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Hey thanks guys~ really it means allot! I feel pretty good Camber, not bad at'll...I have so many wonderful people in my life, family, friends~really allot

of "good" to reflect on at 40, it's a good feeling. Like I said, I could not have imagined I would feel this good 6 months ago. I still have bad days, but I know life is so worth living and that there is so so much good to come.


Take good Care~


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Count me in on counting the stars. Might be a bit buzzed but Im in.


Hey Desert! Consider yourself counted in!!!! Not only in watching the stars, but in joining or mini support group here!!! Glad to have ya! Share with us bro, share away!!!!


Maybe we could all form a band called the "Recovering Young Lads" or something like that! I play electric guitar and sing (thus that picture of me in my avatar (not!))




Who else thinks DYT is the best ever?

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You guys are the best. What else could a lady ask for. Wheres the party tonight? I'll bring the Jamaican Rum!


There are some lucky ladies out there who will be blessed to have any one of you in their life. * hugs*


Lone~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY Life begins at 40...yeah, it's creeping up on me too, let me know how it feels...lol


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God I still get seriously depressed some moments. I cant remember a time in the last 5 months when I was really happy. I remember being happy with the ex. We had alot of good times. I have done alot since she left but it doesnt replace her smile or that feeling I had when we were together...despite the fact that there was the stress of the relationship sometimes.


I dont think I will ever find that again.

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Awwwwwwwwww Desert! you have us now!!!! and here's what I told Jonh in a previous post...


"My advice - live for the moment! I used to require everything in my life to be sorted before I could enjoy myself. You have to learn to "compartmentalize" your life. It isn't easy at first, it's actually very forced and feels wrong. I can tell you at first you will merely be going through the motions of "having fun", but I promise you'll learn an almost zen-like approach to this.


So, how do ya do that? Ponder the moment, not yesterday, not tomorrow, not even an hour ago or an hour ahead. Look around you, what do you see? Are there any threats looming within that short peiod of time - doubt it. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo, do something! Put every single other thought out of your head and do something fun, something constructive, what the hell, something naughty! Force yourself to get out of the house and talk to a neighbor, do a good deed, volunteer in a soup kitchen... how 'bout painting over some of those hideous colors she picked out for the house - go on, choose a manly color, something a realator would tell you isn't "neutral enough"!!!! Or, you can always break dishes against the wall - LOL!


What have you ALWAYS wanted to do that you held back on because of her? DO IT! ENJOY IT! Bask in your freedom!!!!!



Push yourself, force yourself. Soon you wil have hours, days, weeks of living for the moment!


Oh, it won't feel right at first, but trust me, it gets better!!!"

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where's the rum?


How's it going Sandyv? Desert? You two a little better today? I didn't

hear from the ex yesterday on my B day. Mixed feelings goin on here. Mostly joy~but there is the little part of me. Well, I don't have to tell you all how it feels, thats the good and bad of this place, you already know.

Desert, you'll feel that kind of happy again, one day you'll be right in the middle of a great smile and it will hit you...I know it will. Same for you Sandyv, hang in there!


where's that rum again?


Thanks for the HB DYT...(that sounds like a Michael Jackson song...oh Lord)

might as well add the PYT...lol


ahemmm... and the rum was....???


Take good care~


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Hello All..


Well, here come the holidays, boy did they get here fast. I have been reading through a lot of the forums posts and noticed that thanksgiving (for the most part) went OK for most people, including myself. However, as Christmas approaches, I'm starting to feel the pressure.


Christmas for me has always been such a happy time, but something will be missing this year. I know my family will do there best to help me through this time, but I can already feel myself slipping.


I'm trying so hard to stay positive, and have been doing better the past week.. but it doesn't seem to be working. The cold air, Christmas décor, foods, smells, gifts, music and all the things that relate to this time of year seem to be doing me in. I find that I avoid places that play Christmas music, and I no longer can watch TV..


Trying not to think of the past at this time is becoming a challenge. I'm not with my wife, and for the first time ever, I just don't want to do Christmas. I realize I miss something that does not exist anymore. I guess it the memories that are hurting me.. I'm ashamed to say this.. and for a little while I thought I was past it but I miss my wife. I'm not sure how I'm going to do this 


I apologize for such a depressing post – Maybe we can come up with some ideas if we put our heads together, to counter these feelings?? Or helpful tips, that maybe have helped in the past? I have a feeling this is the first holiday without them for all of us…



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