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What are your priorites in dating?


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I am interested to know what your priorites are? I am still learning alot about dating after being in two LONG term relationships and a few short term relationships.


From what I have learned from them, my priorities are:


1. Honesty

2. Must respect me and others

3. Conservation flowing (even if its talking about getting new curtains)

4. Sense of humor

5. listening/paying attention

6. Non smoker

7. Chemistry and mutual attraction

8. Treat me right



My last ex told me that kissing is HIGH on his priority and I think that is shallow. Just my opinion.

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I may be picky but:


She MUST be:


Non-drug user

Kind & understanding


Treat others with respect

Honest from the beginning


Can take care of herself


Financially responsible

Very romantic

Believe in marriage

Good sense of humor


Compatibility in:

Emotional needs


Personal habits

Life long goals


Bonus if she:

Loves sports

Loves animals

Passionate about cooking & food


Passionate & outgoing

Fun loving


With that said, physical attraction, it is important to a certain extend for me but it wouldn't also make me happy. I also don't look for the 'hottest' or 'prettiest' girls but believe a woman's beauty truly comes from within.

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What if you fall in love with a smoker? Can you really help who you fall in love with? Priorities are for when you are seeking out someone... I think sometimes though, you fall into someone. If I was actively seeking to be with someone I would want them to be: honest, easy going, forgiving, able to start up an intelligent conversation with the intention of me answering intelligently (just bc I have blond hair doesn't make me stupid), able to give up bad habits if things get serious... bad habits being: porn, drug use, strip clubs, slutty friends that are girls, guys that want him to do bad things... If a guy hits a girl, that should be end of relationship, there is no won't do it again... cheating can be forgiven up to a point... like once... if you are going to promise to be faithful, be faithful... partying of any kind should be done together!!! Then, there are no trust issues!

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The simplest solution to not end up "falling" in love with a smoker is to not date a smoker. If you don't see the person regularly in a romantic context, how would you end up "falling" in love with them?


Can you help who you fall in love with? Of course. Just limit the amount of time you spend with that person. People don't just wake up one day and "love" another person. It takes time and work.

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