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When I was 16 I was raped. Ive accepted it, moved on, gone to therapy, all that jazz. Im healthy and happy.


Although sometimes I do have nightmares, which is unavoidable. I know that its usually because of a trigger, such as stress, being touched the wrong way, seeing someone who resembles him...


lately, I have been under alot of stress, and have been having nightmares almost every night for a week now. I can take it. I understand its part of dealing with a rape, and I know that I can cope and deal with it. Although, Im in a relationship with a man, and this week is the first hes seen me like this. I dont WANT him to see me like this. And I dont want him to have to try and deal with it. Its my rape, and my problem. Not his.


I want to know if anyone knows of anyway that I can stop the nightmares?

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Its been over 10 years for me and I still have them on occasion. I take Ambien to help sleep, when I don't take it, I have a glass of wine to help (red is best for the anti-oxidants). I try relaxing before bed, avoiding any stimulation from TV or radio, I try to picture positive things and keep my focus on happy images. If I wake up to one, I will get a drink of water and calm myself and again try to focus on happy things. It gets easier, I tend to have a variety of good warm thoughts that I like to think about. Things that really warm your heart.

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being touched the wrong way, seeing someone who resembles him...


. I dont WANT him to see me like this. And I dont want him to have to try and deal with it. Its my rape, and my problem. Not his.


I want to know if anyone knows of anyway that I can stop the nightmares?


You need to explain this to him and make him realize that touching you in a certain way triggers it and he can't do that. He is clueless about it right now and needs to know what is ok with you and what is not. This will change as you come to trust him more.


The nightmares will probably haunt you forever if/when triggered and I still have them from time to time when I see a really bad car accident. I saw someone die in 2' in front of me 20+ yrs. ago and it's an experience of helplessness, like you went through, that you can never forget.

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It's normal to have nightmares esp. having undergone such horrible events such as rape, accidents, unwanted things. I think they can even give you pills on it and the nightmares can be reduced. There's always lucid dreaming, meaning you are in charge of your dreams and can control it. I have try this on couple of occasions where I knew I was dreaming while I was still sleeping but change my dreams the way I wanted them to be. In your mind just think that the dream is not really happening that it's not real.


If you have developed trust in your man, you might want to talk about it with him, that way he knows how not to touch you and the real reason you're acting out on it. How long have you been dating him by the way?

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