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Girlfriend in College


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My girlfriend is a freshman in college, and I'm still in high school. She is actually still close to where I live, so I get to see her about once a week.


The problem is, the Summer before she left we spent almost every single day together. Now that she's in college we aren't able to see eachother as much, but not only that, we don't even get to to talk to eachother as much either.


Whenever we do talk, all we can both do is complain about how terrible life is without eachother.


But the worst part is that I'm just no longer a big part of her life. I don't mean that as in she doesn't love me. We both love eachother more than everything. But I'm inable to help her with her problems, and she's dealing with that a lot better than I am. I feel useless to her, even though she constantly reassures me that I'm not. I want to change the way I feel, but I just don't know how to do that. I'm very emotionally stressed. We both are. She has a lot more stress than I do. She's constantly working on schoolwork, while at the same time trying to balance out keeping me happy and hanging out with her friends. I feel terrible knowing that I'm only making things harder for her by feeling terrible. Her stress has gotten to a point where even though I feel terrible, she's too stressed out to even help me.


I guess all I'm trying to ask is, how am I supposed to help her, and how am I supposed to stop feeling terrible?

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Stop feeling sorry for yourself or her. She's in college. Once you get to college, you'll know. She may love you....but no matter what she says....she's not having a bad time at college. Unless she's double majoring in something really hard....she's not stressed. Freshman year of college is review of high school and a lot of free time.


You need to be a man. She loves you for who you are....but you can't be so soft. The girl in the relationship should not be expected to "help" the guy with his emotions.


She doesn't need help either.


Visit her when you can....other than that...live your life.

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Unless she's double majoring in something really hard....she's not stressed. Freshman year of college is review of high school and a lot of free time.

Not always, unless you chose a cupcake major freshmen year can suck. And if she's upset about not seeing him it can only add to the stress, now add being home sick, needing to make new friends, adjusting to a new setting, relearning how to study, people who don't care if you learn, lots of new things, no one really there to help you, the list goes on as to what all could be stressing her.


College isn't always a party, if she's really using her time to make a go at a career its going to be a lot of work and you might not be the top priority any more.

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