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really STUPID questiopn!! hehehe

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Yes, it makes a difference because you could've been sitting on the couch eating pizza and gaining weight or clogging your arteries. Instead, even though 2 days might not seem like a lot, they are 2 steps towards toning up/losing weight. If you keep postponing those 2 days, you end up never doing anything. Stick to it. Keep working out, don't give up. If you never take those first steps how do you expect to get to the finish line, or even the midpoint?

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Working out two days in a row won't reap drastic results, obviously (unless done in an extremely unhealthy manner), but I would be willing to bet that after those two days, you will look back and say, I'm glad I did that, I feel better.


Do it, but don't go overboard.

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Working out two days in a row won't reap drastic results, obviously (unless done in an extremely unhealthy manner), but I would be willing to bet that after those two days, you will look back and say, I'm glad I did that, I feel better.


Do it, but don't go overboard.


I agree with him too... Don't try doing something crazy that'll only hurt yourself.

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It won't do much noticeably to your body, but it will help you work off the nervous energy you feel waiting for your BF to come.

lol. that's EXACTLY why I wanted to know this!! he'll be here in 3 days and I haven't worked out in like over a week, so I was wondering if working out tomorow and friday would get me a little more toned up for when he comes saturday!

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No, working out for two days def won't make a difference on your body. People loose weight and get toned over a span of time of couple of months. But I think it will make you feel better about yourself psychologically though. I feel a lot better about myself each time after I work out! Also, you should keep this up . . . don't work out just because your bf is coming, you should do it for yourself.

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Stinkweed. What in the hell is your avatar!?


Hahaha! Man this really made my day. Seriously, I just laughed out loud when I read this. My avatar's just me listening to music... NOT!! I dunno, I got into the whole halloween theme so I just got that picture of that zombie from the day of the dead movie. You know that one "smart" zombie, Bub? Well that's him, lol. So I thought it was funny cause he was listening to music with that gesture on his face. I could go on and on about why I chose this avatar, I guess, lol. But in a nutshell: I found it pretty darn funny.


Sorry, to the original poster, for strayin out of topic here.

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Well, you certainly won't be gaining any weight. And you feel better about yourself when you know you didn't just sit on your *** all day. And yes, your nerves will be calmed with exercise. I know if I'm feeling stressed out running can really help me sort out my thoughts. It's also good to drink lots of water- makes your complexion really healthy looking cause all the toxins are being flushed from your body.


My avatar's just me listening to music...



sexy...wanna go out sometime?


lol, it really looks freaky, I've never seen that movie so I was wondering what it was too.

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