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A question for those who use Mascara !


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Hey everyone. I just wanted to know if those of you who use mascara everyday lose a lot of lashes in the process? I really like the mascara i am using now, but i find that my lashes are actually a bit shorter now - i think that the mascara is causing breakage. i was just wondering how you guys deal with this - are there any mascara formulas that keep your lashes soft without drying them out? The kind that i use is really smoothe, so it really surprised me to see that it's causing breakage Any suggestions? What kind of mascaras work well for you? thanks


more info: ive already read that water-proof mascaras can be overly drying or hard to remove, but the kind that i use is regular. so i guess its not a waterproof issue - and also, i never tug at my lashes when i am removing the mascara - i just wash my face and it comes off pretty easily

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I agree, don't use waterproof. When I wash my face I am extreemely gentle with the eye area. I don't want to be too rough on my lashes or the skin around my eyes. If I've been wearing any eye makeup I always use makeup remover.


I use Maybeline Full and Soft. It works great and it has a conditioner in it.

I also apply Double Lash to my lashes before bed. Its a conditioner as well and helps to promote lash regrowth and thickness. I've used it for about a year and it works.

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do you curl your eyelashes AFTER mascara? that may be causing breakage.


the mascara in the pink and green bottle from maybelline is a very good one. been around forever, and it one of the most popular ones.


definitely, be gentle when wiping away your mascara. use special eye-makeup remover.


and no, my lashes don't break on a normal day to day basis.


are your hair and skin not so good either? maybe it's your diet?

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hi thanks for your replies so far. The thing is, I don't curl my lashes after i apply mascara, ive read that its not a good idea. So i curl them before applying mascara. And even then, i dont hold the curler in place for too long. Also, I eat well so i dont think that its about my diet. i never use remover - because water and cleanser seems to work well enough. But, like i said, i dont tug at the lashes, i just wash normally. So, im really confoosed :S

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Have you tried going on again off again with the mascara to see if that has an affect? As in, go a few days without make-up in a week.


Are you fair/have thin hair and eyelashes? Perhaps you do not create as many natural oils to moisturize your lashes naturally. Giving your lashes regular breaks, and even if you want to go far with it, using a conditioner for lashes (yes, this exists! lol) might do the trick.

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Hi there,


I take perfectil (for hair, nails and skin, which has biotin). I also put a thin coat of vaseline on my eyelashes at night occasionally, which does make them grow longer and thicker. But I'm not at all allergic to this, I think a lot of people are, so be careful with that one.


I've been using mascara for over 20 years (since I was 14!) every day, and my eyelashes are just fine. Change your mascara every three months, and be careful how you take it off.



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There's one I use, MaxFactor or something- it has plastic, yellow brush, goes on really light and natural. I've never had problems with eyelashes breaking but my sister does and says this stuff works better. The bristles are much gentler.


the mascara in the pink and green bottle from maybelline is a very good one. been around forever, and it one of the most popular ones.


haha...I think every woman in my family uses this. Good stuff.

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thanks guys. Hmm, well, i think the first thing i want to try is switching mascaras. I dont mind having one more anyway lol. I think i will try one that has a conditioner in it. Also, maybe i will start using remover as well. I never really saw the point in remover, since many mascaras say that you can simply wash the product off with soap and water - but i may try it anyway. I dont know if i will purchase any sort of lengthening product - im very confused about them, and also, about where to get them - and how expensive they might be. I have actually tried applying vaseline to my lashes at night, but i find that my eye lids become a bit irritated when i do this - maybe its just my imagination - but it doesnt feel totally comfortable - and i dont apply a lot - or go too close to the eye lids. Oh well, i will try a new mascara - and see what happens. I love the one i have now, because it was one of the only ones that never irritated my eyes. but anywho, i will try to be optimistic about the next mascara and let u know how it goes lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe, i know, not the most exciting thread, but anyway, here is my little update: I started using eye makeup remover, and my lashes seem to be growing back! I guess using a gentle remover is very helpful and it seems to be preventing breakage while removing the mascara I have one with pro-vitamin b5 in it, and i dont know if that makes much of a difference in general, but at least, my lashes aren't breaking like they were before.

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the mascara in the pink and green bottle from maybelline is a very good one. been around forever, and it one of the most popular ones.


Yep, that one is DEFINITELY the best. I've been around the mascara block a few times and I always go back to that one. It's awesome.


your lashes could just be suffering from winter dryness that gets the rest of your body and hair with the change in seasons. Try moisturizing your lashes somehow (you can buy lash conditioners). If you want to save money, you could even try the same conditioner on your hair, REALLY gently on your lashes so you dont get any in your eyes!


good luck

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