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I'm pregnant and used drugs


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I am pregnant right now and I used illegal drugs. I feel very bad about it so please don't tell me it was wrong. I know it was. I'm too embarrassed to tell my doctor about it.


I used them before I found out I was pregnant (1st month), but also right after (2nd month) because I was trying to convince myself to get an abortion.


I'm scared I did irreversible damage to this baby. Does anybody know for sure? I know there is a chance, and I am so sorry about it and I wish I could take it back. I haven't done them any more and I am not going to either. I read that between weeks 5-8 there is so much development that happens and I'm so scared that I screwed it up.

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It depends on the drug, how much you took, etc. Unfortunately the risk of damage is the highest during the earliest stages of the pregnancy because all the major organs are forming during that period.


You MUST tell your doctor about this. I know you are embarrassed but you must get past that for the sake of your baby and his/her health. There are some tests they can do later on in the pregnancy to see if there has been any damage and they'll know to look for certain things in the ultrasounds and other tests.


Please tell your doctor. They will be able to advise you on what the true risks are and let you know your options.

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It depends on the drug, how much you took, etc. Unfortunately the risk of damage is the highest during the earliest stages of the pregnancy because all the major organs are forming during that period.


You MUST tell your doctor about this. I know you are embarrassed but you must get past that for the sake of your baby and his/her health. There are some tests they can do later on in the pregnancy to see if there has been any damage and they'll know to look for certain things in the ultrasounds and other tests.


Please tell your doctor. They will be able to advise you on what the true risks are and let you know your options.


That is what I was afraid of, that time when all the important stuff is developing. I talked to one of my friends about it who just had a baby. His g/f did meth without him knowing and he said the baby turned out okay so don't worry. But his baby was 3 months early and had a bunch of problems and I don't want that to happen to mine.


I'm not addicted, I haven't had trouble stopping.


I smoked pot a few times in the first month, but I did meth a couple times after I found out I was pregnant. That's the one I'm scared about. I am having trouble finding any information about it on the internet. The only one they talk about is cocaine, and I didn't do that, but they are alike so I don't know. They talk about if you have an addiction and all that, but I haven't been using this whole time, just 2 times or so.


I wouldn't have even touched it but I wanted so badly to believe an abortion was what I should do. I hoped that I would be able to do that knowing I did drugs and messed up the baby already. I was so stupid.


I was up for 3 days each time and didn't eat or barely drank water or anything. I am a few months along and have already had an ultrasound done and all the regular tests and everything came back normal.


Would they do special ones if they knew I did this?

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And what do you mean by options? It is already too late for an abortion even if it was messed up.


I am so scared to tell my doctor. I get very intimidated by them. I don't look like the type of person to do drugs and I know I will just chicken out.


Do they do special tests?

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well.. you're obviously very remorseful. i think you need go through the embarrassment of telling your doctor. for the good of your baby. I'm not sure if there's anything he can do, but if there is, the longer you wait, there will be a greater chance the doctor won't be able to help anymore

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If you used meth it can totally f*** up your baby. Other drugs like marijuana are harmful, but probably have a greater chance of doing less damage.


Please just call your doctor if you are too embarrassed to go in. Your doctor will probably have tests that he/she will want to do to check certain things. You really need to do this for your child.

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None of us are doctors and we don't know your history. Only your doctor can give you all the facts and determine whether tests need to be done.


I take it you are beyond early pregnancy now and are mid to late term. This makes it all the more vital to tell your doctor. If they know about this, then they can be ready to give the baby any special care it might need right from the time of delivery. If you don't tell them and the baby is born with problems then they will waste precious time trying to figure out what is wrong with the baby when you could have just told them in the first place.


This isn't about you anymore. This is about your baby. You must be responsible now and tell the doctor everything. I would be saying this regardless of whether you smoke, drink, or anything else during pregnancy. Being a parent means doing what is in the best interest of your child - even if that means that it is not always in your own best interest.

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By far the two common recreational drugs that cause the most negative impact on the unborn child are tobacco and alcohol.


Of course it is all dependent on quantity (how much) and frequency (how often).


The best thing you can do for your baby now is to maintain your health -- eat healthy, well balanced food, stay active, and avoid all drugs.

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I completely agree with Someguy69


But to ease your mind a little. I know a couple mothers who have done much more meth & pot than what you listed during the beginning of pregnancy. And the children are healthy & okay.


Now I'm not sure what tests people are talking about. Because when I told my doctor i did drugs at the beginning of my pregnancy....there was no test. He just marked it off in the folder incase complications did come up..which none did.


I'm not condoning drugs during pregnancy, as i know you aren't either (:

But I wanted to share that with you to ease your heart a little, cause I know you are concerned.


like someguy says "the best thing you can do for your baby now is to maintain your health--eat healthy, well balanced food, stay active, and avoid all drugs."

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gosh, i'm glad i read down all the way to the end of this thread... i agree with the last few posts... there isn't a real reason to freak out, especially since you say you've had an ultrasound and throughout your pregnacy everything has checked out ok. i also agree that it would be best to tell your doc, but i understand how hard it is in your situation.


as was mentioned, something more involved like an amnio or other blood tests (AFP) are looking for genetic conditions and/or hormone levels that indicate conditions which cause birth defects. if you have concerns over the health of your baby, you might ask for an amnio, but then again those are RISKY (1 in 300 cause a miscarriage). the level II ultrasound is a good test because it isn't dangerous, and looks at things like your amniotic fluid amounts and bloodflow.


i would continue with your healthy habits, treat your baby and your body well, and if you can get the courage -- tell your doctor. bad effects usually come from repeated exposure to toxins... while your baby did get exposed, your body filters out toxins relatively quickly, reducing the blood levels of toxins that circulate. if you don't bombard your system over long periods, chances are that you didn't do any damage.


one last thing... you might be causing more stress hormones in your body (which are bad for the baby, too) by worrying so much!!! ask your doctor if there is a way to do any other tests to relieve your general fears about having a healty baby... maybe that is a way to ask the question without having to tell??


best of luck, and please try to not worry!!

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flower99, some doctors will order an amnio or more comprehensive level 2 ultrasounds if they know there are risks of complications.


ahhh...I see (:

I just looked amnio up(cause I had no idea what it was) that is awesome, I didn't know they could do that.

Thanks Avman.


I do agree with Avman's prior post too...None of us are doctors...it's best to talk to one, he'll ease concerns and help....Prayer helps too (;


don't worry you won't be the first to tell them you've done drugs . I'm sure he/she has heard it a number of times before. It's the only way to clear your mind 100% & help your child if it's needed.

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flower99, some doctors will order an amnio or more comprehensive level 2 ultrasounds if they know there are risks of complications.


An amniocentesis itself can cause complications, and is only recommended for older mothers where the risk of birth defects exceeds the risks of the procedure.


The drug most harmful to the fetus is alcohol. Just do a little research about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (Though we're not talking about the odd drink here).


Smoking also causes complications including low birth weight, and the possibility of minor birth defects.


Certain medications may also cause birth defects, so always check warning labels.


As for most other drugs (meth, cocaine, heroin, pot, LSD, etc), there has been little conclusive evidence of problems directly related to those specific drugs --- although there is certainly evidence that many drug abusers/addicts will neglect their health (especially if they are IV drug users), and it is that aspect which has the highest impact on the development of the fetus.


As flower99 said, this isn't a license to use drugs while pregnant -- its still a game of russian roulette, and with illegal street drugs, you are never sure what you are really getting, and what it may be cut with.

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Thanks to everyone who has replied.


I know how bad it was to do those things, but like I said, I was trying to convice myself that I couldn't keep the baby. I know there has been research done on addicts and their drug addicted babies, but I have no idea about the effects of one or two uses.


Ever since then I have taken perfect care of myself. I always eat right, I get plenty of rest, I don't smoke or won't even be around 2nd hand smoke, I don't drink, and I especially don't do any drugs. I even cut out all my caffeine. I try really hard to take care of myself now. It was just those couple times in the very beginning.


I am planning on asking about it at my next dr.'s appointment, but I have chickened out every time so far. It feels much better to have some additional input tho.


I've heard about that amnio test, but I am young and healthy and every test they have done has come back perfect so far so I would hate to request one since there are so many risks for that test already. And you are right, I'm not the first one who has brought it up to them.


I'm finished experimenting with drugs so I will not have to worry about what dangers come from them anymore. I'm going to be a mom now so it's time to grow up.


Even if the dr. says everything is okay, I will probably still worry until I see for myself that my baby is okay.

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Contrary to the advise of other posters, I would discourage you from telling your doctor. If you were still using, then I would say to definitly tell the doctor.


She will offer you any available tests and screening. Take all of them. But remember, there is basically nothing that can be done for the baby when it's inside you. All those tests are only for 2 things:


1. To prepare you for when the baby is born, and

2. To terminate the pregnancy, if there is a problem and you choose this option.


I would also make an appointment with an OB-GYN (go to a drop-in clinic and ask for a referral). Tell her the whole story and get her input on the possible risks and how to proceed.


But I wouldn't tell your primary doctor, because some doctors tend to judge you and may not give the best service.


Also, I smoked pot in the first month of pregnancy. I was told by a doctor that illegal drugs are usually not harmful for the baby as long as you don't do too much for too long.

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Very helpful post. I did some research on this as my quasi-sister-in-law did crack while pregnant. There is some data that suggests smoking during pregnancy is more damaging than crack. SURPRIZING I know. As someguy states, the damage is the neglect of the maternal body, diet, and post pardum, neglect of the child (A REAL ISSUE).


I've read also that days 9-56 post conception (not from the first day of the last menses, but from conception) are huge for development and any drugs consumed during this time may exert the biggest effect on the fetus.


Having said that, I agree the doctor should know.

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As I was saying... my husbands mother used drugs when she was pregnant with him... he is fine....


This argument doesn't mean much. There are people who smoke a pack/day for 40 years and live to be 90. Does that mean smoking is not bad for you?


No, it's not 100% certain that using meth will harm baby. But it's certainly not a good idea.


Either way, the most important thing is to NOT use again, and to not feel guilty or let this stress you out. Be happy, forgive yourself, and take really good care of your body.

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I am saying what happened in my HUSBANDS case.....


I understand and I'm glad he turned out ok!


But I definitly want to stress to the original poster that it's important to cut anything to do with drugs out of your life for good. Whether it's a drug-using partner, friends, whatever.


Kids understand a LOT more than most people give them credit for. My dad was using drugs until he finally overdosed and passed away when I was 4. You would think a 4 year old wouldn't understand what was happening. But I have very clear memories of knowing exactly what was going on. They get it.

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