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Been on 3 dates then no contact? help.


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Hi there.


So i came out of a long term relationship around 2 to 3 months ago, and now i'm back in the game of dating. Since breaking up, my ex ex (the ex before my current ex) has been in contact with me. Oh by the way, the reason the relationship failed with the ex ex is because i wasn't dominant enough, i was more of a clingy and always wanted her to make the moves such as where we go, what we do etc. She has also come out of a long term relationship around the same time as me. Since we both broke up with our ex's we have been in light contact.


Anyhow, out of the blue she phoned me up and invited me out for a drink and i accepted, we went to a local club and we got very drunk, it went very well, couldnt have gone any better. I saw her as a friend, i didnt expect anything and i didnt develope any feelings for her.


So, two days after this drinking, she called me again asking me to pick her up to get something to eat at a restaurant. Again it went very, very well, lots of laughter etc.


At this point i was thinking she is showing some interest. I said to myself i will let her contact me again and make the move again before i make the move so i know for sure she is really showing some interest. Yes, she did indeed phone me up again asking me to take her out again, for a meal and drink at the pub, which again went well, but could have been a bit better, i'd say i let myself down by not being focused enough, i had to say pardon alot because i couldnt quite catch what she was saying. Anyway, she told me she enjoyed it. This happened on monday 6th november.


Yesterday, i sent her a text message asking if she wanted to go to the cinema to see a movie... and to my surprise i have yet to receive a reply and it's really got to me because i'v developed some feelings for her again and its bugging me the fact she hasnt got back to me


It was only sent yesterday, so really i should give it more time, but usually i get a reply instantly i remember this when i use to be in a relationship with her.

Is it possible she doesnt want to see me again or...?


How long should i leave it before i contact her again and what method of contact should i use? Call her or text?

The only thing i can see if she has no credit to text me back, but surely she can use other methods of contact.


Any ideas?



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Are you sure these were really DATES and not just her wanting to hang out and she didn't want to go out alone? Each of these three "dates" included drinks. Maybe she just didn't want to drink alone. I know I sound harsh, but you have no idea if she thought it was anything more than her being bored and you being available. I wouldn't contact her again, but that's just me.

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Are you sure these were really DATES and not just her wanting to hang out and she didn't want to go out alone? Each of these three "dates" included drinks. Maybe she just didn't want to drink alone. I know I sound harsh, but you have no idea if she thought it was anything more than her being bored and you being available. I wouldn't contact her again, but that's just me.


Very good question. I too was thinking this.

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First off, no more asking her out by text message. Suggest you two go out on the phone or in person.


Second, when/if you see her again bust a move. You've got out with her 3 times. Unless you want to be her next shopping partner, make a move on her. Good luck.

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