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Ladies; do girls really go for thin guys?

Kevin T

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Another question for the ladies: This time it's an appearance-related question (ooh, the best kind!) Do women really go for thin guys? That is, ladies; what is your opinion of skinny guys? With all the hubbubbub going on about what women think about men's appearances, I just had to make a topic for myself, about this subject.


See, I've found over the years that I hardly have women throwing themselves at me (or if I do, it tends to be ones... well, that I am not physically attracted to, to say the least). Anyway, I thought that it was because I am shy/lack confidence/whatever so that's why I'm not getting anywhere with women. (Obviously if you never talk to them, getting dates is gonna be a little tough! lol)


But there's another matter at hand. Considering the fact that I am 6'1" (nice height, no complaints there), but am a meager 145 lbs. soaking wet, I can't say that I'm exactly a large man. I've always been skinny, since the time I was little. Guess I'm somewhat small boned too. Sad thing is, there's not a thing I can do to change it. I work out on a regular basis, I lift weights, I eat well and a lot, but it has no effect. My metabolism is simply too high. (Yeah, I know, there are WOMEN out there who'd kill to have this. Problem is, I'm a GUY.)


So, my real question is: Would this possibly be the reason why I am not getting anywhere with women? (Sure, I know my attitude counts for something, but if I am just repulsing women by my appearance anyway, then what's the point in trying, right?) I'm just wondering. Or am I just gonna have to settle for anyone I can get (even if I'm not the least bit attracted to her) since I won't be able to get anyone "good looking?"


Oh, and please, be BRUTALLY honest with me here. Don't worry about any of that PC, spare-my-feelings sort of crap. I can take it.


I'd much rather have the harsh truth than a comforting lie.

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I'd don't think women like thin.


Most want lots of muscle mass, or else a big cuddly teddy bear. (Or perhaps - if they don't want that type - they want the guy who is "average" weight/size.) Basically, anything that's not me. lol


I found him. Though thanks anyway, Carnelian.

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I'm attracted to skinny guys. I mean, as long as they don't look anorexic or anything. Muscular or "average" guys are actually not as attractive to me. I've been trying to think of a reason why, and I can't really think of one. But I'm sure I'm not the only one who's most attracted to thin guys.

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Yeah, that's fine. But I have to wonder if maybe I do look "too thin", say anorexic. I sure as hell eat, and I do have muscle, but from the time I've been little, you've always been able to see my ribs. That's too thin, IMO. (I know I wouldn't want to date a girl that thin.)

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I'd rather be my height with a normal build. Say 6'1" and 175 or 180 lbs. Then I'd be happy. And a lot more popular with the ladies too.

Please stop with this self-defeating mentality, if only, if only, if only you're not so you're gonna have to get over it.


There are plenty of girls who have been, currently are, and will be attracted to your exact build.

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I think you are not doing yourself a favour by generalizing like that. I do tend to fall for skinny/lean guys, maybe because I am quite skinny myself. The thing is, it is just ONE of the preferences for me. It all comes down to a 'package' of features that one is attracted to, and no one is attracted to exactly the same things.


Do you need for women to 'throw themselves at you' or do you just need to find that one woman who likes all that there is to you (in addition to your body type)?



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I don't think you'd look too thin if you were eating normally and such. I've known plenty of people who have really high metabolisms, are skinnier than average, but don't look anorexic at all.


Although if you wear baggy clothes and such, they could be making you look thinner than you really are.

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Yeah, that's fine. But I have to wonder if maybe I do look "too thin", say anorexic. I sure as hell eat, and I do have muscle, but from the time I've been little, you've always been able to see my ribs. That's too thin, IMO. (I know I wouldn't want to date a girl that thin.)


Well, that's bad luck for me then. You can always count my ribs as well. How do you know if more women would be attracted to you if you had more weight?



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Well, time will tell if what you say is true RedQueen. I hope it is. Don't think I'm doing this out of a desire for pity, it's how I see myself. This has bothered me for a long time and I really am starting to think it is playing a factor in why I am still single. (Not saying it's everything, but I think it's not nothing either.)


ilse, it would be nice if I got more attention from girls. I don't expect everyone to like me, but it seems pretty well every time I have received attention, it was from rather large girls whom I was uninterested in. (I know Diggity and heloladies are gonna come out of nowhere and yell at me because as the man, I should be doing the approaching... lol)


Of course it would be fine if the "right" one accepted me for who I am. But, how many wrong ones will I have to sift through first in order to find her? Probably more than a few.


Haven, I can't speak for the people you mentioned, I'm only expressing my thoughts on how I see myself. I am comparing myself with others who look better. Of course I will; it's human nature to make such comparisons. I used to wear baggy clothes, but as I've gotten older, I started wearing more form fitting stuff. I look fine with clothes on (most people do), but otherwise... well, that's a different story.


ilse, I'm sorry, but I can't lie and say I like extremely thin girls when I don't. I suppose that makes me nothing more than a hypocrite, since I'm so thin yet I reject females who are the same as me.


EDIT- I'd also like to add that it is more "socially acceptable" for a woman to be on the thin side than a man. A man who is really thin will be seen as a freak, while a woman will be seen just as one who is too "weight conscious."


I naturally assume that females would like me more because I'd be more physically attractive and I would have more confidence to be myself, which would also make me more appealing.

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It's the last part where I see that you KNOW that it's about confidence and the way you carry yourself, not the actual weight. Oh, I totally don't mind that you are attracted to not-too-skinny galls ! lol. We all have preferences. My point was that they are different and I think no one has exactly the same preferences. thereforeeee, I think that generalizing and thinking that women don't like skinny guys is just not HELPING you. It just makes you feel bad about yourself.


Of course when a lot of people flirt with you, it may seem easier because there are less steps to take. But I think any girl will be honoured to be asked out on a date by you, just take care that you don't show a negative attitude, meaning that if you start out by 'oh, she won't like me anyway', that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy before you know it!



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I am comparing myself with others who look better. Of course I will; it's human nature to make such comparisons. I used to wear baggy clothes, but as I've gotten older, I started wearing more form fitting stuff. I look fine with clothes on (most people do), but otherwise... well, that's a different story.

It's not really human nature to dwell on such comparisons, I think. And.. unless you've seen many naked people, you can't really say for sure that you're the only one who looks better with clothes on. Most people probably do look worse without clothes on.

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Of course when a lot of people flirt with you, it may seem easier because there are less steps to take. But I think any girl will be honoured to be asked out on a date by you, just take care that you don't show a negative attitude, meaning that if you start out by 'oh, she won't like me anyway', that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy before you know it!




You're far too kind, Ilse.

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Hey buddy lemme tell ya around grade 11 till a couple years after highschool I hit the weights real hard and was muscular and sure it got me girls, but the wrong girls tht were atracted more to the physique . .(material superficial girls) .. now that ive layed back and am still fit but thinner I still get girls . .girls still liek you .. as long as your not sickly pinner you'll have girls still atracted to u .. ur prolly just self consience for no reason

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