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My boyfriend and I had sex a few weeks ago for the first time. I lost it to him. I wasn't his first though.

We didn't use condoms. We have yet to buy condoms. We don't know where we can buy them.

I have been reading and reading as to if there are any age limits on condom buying in Virginia (which is where i am currently living.)

I need to know what restrictions I have to buy them. Because I would rather not have to get my parents to drive me to the health center and ask for some. Because they don't know. And they're (hopefully) not going to find out. Unless I don't get any and become pregnant. Not like that would be a bad thing at all. But at my age (15) I think that it's a little early.



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Do you have a local CVS, Riteaid or Eckerd? Any of those places will have them. There is no age minimum on buying condoms. If there was, there would be a lot more pregant teenagers running around.


Please be careful and don't have sex without a condom again. You know the risks. At your age, this would not be a good thing.

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Like the others have mentioned: drugstores, convienece stores, grocery.

You could also get an older cousin/friend to help you, and to confide in. It'd be great if you could get not only the condoms (good for you for seeking them out!) but to have someone to talk to about sex and all the complexities that go with it.


I'd also suggest picking up a pregnancy test while at the drug store. Just to be sure. Or go for a check-up and ask. Whatever you have to do.


It is not likely that you are pregnant, but it is possible. Better to find out very soon than later.


take care.

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I don't know of anyplace that has age restrictions on who can buy condoms. As others have mentioned, convenience stores, gas stations, grocery stores, drug stores all carry them.


Good for you for asking about them. Please use them every time.

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Hey there,


You can also go a Planned Parenthood in your area and get condoms usually for free and it is totally confidential. But I have not heard of any age restrictions on purchasing condoms.


Here is the link to the Planned Parenthood in Richmond.


link removed


Good luck and be safe.

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You can also but them off the internet - sites like ebay.


They won't come in any packaging that would be obvious and your parents would only know if they opened your mail.


Except that you generally need a credit card to buy things off the internet. Besides, if her parents are anything like mine were they would be hovering over me while I opened the package.


I can be embarrassing to buy them. It's best to go at a quiet time of day. Once you get them, that's it. People buy them all the time.

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Any grocery store, pharmacy, even walmart or kmart will have condoms.


If you are not bold enough to walk into that store and purchase them you have no business having sex.


You said it wouldnt be a bad thing if you got pregnant? At 15, it could be your worst nightmare.


Well, nah your worst nightmare would be contracting any of the wide range of deseases that you can get from having sex. Unprotected sex is like holding a gun to your head and hoping that the bullet wont hit you.

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I agree with southerngirl. Please use condoms and don't play with your life like this. You risk pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If you think you are mature enough to be having sex, you should also be mature enough for its possible consequences (even with protection there is ALWAYS a chance of pregnancy and STI's) and mature enough to take precautions.



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Contraception is an equal responsibility and it's great that the OP wants to take care, there are too many bad things out there to be complacent.


I totally agree. No woman should never have to depend on a guy to provide the condom, it's for both your health so ideally you both carry them.



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