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Dumb but BODY HEAT causing some issues


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My girlfriend tells me that when we cuddle or even holding hands that I get so warm that she needs to move away. She says that I radiate a lot of heat and I do but I never realized how warm I get. I know part of it is because I am getting horny but there's gotta be other reasons too, lol.


I know this sounds dumb but sometimes when she does move away like that and I feel like crap just because I want to be be cuddling with her. This obviously puts a damper on things progressing for the night.



Again with the risk of sounding dumb is there anything I can do or has anyone else faced this issue with their gf/bf?

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I have the same problem. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about it. In Winter, we are great people to have in the bed, but in the warmer months, it becomes a little harder. The only thing I have found that works even a little bit is having your feet and/or legs out of the blankets. Because we loose most of our body heat through either our feet or our head, it makes a little bit of difference. I love cuddling up to my BF, but I do know that I tend to heat up quicker in bed than he does. He calls me his little portable heater. As I say, try cuddling up to her, but keep your feet out of the blankets. It helps me a bit, so hopefully it wokrs for you too.


Good Luck! Keep us posted!

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This is a classic sign that she is losing interest in you. This is a trend you should notice that keeps happening to you over and over again, girls thinking up excuses to not be closer to you, spend time away from you. You're going to have to change your views/actions or else this will keep happening to you in the future leading to lots of break ups and/or cheating.

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Is this a recent thing?


If it is, it could be a "excuse" not to be close. My ex did that to me too, I am the "hot body" generally as due to my exercise routine I have a fast metabolism, and it was fine for a while, but when he started losing interest in me, it bothered him even more and he would move away from me!


In my current relationship, we both seem to take turns having the "hot body" but even if we both are very warm, we still want to BE with each other, so we adjust with less blankets or poking a foot out, or with less clothing .


I think you have to look at it amongst other things, if she does seem to be bothered by it, and has to step back for a few minutes to cool down but then is happy cuddling again...then maybe she really just does feel too hot and needs to cool off. But if she seems to use it to avoid cuddling, and there are other changes in her actions towards you...it may be a sign of something larger.

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physically suffocated...


That's similar to what she said. I dunno why people are getting down my throat about this being an excuse. I know it's not a an excuse, I know I am warm, I was just looking to see if others have experienced this.


HELLOLADIES21 please stop responding to my posts. You are extremly negative about your suggestions. You don't know who I am with and what exactly is going on so I would appreciate it if you would stop acting like I have nothing good going on.

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I get really hot when I cuddle with someone else. It doesn't usually bother me too much unless I'm trying to sleep. My ex gf and I would adjust by holding hands, or having our hand on each others backs or legs. We adjusted.


If you have a fast metabolism, which you probably do because you are a guy and 22 yrs old, plus guys have more muscle mass which gives off more heat, then your gf may be getting hot. However, if this is a recent thing like RayKay mentioned then it may be an excuse not to be close.

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The thought of it being an "outside" issue, never even occurred to me... My Bf and I do all of the above, just adjust. eg, the foot and/or leg out of the blanket, or holding hands or just touching even a little bit.


I wouldn't think it was something to do with something else. Maybe she just gets uncomfortable when she is too hot?

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I am the hot body ( or used to be before i got sick )... my ex hubbie would totally freak out and move to the couch when i would go red nova on him. He said it was like sleeping next to a live coal. My resting temp used to average about 100.5, and those 2 degrees make a big difference.


If you are sure in your relationship, don't use this to start reading things into all of your gfs habits, just take each day as it comes and maybe install a ceiling fan or something...



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I think this is a pretty common problem. Someone is always either too hot or too cold. I don't think there is much you can do about it if your body gives off too much heat.


There are manufacturers out there now catering to this with doonas that are thick on one side and thinner on the other and even electric blankets that have different heat on each side.


Don't know how helpful they are.

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I guess I am lucky, I am the "hot body" type, and my girlfriend is the "icy cold" type, so for us wanting to cuddle is never a problem. I think just as they said above that you should just adjust blankets, use a fan or AC, whatever, but I definitely do not think its an excuse..

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HELLOLADIES21 please stop responding to my posts. You are extremly negative about your suggestions. You don't know who I am with and what exactly is going on so I would appreciate it if you would stop acting like I have nothing good going on.

I'm sorry my friend, but I cannot lie to you or give you a false impression of the situation. The reason it's coming out bad from me is because it's bad and I'd like to give you the way to correct it because I used to make the same mistakes and got the same reactions and ignored the same signs. And as soon as I fixed them, things started turning out differently.


I hate seeing people break up, I hate seeing people in unhappy relationships. I don't know it all, but I do know your situation and the way to interpret things and fix them. You are very much in control of the way your situation plays out and it's up to you on how you wanna handle it, but please don't blame me because your chick shows you these negative signs, I'm only telling you what they mean.

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I'm sorry my friend, but I cannot lie to you or give you a false impression of the situation. The reason it's coming out bad from me is because it's bad and I'd like to give you the way to correct it because I used to make the same mistakes and got the same reactions and ignored the same signs. And as soon as I fixed them, things started turning out differently.


I hate seeing people break up, I hate seeing people in unhappy relationships. I don't know it all, but I do know your situation and the way to interpret things and fix them. You are very much in control of the way your situation plays out and it's up to you on how you wanna handle it, but please don't blame me because your chick shows you these negative signs, I'm only telling you what they mean.



No just because she pulls away doesnt mean she doesnt like them anymore, i found my ex bf really hot and i had to pull away sometimes, but when we were in the shower or water we could stay cuddleing and that didnt mean i was trying to get away from him because i had lost interest in him, only did it coz of the HEAT

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I love to cuddle with a nice warm boy. I'm always cold. My ex used to get too warm from me cuddling up to him. Then I would put my ice cold feet between his thighs and he would scream!


It is possible that she just doesn't like the warmth. Get a portable fan and see what happens. If she still does it, then you know there are deeper issues.

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Normally my and b/f start out in spoon position to sleep, give it 10 mins and I'm "right that's enough go to your own side, I'm burning up", my b/f lets off so much body heat, I cannot last long near him. There is no offence taken by him, and don't let it worry you. I also feel very claustraphobic when he's too hot, I hate being too hot.


I use the feet sticking out, but I always have slept like that, so for me it's like an extra heater in the bed, that I have to get away from.


In summer this year, we didn't cuddle once during the heatwave, we would wave goodnight to each other accross the bed, and see each other in the morning...


At least like my b/f, you are very handy when it's freezing, even if it is only for 10 mins, just to warm up. And...I don't have to wear anything in bed, which is great cos I hate nightclothes!


Don't worry anyway, or if worse comes to worse, you could always just wander around butt naked...lol


Helen x

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