheeling and many other things but we were getting closer by the minute i mean like meant to be together close

later that day we were supposed to dress up suit and dress and go to a grad party but it got cancelled and she was upset because she got screwed out of going to prom so she hadnt worn it

when were playing pool i kept making bets with her

she won once and i won once

at the end she askd what i wanted and i told her i would tell her after she got what she wanted

she wouldnt pick anything so i told her i would let her drive me home in my truck(i never let anyone drive it xcept my pa) and she has to put on her dress i would put on my suit and we would dance in the moonlight

we did so and when we were standing on the same hill as the night before i looked at her and gave her the slowest kiss i have ever had and the two of us felt chills from it that kiss was absolutely perfect and i havent gone 10 minutes around her without kissing her since

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