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weight gain


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I have gained 23 lbs and I am barely 5 months along.

The worst part is that I'm not even showing. When I tell people I'm expecting, they say they would have never guessed.

I was 117lbs originally, and now I'm 140. I eat healthy (okay, I eat alot, but it's not junk food. It's whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies) and I walk and swim regularily.

Can anyone else relate? Has anyone else gained this enormous amount of weight in such a short time? I'm scared that I'll gain another 25lbs and I want to be a sexy pregnant lady, not a big huge scary pregnant lady.

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Women gain different amounts of weight. It could be a lot of water retention or it could be your body recognizing you were too small to sustain yourself and a baby. It only matters that you are eating right and taking pre-natal vitamins and doing moderate exercise. Your doctor will be the best person to talk to, although some of them can be crazy about women only gaining 20lbs and if you go over they put you on horrible diets.

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My doctor is funny. She is my age and she just laughs at me when I freak out over the results from my regular weigh-ins.


It's not a health risk so far, since i'm still a normal healthy weight.


But it's depressing.

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Here's a horror story for you, Amber. A couple months before I got pregnant with my son, I was 119. The day I was induced, I was 174.


I looked terrible. We all want to be that sexy pregnant soon to be momma but it just doesn't work for us all. When I had my daughter, I gained much less weight and carried the weight even better.


Just be careful - - - - Make sure you continue to eat a healthy diet and don't fret about the weight. You'll lose it after you have your baby.

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How tall are you?


It's normal and healthy to gain up to 40lbs with a pregnancy, and even more if you were on the thin side to begin with. As long as you are eating healthy and exercising, try not to worry about the extra pounds. Your body is telling you that it needs this to nourish you and the baby.

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At 5'6" and 117 before you got pregnant, your BMI was 18.9 which is just shy of being underweight (18.5). It sounds like your body needed the extra calories to support the baby and you.


link removed


Since you mentioned that you eat very healthy and exercise I wouldnt worry too much about it, sounds as though you are on the right track!

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I'm feeling much better now for 3 reasons:


1. My belly is growing so I'm starting to look like a real pregnant lady instead of a thin girl with a big beer belly.


2. I weighed myself again and this time the scale said 135 - 5 lbs less than the previous scale.


3. The father of my child is totally pregnant too - he's gained more weight than I have! Hahahaha. I love it.

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RU still dating the father of your child? Too funny. Robert is gaining as well, but we will be starting a strict exercise program. I am fairly athletic anyway and am noticing muscle atrophy in my legs and replacement by fat. I really am sick of the restless leg syndrome and feel like it's more a symptom of sedentary lifestyle than anything. I am going to start cautiously working out three - five times a week for 45 minutes, NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT, but to maintain stamina, strength, and a positive attitude about this. I'm almost 18 weeks and am really starting to see the belly poke out. It's sloppy looking and hardly sexy.

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Hope, any range of healthy BMI's for pregnancy? At my current weight, mine is 23.5. Sounds a bit scary to me.


They say that you should gain between 25-35 lbs during pregnancy. So I would assume you could add about 35 or 45 lbs to the non-pregnant calculation of BMI? Just a guess.

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RU still dating the father of your child?


I have no idea. I've given up trying to define it.


Technically we are not committed. But we are still super-close (I stayed with him last week when I was in Alberta) and we plan to live together once baby is born (I've demanded that he take care of the kid while I'm at work after mat leave because I don't want it to go in daycare full-time. He's excited about it.) So how is that not committed? I've got to be the most confused person on the planet.


I'm almost 18 weeks and am really starting to see the belly poke out. It's sloppy looking and hardly sexy.


It's totally sloppy looking. Most women endure that phase for a couple of weeks. Mine lasted 2 months. Ugh. But I'm finally looking pregnant, and lovin' it!


I'm going to start prenatal YOGA classes soon, but I will keep eating as much as before. Not only is it good for both of us, but it's really fun. Mmmm... food.


Good luck with your efforts to stay a hot mamma.

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Hey BTR, I love the link, if only because it helps me see that I'm not that bad off. I initially lost 6 pounds solid and now have gained from my low pregnancy weight ten pounds. So my net gain is about right, but stillnot quite ten due to the initial weight loss. THANKS!


Hazy I think it's great that you guys are working together and trying to sort out responsibilities. He sounds like a decent guy, really! Robert is really being sweet also and I think he's excited too!!! Well, I know he is.


My stomach is upsetting me. It wouldn't bother me so much if my confidence didn't ride on it so much. I mean, I've always had a flat tummy and was pretty ripped and now, when I see myself in the mirror, I just feel soooo frumpy! I'm 6'0" and I feel FRUMPY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Looking forward to being obviously preggo!!!

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Don't get too discouraged hazy amber. Give yourself 9 months to lose the weight when your done (thats how long it takes to gain it!). Its a realistic goal. I talked to one of my friends who has a 5 year old today. She is super thin, probably 5 8 and maybe 120 lbs. She said she was 170 after she got home from having the baby! She has always been thin, and just hit the gym right away after having the baby, stuck to an excersise/diet plan, and it was all good. Good luck baby!



11 weeks

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I weigh 183 and still have 39 more days to go.


There. I admitted it. I feel fat.


I miss being the 118 I was before having my 2nd baby.


At 5'2" Im just a short fat pregnant woman that needs a crane to get in and out of bed lately! =-(


Don't be so hard on yourself SouthernGirl!


You will have had two babies in as many years... that is quite a feat! (and quite a task for your body!)

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I've been super paranoid about my weight this past month because my doctor acted like I *might* have been gaining a little too much weight (this was at my second prenatal visit w/her), so I've been SUPER careful. I have been weighing myself every morning, and pretty happy with the results. Not too much weight gain all at once.


Today's my doctor's appointment. I woke up and weighed myself, like always, but I gained FIVE pounds in ONE DAY. And of course I'm getting weighed today.


Nothing works, even if I do EVERYTHING right!


Bring me the oreo's...

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BTR, you are so great!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! So let me tell you, last Friday night I ate out at an authentico mexican restaurante' and the next day I was seven pounds heavier. I got on the scale at the gym and swore it had to be broken. My butt feels big and my body feels clumsy all of a sudden so I am going to have to tighten the reigns a bit on the diet. I am really letting myself go apparently. The good news, however, is that on Monday, I was five pounds lighter than that heavy Saturday weight, but by a different scale. So I may need to just go back to the gym I usually frequent and get regular measurements. VERY ALARMING!!! I'm 18 weeks and ... some days and if my Saturday weight is accurate, I have gained a net 16 pounds. Fortunately, I think I was carrying bloat from salt (which I can pack like a sardine) so I think I am prolly more like 12-13 pounds above (still too much). This balance beam is annoying. I'm certain to fall off.

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It's SO FRUSTRATING!!!!! What the heck? How can it just change like that?!?! I'm glad I'm not the only one though...


I've always worried about weight, but at my normal non-pregnant state, I could fluctuate 10 pounds like it was nothing.


Now apparently that's not the case. I'm 27 weeks and I've gained 25 pounds. I still have THREE MONTHS to go.


Every week I read about what my body's supposed to be going through, and it said something like "now you'll be packing on the pounds" so I guess this was the time I was supposed to be gaining the most. Not before, like I did. *sigh*


It sucks because I haven't even been indulging as much as I'd like to be. I've been watching what I eat...lots of fruits and veggies...but now? Forget it.

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My midwife has been real nice about my weight gain. She makes me feel normal again! (I weighed myself again - 20 lbs at 21 weeks. Not SO bad, I figure.)


She says that as long as you weren't obese or anorexic before, then weight gain is basically a non-issue.


She also said I have some of the strongest stomach muscles she's ever seen and that I am in great shape. Felt so good to hear that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay sorry guys...but I'm freaking out a little.


I am gaining SO much weight. It doesn't look like it, and my clothes still fit and everything, but GEEZ. The numbers on the scale just do NOT make sense.


The ONLY time I have eaten a little much was on Thanksgiving...I DON'T GET IT. How can I be gaining so much?? My doctors tell me I am gaining a whole lot and told me to cut the carbs...so I thought I did. I only drink water, I eat really well and not even as much as I was before I was pregnant...I'm stressing.


What can happen if you gain TOO much weight?

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SOme people hold a lot more water when they are pregnant and don't worry, you're gaining it fast and you'll lose it fast. COnsider exercising a bit if that's inline with their advice. I think as long as you are monitoring your intake and following their orders, you'll be OK. That baby may have you holding onto more water than usual. Are you eating lots of salt?

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