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my girlfriend and i were doin the dew and she told me it was starting to hurt, like a burning feeling. i was wondering if it was because the lubrcation on the condom wore off. another thing is when i put the condom on it fits nicely without any slipping or anything, but after 5 or 6 minutes during sex it begins to slip off, i also thought that this had to do with lubrication


any ideas or suggestions i would really like some help >,

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The spermicidal lubricant on the condom can irritate the vaginal walls. This does not mean you should not use condoms, but maybe use additional lubricant besides that which comes with the condom to reduce these symptoms.


Yes, your own lubrication can make the condom slip off. If that's a concern, you may want to buy smaller condoms that will increase in size as you, since it will stretch slightly.

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At least two things could cause it to slip off. Your own lubrication, i.e. precum could make it down to the base inside the condom. Once that happeneds the whole thing will slide right off.


Also her lubrication or additional lubrication you applied can make it down to teh base and get it wet. Once again, it slips off. If she is particularly dry, it will slip off because her vaginal walls will grip and hold the condom tightly with little to no lubrication.


Don't put lube down at the base. I have personally also had problems with short condoms. Durex ultra sensitive for example failed on several occasions because the condom was short, I have a lot of precum, and we got lube at the base of the condom. So keep the bottom half dry and lube up the tip and first few inches maybe. Should get rid of the problem I hope. Also, try maybe penetrating only the first 4-5 inches to provide extra assurance that the bottom is bone dry, at least initially so you can get it to where it stays on for awhile. I like a slick lubricant like astroglide applied conservatively (like the size of a few pellets put together) on the tip. Add more only as needed.


If you have a short condom and go in like 5 inches+, she will get the base wet almost everytime if there is lubrication....and it will come right off.

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Far as the hurting goes, sounds like she might not be aroused enough to produce plenty of natural lubrication.

In order for raincoats to stay on you, you have to be dry underneath. So I'd say the conditions are reversed.


Either that or you actually do have a 'SIXPOUNDER'.


Not true, level of arousal has nothing to do with amount of lubrication.

There are many reasons to why there may not be enough, firstly, some women do not produce enough of their own natural lubrication genetically.

secondly if a woman is breastfeeding there may be sort supply of natural lubrication.

SOmething as simple of stress, not enough fluids in a day or on set or off set of period can cause lack of lube.

Personally i have plentyn of natural, but i find after having relations one night, i will have less the next morning if i were to go again.


I think arousal has the least to do with it in many cases. I wouldnt worry there.

Using a condom causes heat friction, thereforeeee it can dry up natural or artifical lubricant much faster than without a condom, so my advice is to keep using condoms (my hats off to you) and lube, just use lots of it.


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Latex can really irritate some women....I've heard that a solution to that might be to try sheepskin condoms....


keep in mind sheepskin can also irritate (personally allergic) and they are not as effective as latex. If you were to go with the sheep skin route, use additional spermicidal jelly, birth control all of it

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