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Women, what's your opinion on the 1 night stand?

Box Diver

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Im a virgin and Im saving myself for marriage or love... If I wasnt a virgin and I really lusted after someone I rekon I would hehe *blushes*


There are chances of getting ugly diseases and all, but if theres proper protection then thats that!


I dont really see one night stands as a big issue. hehe

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I have once and that was last year, and my first time, because i was depressed and the guy made me feel loved, i dont regret what i done there is no point in regreting everything. And if i am single i would do it again maybe it depends on the person really

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Would you ever do it? No.

Have you ever done it? No.


What would be the circumstances for you to do it? None - at least not with my consent.


Why? Because I have no interest in being intimate with a stranger - no matter who he is. I also know that it is inconsistent with my sense of values, self-esteem, etc but the main reason is - no interest. I think many people who do, don't intend it to be a one night stand or pretend a one nighter is ok or reinvent history later with "but he said it wasn't just sex!" etc.

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Would you ever do it? Ofcourse

Have you ever done it? Twice with regular sex, many times with oral sex (possibly 10?) I've had many that would have been ONS's but they turned into friends with benefits. I had one relationship come out of what could have been a ONS (3 years).


What would be the circumstances for you to do it? Generally I need to have been drinking. I need to find the person attractive. I need to be horny. That's pretty much it. I have no issues with ONS's.

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Would you ever do it?

Have you ever done it?


What would be the circumstances for you to do it?


Just curious...


Would i ever do it? Hell yes!


Have i ever done it? Hell yes - lots of times


Circumstances - horny. wanted unemotional sex....just wanted the sex.


I don't have tons of 1 night stands but in my younger days i did.


I never thought there was anything wrong with it- and still don't.


I don't shout about it. I always practise safe sex.


They are great fun....!!


These days i have sex buddies...so don't do the 1 nighters....not to say i wouldn't if someone took my fancy thou



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Would you ever do it? No.

Have you ever done it? No.


What would be the circumstances for you to do it? Can't think of any circumstances for me to do it


Why? Because it does not match my value system. I am 'guilty' of associating love with sex. To have sex with someone, I need to feel special and loved. In addition, if I saw the person I had a one night stand with another romantic interest, that would kill me. I would be thinking why is he with her and not me? I just gave him EVERYTHING of myself. I'd personally feel cheap and used. Like I was just a human receptacle/hole. Then I see myself get obsessed and turning into a Glenn Close from that movie Fatal Attraction. I imagine that feeling would be horrendous for me to feel and I don't feel the desire to feel that way.

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Would you ever do it?




Have you ever done it?


What would be the circumstances for you to do it?
Right now I would probably only do so if I was threatened with death/a lot of pain unless I went ahead with it. I've just never had the desire to want to sleep with a stranger and sex for me has more value than simply a bit of pleasure. The emotional part of it is very important to me.


Some people say you can't tell whether you want it or not unless you go ahead and have a one-night stand, but you only have to get a taste of it to know you don't want it. I'm sure plenty of people who've been slapped before can figure out that getting hit by a massive hard car travelling one hundred times faster than a small soft hand would be far more undesirable. On the other hand, for people who can enjoy one-night stands it would be more like tasting a strawberry and realising they would more likely than not love to eat a big, creamy strawberry cheesecake. Hugging, kissing and sitting in the lap of a near-stranger compared to someone they love is very different for most people. For those who like one-night stands it probably feels great, fun and exciting and there are no negative feelings creeping in. For those who dislike one-night stands they would probably feel guilty, regretful and perhaps even stupid for allowing themselves to get into such a situation.

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At this point in my life, no. There are too many sti's out there, and even condoms don't protect against all of them. Then there's the risk of the condom breaking.. I wouldn't unless I knew the person. But then is it really a one night stand?


A few years ago I would have, and did, and enjoyed it, and didn't feel the least bit cheap. Knowing that I haven't picked up any sti's, I am glad that I had those experiences. (If i was walking around with HIV I might feel differently!)


I've just had too many friends who have contacted sti's.. hiv, herpes, hpv. It hits home when it happens to someone you know.

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