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Why do men have high respect for Porn Stars yet frown on sexually active women?


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Something I have noticed and have wondered about. I notice alot of guys including my ex have high regard and admiration for Porn Stars such as Jenna Jameson, Tera Petrick, etc. These women have countless sex on film with anyone and will do anything sexual like gang bangs with 20+ men. Yet I hear guys have talk about them with alot of respect for these women and see them as godesses, alot of guys in entertainment date and marry them..


Yet the same men will call a regular girl who sleeps the worst names,, the S and W word etc and would never date them and look down on them and make fun of their sexual looseness.


So can someone please explain this to me?

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You are confusing "respect" with "desire"... They don't respect these women any more than they respect sexually active "regular" women. And even when these women DO date and get married, they usually get very badly hurt as well because of the lack of respect. It's not something readily seen outside of the industry, but the BIGGEST challenge these women face in life usually ends up being finding "the one" who DOES want to seriously marry her (not for publicity) and take her home to meet his parents, so to speak.

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Well I have heard guys I know talk of them with alot of respect and admiration yet on the same note make fun and trash regular girls who have sex.

To me its a double standard and I never understood it.


Yeah agreed, it's a double standard...not just for comparing porn models to other women, but the idea that men = have as much sex as they want, and get praised for it, and women = having too much sex gets you labeled, and makes you frowned on. It's a stupid standard that most people think this way...it takes two people to have sex(at least), and every time it happens with others you both gain one more partner, a guy is no more or less than a girl when it comes to having sex.

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I used to watch alot of porn. I would NEVER, EVER date one, but I did like to watch them. I don't respect them, I think they are filthy. I just liked to watch it, because well... I'm sure you get the point. I wouldn't date a girl who "sleeps around" or has a history of it either. Why? Because she's filthy. I don't want to be where 20 other guys have.

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it isnt respect. you are assuming.

If you ask thouse guy if they really want these women as wives, you will get a different answer.(unless these guys are low ultity goods then they are not worth knowing)


So a guy that actually treats a "very sexually active" girl with decency and respect is "low ultity goods"? Is it really women that look down on these women and also look down on men who won't treat them like crap? Are women the actual source of these double standards?

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Firstly, my sexual life will never be held down in case some male has a low opinion of me. I will never look down on anyone else for their sexual history.


Secondly, the men don't respect these women because they are not real to them, they are fantasies and thereforeeee don't get the normal "rules" applied to them.

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