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he has a new girlfriend....oh god it still hurts

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ahhhh i found out today that my ex has a new girlfriend.


We did break up a year ago and i know it is time to move on.....but it still hurts just so so much.


I just dont understand how you can walk away from someone and never look back?


I miss him so much, i still want him back, i just dont know what to do.


how how how?? we split up because he cheated on me, im just so gutted, nothing i ever did was good enough for him, now ive just been replaced and i bet she is perfect.


i cant bear the thought of him being intimate with someone else, i feel so sick....again. im going to be alone for the rest of my life, i know i will never trust anyone again.

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First of all, you should never blame yourself for your significant other cheating on you. There is NO excuse for it. There is no right in cheating.


You need to realize that you do deserve better than that.


As much as it hurts, you should be glad he is not your problem anymore. Unfortunately for this new girl, he's just going to leave her or cheat on her when something "better" comes along.


You will learn to trust again. Not every guy cheats. There are great guys out there, you just have to respect yourself enough to not put up with anything less than a caring and respectful guy.

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im going to be alone for the rest of my life, i know i will never trust anyone again.


I am a big believer that we choose our own life path in most respects. That what happens is not what we "want" but what we BELIEVE. And well, as long as you believe that negative statement above..you are going to find yourself living that way and creating your own self fulfilling prophecy.


It's a shame, because there are many many great men out there whom are deserving of trust, love, respect whom will give the same in return...and you are never going to meet them as long as you close yourself off this way because of one guy whom turned out to be a total schmuck.


So he moved on...good for him. She probably is NOT perfect, because no one is, but regardless whether they are good together or not is totally irrelevant to YOU at this point. He cheated, proved himself to be a jerk, and thereforeeee you should be focused on moving on and living a life you DO deserve, and meeting someone you DO deserve...because it sure is not somone with so little respect and care.

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The fact that nothing you did was ever good enough for him...is NOT your fault.

IT's his.

Try looking at this with a different perspective.

The poor *** will never be satisfied. he's got problems of his own which inhibit him from every appreciating things in life & people. It's sad. He shouldn't be desired, more so pitied. He's going to live a hard life, causeing pain & living in pain.... till he makes the decision to seriously change his life.


Meaning- you are far better off without him. You have a future with someone else. You WILL get over this. It's hard, but not impossible by any means.

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