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not to sure what to do, please answer my ?

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ok so i've been talking to this girl throu myspace, and i'm sure alota u kno waht that is or heard about it, but she sent me a message and said she'd write me back when i responded and she didnt, so i waited a day and sent her another message and she ahsnt even looked at it yet, and it's been 3 days now, and i wanna get this girls number and ask her to go sumwhere with me, but if we're not talking thro these mesages i cant ask to call her and she said shes kinda busy with work soo don't expect a message everyday, and thats fine, but she's been online twice while i was on and i watched and she never responded =( and soo should i just wait a while or should i send another message, i don't wanna seem like stalker/needy by keep sending messages, but i wanna get to her before any other guy that may like her. soo any response will be helpful.

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Can you explain how it could be negative. Please support you answers. Thanks.


Simply put, I think a majority of girls don't like desperate guys. There are plenty of examples and opinions on this site as to why this is.... gives off a vibe that the guy is needy, clingy, overbearing, etc.

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ya i deffinately don't wanna be that, it's been 5 days and no response so i messaged ehr just to see how she was and she hasnt gotten on today yet to check it, so hopefully i'll get a response and then take it from there, should i ask for a number next time i send a message or wait a lil while?

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well she responded to my message but and at the end said "i'll tty soon i hope..." soo i responded and she hasnt responded back, and she hasn't even read the message yet, isk whats goin on, but it's not like shes avoiding me or else she wouldn't respond she is pretty busy cas she works plays soccer and soo ya shes real busy soo idk it could just be that... but who knows, one of ehr friend i've been talkin to is gunna try and talk to her some for me and see if shes single and all that stuff, i think shes is but we'll see, thanks for all the help.

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